Synonym of eerie, ghostly, spooky
A Ghost Story
The Mong Kok students were treated to a real experience recently as an interactive Ghost Story was prepared for them. With covered up windows and a dark and eerie room, the Mong Kok teachers managed to create a real ghostly atmosphere. Sound, light and splash effects made the spooky story come alive. With some nerves rattled the students then had a go at creating their own scary story, complete with effects and the right tone of voice. It was a great event - for teachers and students alike!
These words are synonyms. Can you guess what they mean?eerie, ghostly, spooky
a. 形容詞 變化形 eerier; eeriest;
1. 令人毛骨悚然的
2. 神祕的; 怪異的
a. 形容詞 變化形 ghostlier; ghostliest;
1. 幽靈的; 鬼魂的
A ghostly figure appeared on the stage. 一個幽靈的身影出現在舞臺上。
2. 鬼似的; 可怕的
a ghostly laugh 獰笑
a.【口】變化形 spookier; spookiest;
1. 幽靈般的; 有鬼般的
2. 令人毛骨悚然的
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