2013年9月23日 星期一






(1) 3天來,口腔溫度從攝氏376分,一直升到攝氏40度。

The temperature has risen steadily from 37.6°C to 40°C orally over the past 3 days.

發燒 become feverish; have a temperature

發高燒 have a high fever

平常有微熱,有幾次升到38.4 have low grade (slight) fever to 38.4°C on a few occasions

沒有發燒 be afebrile; have no fever


He ran a febrile course with an average temperature of 39°C.


He was obliguric and feverish (febrile) throughout the course.


體溫上升 have an elevation of temperature

發高燒伴隨惡寒 have high temp. associated with chill

體溫升升,有惡寒 have chills with high temperature

ex1: 體溫升到攝氏392,腹部也明顯地膨脹了起來。

The temp. rose( went up ) to 39.2°C and the abdominal distension became marked.


The oral temp. was elevated to 37.8°C during the past 8 days, but thereafter remained below 37.2°C.

(2) 大約在4月底,他的體溫,自然地降到攝氏37度。

About the end of April, his temperature dropped to 37°C spontaneously.


體溫急速下降 one’s fever falls (abates; declines) promptly

體溫開始減低 fever began to remit體溫似乎是減退了 fever seemed to abate

體溫降到正常 fever dropped (was reduced) to normal

體溫慢慢地下降(上升) with slow lysis ( cirsis) of fever

體溫一天一天地低下來 fever became lower day by day


The fever, which went down almost to normal 2 days ago, rose to 38.3°C again today.


Fever disappeared 10 days after onset of illness.

(3) 他的直腸體溫,下午一直停留在攝氏40度。

He continued to have a temperature with spiking in the afternoon to 40°C by recutum. 



Fever was present for 10 days; it did not exceed 37.2°C during the last 3 days.


The temperature during the first 24 hours varied between 37.2°C and 38.3°C.


呼吸Resp., 咳嗽Cough, Sputum

(1) 他訴說被呼吸困難苦惱了好多天。

He complains of difficulty of breathing, which annoyed him for several days.


呼吸困難 breathe hard (with difficulty) ; have difficulty in breathing ( respiration)

呼吸困難 dyspnea (夜間性 nocturnal, 發作性paroxysmal)

安靜時(運動性呼吸困難 dyspnea at rest (on exertion)

常發生發作性夜間呼吸困難 frequent episodes of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.

呼吸困難突然厲害起來 have sudden increase in dyspnea

患輕微的運動性呼吸困難 have some mild exertional dyspnea

患急性呼吸困難 have an acute attack of dyspnea

無呼吸困難 have no respiratory embarrassment

偶有心悸 have occasional palpitations

心悸反復發生 have recurrent episodes of palpations


The next morning the patient became extremely dyspneic and weak.


He always becomes shortwinded when walking hastily or going up stairs.

(2) 這個病人常常咳嗽,並且吐出灰色的臭痰。

The patient coughs very often and expectorates foulsmelling grayish sputum.


種類 short, sharp, small, dry(hasty) , moist, constant, painful, irritable, spasmodic, wheezing, distressed, rasping

咳個不停 have a fit of coughing; cough oneself into a fit (fits)

苦咳個不停 have a hard (racking; convulsive) cough

4天乾燥發作性咳嗽 experience a 4day episode of dry paroxysmal cough.

2歲時開始有間歇性煩咳 intermittent hacking cough started at 2 years old

咳嗽減少了 ones cough diminished

發生輕度無痰的乾咳 develop slight nonproductive cough

有點(很多咯血 have minimal (massive) hemoptysis.

咯出一點血 cough (expectorate; spit) up (out) a little blood

開始咯出黑血斑點 began coughing op flecks of dark blood

嘔血 vomit blood


He coughed occasionally, but he has never experienced pain in the thorax, fever, or loss of weight.


For the last 6 months, he has been coughing with slight hemoptysis.

種類 thin, thick, fetid, serous, frothy, tenacious, viscous, mucous( mucoid) , mucopurulent, transparent, seropurulent, rusty

中等量(多量、大量帶有灰白色痰的咳嗽 moderate amounts ( a great deal, large quantities) of grayishwhite sputum

痰湧上咽喉,有酸味 phlegm wells up in the throat and tastes sour

痰堵住嗓子了 phlegm blocked the windpipe

半杯黃色痰 one half cup of yellowish sputum

吐膿性,偶而帶血的痰 produce purulent, occasionally bloodtinged sputum

開始有點咳嗽,並且有約3公撮的血痰 began to have some cough and produced about 3 ml. of bloody sputum.

一點也咳不出痰 do not raise any phlegm at all

咳痰停止了 expectoration ceased


He began to expectorate small amounts of bloodstreaked sputum.


His cough was not so severe as it had been and sputum was no longer flecked with blood.


(1) 當空腹時,他感覺胃裡不舒服。

He has a certain disagreeable felling in the stomach when it is empty.

胃不調 upset stomach

消化不良 have bad (impaired: defective) digestion; suffer from indigestion ( dyspepsia)

胃有毛病 have a disordered stomach ( stomach disorder) ; something is wrong with ones stomach.

因過食而傷胃 injure ones stomach by overeating oneself

覺食物積滯胃中 feel heavy on the stomach

食物不易消化lie (sit) heavy on ones stomach


Thereafter, the digestion was not really good.

(2) 曾有過一時性的噁心和嘔吐,但並沒有食欲不振或體重減少發生。

Transient nausea and vomiting was present, but no anorexia or weight loss occurred.


欲嘔 feel nauseated

有晨吐 have morning sickness

夜吐(飯後噁心) nocturnal (postprandial) nausea

暈船() be sea (car) sick

有點噁心 have (experience) some nausea

嚴重的作嘔 have considerable retching

裡急後重時發生噁心和嘔吐 have a spell of N & V while straining at stool

患食欲不振和噁心 be anorexic and nauseated

偶而噁心和嘔吐 develop occasional nausea and vomiting

老是溢酸,感覺腹脹 burp all the time, feel bloated

吐出清淨透明的胃容物 with vomiting of clear gastric contents

嘔吐停了,消失了vomiting stopped (ceased) , cleared

止吐 settle the stomach

打噎 belch (eruct; eructate)


The patient developed nausea and vomited bilestained fluid on several occasions.


With the advent of vomiting, he noted severe epigastric pain as well as severe


(3) 在第2天中午,她開始嘔吐,隨後嘔吐膽汁質物。

At noon on the following day she stared vomiting food, which was followed by bilestained material.嘔吐

在病發時嘔吐2 vomit twice at the onset

極度反胃 regurgitate food violently


One hour later, he vomited watery material containing no blood.


Sometimes the patient vomited once or twice at the height of the attack.



The vomitus of yesterday morning was described as containing indigested food and

greenish water with no evidence of blood.


The vomitus was initially clear but just before hospitalization was said to brownish.


(4) 他開始有多次、帶泡沫和臭味的大便。

He began to have frequent, frothy, foulsmelling stools.

解大便 open (relax; evacuate) the bowel; have a passage

有便意 have a call of nature

1(2大便 have a motion (two motions)

沒有大便 be constipated

平均每天大便12 averaged 12 stools daily

發覺糞便中有很多血 noticed gross blood in ones stools

開始一天解8次松的多脂糞便 began to pass 8 loose greasy stools per day

大便增加到一天4~5 stools increased in number to 4 or 5 daily

更換尿布時有些糞便 have some stool in each diaper change


The stools became fewer in number but he still continued to have 2~3 large loose


食欲 Appetite, 體重 Weight

(1) 他說他胃口一直很好,什麼東西都能吃。

He stated that he had always had a good stomach and could eat anything.


過食 eat too much ( to excess ; heavily) ; overeat; be intemperate in eating

吃得多 (胃口大開地吃) eat profusely ( with a good appetite)

保持良好食欲 retained an excellent appetite

食欲增進 one’s appetite improved

食欲有節制 (食欲旺盛,貪食不飽) have a moderate (good, enormous) appetite

無食欲障礙 one’s appetite is undisturbed

食不過飽的人 a moderate ( spare; light) eater

過飽的人 a heavy (great; hard) eater

食量 capacity for eating


His appetite was good, but the sore place in his mouth interrupted his usual eating habit.


He had an uncontrollable mania for food, drinking water freely with the meals.


無食欲 have no (little) appetite ( for food) ; lose ( have no) relish for one’s food; loss ( lack) of appetite; loss of interest in food

發覺有點食欲不振 noted ( minimal) anorexia

食欲不定無食欲障礙) one’s appetite is variable ( undisturbed)

食欲反復無常 have a capricious appetite

食欲不佳 have a poor (feeble; weak; delicate) appetite

胃口變得更加不好 became more anorexic

失去平常的食欲 lose ones usual appetite

食欲減退 appetite decreases ( reduces; declines; falls off)

吃得少 eat poorly (sparingly) ;take little food; poor food intake

不想吃 be disinclined to eat

取食不規則 eat irregularly

停吃 cease eating

促進食欲 improve (stimulate; sharpen; whet) the appetite


He had no appetite and only picked at the food.


Meals and drinks taste no more as before, and he is indifferent even to his favorite food.



He eats nothing for a whole day, but he takes some mouthfuls of rice gruel.


He has tasted no food since noon the day before yesterday.

(2) 他訴說非常口渴,但一點食欲也沒有。

He complains of his thirst hard to release, while he has absolutely no appetite.


口渴 be (feel) thirsty

口一直很渴 continue to have excessive thirst

喝大量的水 drink water generously

對碳酸飲料發生不尋常的愛好 develop an unusual craving for carbonated beverages

~少喝茶水 be advised to decrease ones tea drinking

(3) 食欲正常,但體重卻在一年之內減輕了4公斤。

In spite of the normal appetite, he lost 4 kg. in weight over a period of one year.


住院時體重 admission weight

最高(最低體重 maximal ( minimal) weight

體重減少,但未知多少 weight loss of undetermined amount

通常在夏季體重減輕 usually lose weight in the summer months

體重以驚人的速度減少 lose weight with alarming speed

體重始終一樣 weight remained stationary (steady)

體重不變 weight is stable ( unchanged)

體重維持不變 weight is wellmaintained

體重老是50公斤 ones weight is constant ( maintained) at 50 kg.

雖然食量增加,體重卻減輕了6公斤 lost 6 kg. in spite of increased intake of food 


He developed weight loss totalling 8 kg. in the previous 2 months.



(1) 發作通常發生於飯後1~2小時,但也時常把病人從睡夢中弄醒。

Attacks usually came on one or two hours after meals, but also frequently wakened the patient from sleep.


非常愛睡 be unusually sleepy

貪睡 be fond of sleep

無法控制的嗜睡 uncontrollable somnolence

易醒 be easily wakened

時常在晚上醒過來 often wake up at night.

不能熟睡 sleep is not sound

晚上睡得不很熟 do not sleep well at night

睡覺不能多過數小時 sleep for no longer than a few hours.

由於呼吸短促睡不著 have sleepless night with shortness of breath

今年冬天由於夜間性氣喘一直失眠 had insomnia this winter due to nocturnal asthma

患失眠症 have (develop) insomnia醫學全.線上...提供

睡眠不足 want( lack) of sleep; insufficient sleep

不易入睡 have trouble getting to sleep

睡眠無多大的障礙 sleep is not greatly disturbed

生殖系統疾病 - 小便情況

(1) 他訴說,在兩側鼠蹊部和睾丸有拉痛,且有夜尿,小便時有灼熱感,間或放紅色的尿。

He complained of a drawing pain in both groins and testicles, nocturia, burning on urination and the intermittent voiding of red-colored urine.


種類 colorless, clear, transparent, translucent( semitransparent) , opaque, milky(

opalescent) cloudy( turbid) , orange, greenish, dirty blue, green, yellow( amber;

straw) , red, bright red, brown yellow, dark-brown, brown-dark, light brown, pale

yellow, faint pale, clay-colored, patty-colored


 micturate; make( pass) water; void; piss

一夜有2次小便 have nocturia twice nightly ( a night)

這次住院時解出一個結石 pass a stone on this admission

小便渾濁 ones urine is thick( colored)

解出極渾濁,乳白色的尿 the passage of highly turbid, milky urine

頻尿 frequent urination( micturition)

無法忍受的頻尿 intolerable frequency of urination

終末性血尿 terminal hematuria

終末尿帶有幾滴血 urine terminates with a few drops of blood

排尿痛 micturition pain

解尿時左腰疼痛 have pain in the left loin on micturition

小便流勢良好 void with a good stream

尿流細小 small urine

神經精神系統 Neuropsychiatric

(1) 他數星期來,有好幾次在眩暈前,意識突然發生變化。

He had several sudden alterations in consciousness preceded by dizziness for several weeks.


一般用語 vertigo, dizziness, dizzy spell, syncope, fainting, sleepy, drowsy, lethargic, insomnia, hiccough, convulsion, seizure, trembling, involuntary movement, numbness, weakness, incoordination, clumsiness of motion, tingling, unsteadiness in walking, difficulty in walking, paresthesia, anesthesia, paralysis, myalgia, thick speech, aphonia


He noted a progressive speech impediment.


He was unable to stand on tiptoe on the affected limb.

(2) 他的情緒容易突變,且會無緣無故地慍怒和哭泣。

He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason.


一般用語 despondent, gloomy, worried, disgusted, discouraged, scared, fearful, low, afraid, angry, blue ; cheerful, optimistic, pessimistic, satisfied, stable, fluctuating, hilarious

喜歡小題大做的 fussy

好管閒事的 noisy

吹毛求疵的 faultfinding

自負的 conceited

很勢利的 snobbish

自私的 selfish

吝嗇的 stingy

氣量大的 broadminded

慷慨的 generous

好心的 kindhearted

心情變幻不定而抑鬱的 be moody and depressed

患有極痛苦的憂慮 have an attack of excruciating anxiety

ex1:His mood was appropriate.

ex2:His mood was mainly euphoric and expansive.

一般用語 think less clearly, decreased speed of thinking, decreased clarity of

thought, flight of ideas, loss of mental vigor , mental apathy

再也不能集中心力 can no longer concentrate

發覺集中力減退 noted waning powers of concentration


She noted only slight difficulty in concentrating while reading and writing.

(3) 他迷妄,有生動的幻覺,並且不能說出連貫的病歷。

He was deluded, vividly hallucinated, and unable to give any coherent history.


一般用語 hallucination, delusion of persecution(被害妄想) , mental confusion, disorientation, mental aberration, negativism, loss of memory, amnesia, mutism, etc.

老是發出癡呆、不適當的笑聲 frequently exhibit silly inappropriate laughter

對其他小孩殘酷無情 behave brutally toward other children

變為難於駕禦 become unmanageable

發覺個性顯著變化 a definite personality change is noted

精神失常逐漸厲害起來 have gradually progressive mental deterioration.

發覺記性障礙有2個月 noted memory impairment for 2 months.

(4) 她顯示出心情、情緒反常的顯著傾向。

She manifested a marked tendency toward destructiveness and disturbance of mood and affect.


一般用語 emotional instability, tendency to worry, hot temper, temper outbursts, irritable, shy, fussy, quarrelsome

情緒非常窘迫 be in severe increasing emotional lability

心神不安寧,坐立不安 be restless and fidgety

動輒生氣 be easily moved to anger

脾氣暴躁 have temper tantrums

深懷自卑感 harborn deep feelings of inferiority


The patient is in good condition and seems to be emotionally undisturbed.


He was always a 'nervous' person but more so since the onset of palpitation.


(1) 當上樓梯時,突然痛了起來,並且持續不止。

The pain came on suddenly while walking up the stairs and it was persistent.


感覺疼痛 feel (have; suffer from) a pain; pain is felt in ; feel painful

頭痛 have a headache; be troubled with a headache; feel a pain in one's head

患劇烈頭痛 have a nasty (bad) headache

時常頭痛 be subject (a martyr) to headaches

有撞擊似的兩側性頭痛 have bilateral pounding headaches

頭痛逐漸地變為頻發較不嚴重) headaches gradually become more frequent (less severe)


There is occasional, transient, nondescript pain, or sensibility during mastication.


The tooth became sore to pressure and there is a dull gnawing pain.


ex1: Epigastric pain comes immediately after meal.

ex2: Colic pain came on and off since yesterday.

ex3: This pain has been relentlessly postprandial, regardless of the character of her meals.

ex4: The joint pains were present mainly at night, with relief during the day.

ex5: The mild frontal headaches were usually present upon awakening, but not severe enough to require analgesics.

ex6: The pain usually commenced within 30 minutes after meals and lasted 1 to 3 hours.


ex1: He described the pain as dull and aching, occurring approximately once a week, unrelated to food intake, and radiating to his back.

(2) 起初疼痛無變化,但數小時時變成發作性的痛。

The pain initially was steady, but after several hours became episodic.


恒常() constant

間歇() intermittent

() occasional

急性() acute

鈍麻(,悶() dull

搏動性的 throbbing

抽搐() tic

() twinge

(,急() sharp

( stabbing ( shooting) pain

鑽錐() boring

穿刺() piercing

() darting

被咬樣的() gnawing

似裂() tearing (splitting)

() bursting

刀割樣() knifelike

痙攣() crampy

() dragging

() girdlelike ( constricting)

痛得打滾 writhing

極痛的 excruciating

切割的() lancinating

絞性痛 colic (colicky pain)

劇痛 severe ( pungent; intense)

感應痛 referred pain

墜痛 bearingdown pain醫學全在.線提供

發生遍身的酸痛 develop diffuse body aching

有劇烈的骨盤痛 have exquisite pelvic pain

牙痛頻發 continual bouts of toothache

一陣陣劇烈的牙痛 the pangs of a toothache

帶有胸膜炎性狀的右胸痛 rightsided pain of a pleuritic character發生陣痛性的疼痛 have laborlike pains


The pain was steady, sharp and boring in nature ( character) .


The pain was identical with what she had complained of.


pain reappears ( relapses) ; pain breaks out again; a return of the pain


The pain under the left breast recurred at intervals but was not constant.


The pain rarely returned after his evening meal and it was not affected when he ingested milk or antacid.

(3) 有時疼痛放射到右下肢後側,一直到腳部。

At times pain radiates down the back of the right lower extremity to the foot.


pain radiates ( travels) to ~; pain radiating from ~ to ~; radiation of the pain to ~


The pain radiated around toward the groin, relieved by lying down and aggravated while standing.


On the day of admission he experienced increasingly severe pain with radiation to the right scapular area and shoulders.

(4) 這疼痛局限於正中線,因吃力的勞動而加劇。

The pain was confined to the midline and was aggravated by heavy labor.


疼痛存在於 the pain is limited to; the pain is located ( localized; situated) in (or over) ; there is localized pain in ~

遍在痛 generalized ( general; extensive; unlocalized) pain


At first the pain was generalized in the ( whole) abdomen; but it subsequently

localized to the R.U.Q.


The pain, which began ( originated) in the R.L.Q., soon became localized in the L.U.Q.


疼痛減輕 pain is relieved by , relieve ( ease, allay, alleviate, assuage, abate, soothe) the pain, pains decrease ( grow less, go down , fall off)

疼痛減輕了 the pain became lighter

疼痛的嚴重度減少 the severity of the pain waned

疼痛未停止 the pain did no ease


The pain and diarrhea abated, but he felt tired and weak since then.


The chest pain is sometimes relieved by a change of position, but only temporarily.



The pain was markedly accentuated by deep inspiration, although it was not pleuritic in nature.


The pain is most severe at night when he lies on his right side.

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