2013年9月27日 星期五


What they didn’t teach you in school about learning English
So everyone keeps telling you that you should learn English and that English is the language of the future. You are happy with your own language and don’t understand what all of the fuss is about. Well, maybe that’s because no one has ever given you any truly fun incentives to learn English. Read our list of reasons that they didn’t teach you in school and perhaps you might be more inspired to start improving your English skills! 所以每一個人都會告訴你,你應該要學習英語並且英語將成為未來的共同語言。你對於你自己的語言非常滿意,但是不了解所有煩惱為何。嗯,也許因為從來就沒有人真的運用任何有趣及吸引人的方式來學習英語。請閱讀為何學校沒有這樣教你,或許將更激發你改善你的英語技巧!
Foreign accents are cute in English. 外語腔調很可愛。
Although you might feel awkward or uncomfortable when speaking in English, most native-English speakers actually find foreign accents quite endearing, if not downright sexy! 雖然你也許在說英語的時候感到笨拙及不順,但是如果不完全感性的,大部分外籍人士認為外語腔調是令人喜愛的。
You’ll finally be able to understand the lyrics of your favorite English song. 你到最後將了解你最喜愛的英文歌曲的課詞。
Tired of filling in the blanks to your favorite English song lyrics with humming noises? If you worked a little bit on your English, you could be singing along to your favorite song, including the correct lyrics, in no time. 厭倦了聽到你喜愛的音樂然後只能哼唱嗎?如果你在你的英語上下一點點功夫,你就可以立刻唱完一整首你喜愛的歌曲了,包括了正確的歌詞。
When you travel abroad, you’ll actually be able to communicate with people (and avoid getting lost). 當你去海外旅行,你將可以與人溝通(避免迷路的情況發生)
If you go abroad to Paris, for example, and your native language is Japanese, chances are that most people may not be able to speak your language. But chances are pretty good that they may speak a little English. 如果你到巴黎旅行,例如:如果你的母語為日文,大部分的人很有機會不會講你的語言。但是這是非常好的機會他們也許會說英語。
You can watch your favorite Hollywood movies in their original version. 你可以看你所喜愛的英文版好萊塢電影。
It’s not the same hearing Sean Connery say, “Bond, James Bond.” in a dubbed voice over. Improve your English and have more fun watching movies in their original version. 聽配音的史恩康納萊說:「龐德,詹姆斯龐德」。改善你的英語並且更有趣生動,那就來看看原文版本的電影。
You’ll impress all of your friends. 你將給你所有朋友很深的印象。
Imagine how impressed your friends when you’re the only one who can speak to the new foreign exchange student or visitor in town. We bet that they’ll wish they’ve learned English as well as you. 想像一下如果只有你可以與一位外籍交換生或觀光客交談。我們感打包票他們也希望能和你一樣學習的很好。
It’s fun to learn bad words in foreign languages! 有些時候學習不好的英文字也是一種樂趣!
Come on! admit that it’s fun to say bad words in a foreign language. Learning local expressions and maybe even a few not so politically-correct words will have you sounding like a native English speaker in no time. 拜託,不得不承認學習不好的英文字也是一種樂趣。學習當地的表示語也許不是非常有禮貌的-正確的單字將立刻讓你聽起來像一個外籍人士在說英語。
People, especially native English-speakers, will appreciate your efforts. 人們尤其是外籍人士將為你的努力深表感謝。
Believe it or not, we understand that it is difficult to learn a foreign language and appreciate the efforts you make to speak in ours. So come and talk to us, you may be pleasantly surprised to discover that we speak a few poorly pronounced words in your language! 不管你相不相信,我們非常了解學習外國語言的困難,並且非常感激你在學習我們的語言上下工夫。所以現在就來與我們談談-你或許會很訝異的發現當我們在說你的母語時,發音有多奇怪!

