2013年9月23日 星期一


Phrasal Verb 常用動詞固定搭配

1. (be) about to 剛要,即將

2. (be) absorbed to 專心於

3. account for 說明(原因等)

4. (be) accused of 控告,譴責

5. acquaint with 熟悉,熟知

6. adapt to (使)適應,適合;改編,改寫

7. add to 增添,增加;補充說

8. add up to 合計達,總計

9. adhere to 附著,粘著

10. adjust to (使)適應於,把...調節到

11. agree to (+)同意,贊成

12. agree with (+)同意,贊成

13. aim at 瞄準,對準;旨在

14. allow for 考慮到

15. amount to 合計,共計,等於

16. answer for ...負有責任

17. aplolgize to sb.for sth....而向...道歉

18. appeal to 訴諸,求助

19. apply for 申請,請求

20. approve of 贊成,同意;批准,核准

21. arise from ...引起,由...產生

22. arrive at 到達(小地方);達成,得出

23. arrive in 到達(大地方)

24. ask after 探問,問候

25. ask for 詢問,要求

26. assign to 指派,選派

27. associate with 使聯繫,使聯合;交往

28. attach to 系上,貼上;使附屬,使依戀

29. attempt at 企圖,努力

30. attend to 照顧,護理;專心於

31. attribute to ...歸因於,歸咎於

32. back up 支持,援助;後退

33. bear/keep in mind 記住

34. begin with ...開始

35. believe in 相信,信任

36. belong to (在所有權關係等方面)屬於

37. benefit from 受益,獲益

38. blame for/on 責備;因...而受到責備

39. boast of/about 自誇,誇耀,吹牛

40. build up 積累,堵塞;樹立

41. burn out 燒光,燒毀;燒起來

42. burst out + n. 爆發,突然發作

43. burst out + V-ing 爆發,突然發作

44. care for 照顧,照料;喜歡;寵愛

45. catch up with 趕上

46. check in 辦理登記手續

47. check out 記帳後離開;檢驗,核查

48. cheer up 高興,振作

49. clear away ...清除掉,收拾

50. clear up 使變清;放晴;清理

51. combine with 結合,聯合,化合

52. comment on 評論

53. communicate with ...通訊;交流

54. compare to 比較,對比;把...比作

55. compensate for 補償,賠償

56. complain about/of 抱怨,申訴

57. compy with 照做,遵照,應允

58. conceive of 想像,設想

59. concentrate on 集中,專心

60. (be) concerned with 關心,掛念,從事於

60. (be) concerned with 關心,掛念,從事於

61. as far as..be concerned ...來說

62. confine to/with 限制

63. conflict with 衝突,抵觸

64. congratulate on 祝賀,向...致祝詞

65. consent to 同意,贊成

66. consist of ...組成

67. consist in 在於;存在於

68. consult with 商量,商議

69. contrast with 對比,和...形成對照

70. contribute to 捐獻,捐助,貢獻;投稿

71. control over 控制,支配

72. convert to 變化,變換,轉換

73. convice of 使確信,使信服

74. cope with 對付,應付

75. correspond to 相當,相類似

76. correspond with 相符合,成一致

77. count on 倚靠,指望

78. count up 算出...的總數,共計

79. cover up 掩飾,掩蓋

80. cure of 治癒,醫治;矯正

80. cure of 治癒,醫治;矯正

81. deal in 經營

82. deal with 處理,論述,涉及

83. dedicate to 奉獻,把...用在

84. deduce from 演繹,推斷

85. define...as ...定義為

86. depend on/upon 依靠,信賴,取決於

87. derive from 起源,衍生

88. despair of ...絕望

89. deviate from 背離,偏離

90. devote to 致力於,把...奉獻給

91. die down 變弱,逐漸消失

92. die out 消失,滅絕

93. differ from 不同

94. differ with ...意見不同

95. direct to/at ...對準,針對

96. disagree with 不同意,不一致

97. disappoint at/with ...失望

98. discharge from 排出;流出;釋放;解雇;出院

99. dispose of 處理,銷毀,去掉

100. distinguish from 區別, 識別,辨別,辨認

101. distribute over 散佈

102. divide by

103. do away with 廢除,除掉

104. do without 沒有...也行

105. double up 彎著身子;把...折起來

106. draw in (火車. 汽車)到站

107. draw on 動用,利用

108. draw up 起草,制訂

109. dress up 打扮,穿上盛裝

110. engage in 使從事於,使忙於

111. equip with 裝備,配備

112. exchange for 交換,調換,兌換

113. experiment on/with 進行實驗

114. expose to 使暴露,受到;使曝光

115. face up to 大膽面向

116. feed on/with ...提供,以...為食

117. feel for 摸索,摸索著尋找

118. figure out 計算出;領會到

119. fill in/out 填充,填寫

120. find out 查明,發現

121. free of/from ...的,免去...

122. focus on (使)聚焦,(使)集中

123. frown upon 皺眉

124. glance at/over 提到,影射,掃視

125. guard against 提防, 預防,防止,防範

126. hang about/around 閒蕩,閑呆著

127. hang on 堅持;不掛斷;抓緊不放

128. hang on to 緊緊抓住

129. hang up 掛斷(電話)

130. have on 穿著,戴著

131. head for (使)...行進,(使)走向

132. head on 迎面的,正面的

133. hear of/about 聽到

134. hear from 收到...(來信)

135. can/could not help 禁不住,忍不住

136. hinder from 阻止,妨礙

137. hurry up 匆匆完成,(使)趕快

138. identify with 認為...等同於

139. impose on ...強加給;利用,欺騙

140. impress on 印,留下印象

141. improve on/upon 改進,超過

142. inform of/about 通知,告訴

143. inform against/on 告發,檢舉

144. inquire of/about 詢問,打聽,調查

145. insist on/upon 堅決要求,堅持

146. interfere in/with 干涉,介入;妨礙,干擾

147. involve in 捲入,陷入;牽涉,包含

148. knock down 擊倒,撞倒

149. knock out 擊倒,擊昏

150. laugh at ...而笑,嘲笑

151. lead to 導致,通往

152. learn of 聽到,獲悉

153. learn from ...學習

154. leave alone 不干涉

155. leave behind 留下,忘記帶

156. leave for 動身去

157. leave off (使)停止

158. leave out 遺漏,略去

159. lie in 在於

160. limit to 限制,限定

161. line up 排成一行

162. long for 渴望,極想

163. major in 主修,專攻

164. meet with 遇見,碰到

165. mistake for ...誤認為

166. mix up 攪勻;混淆,搞混

167. model on/after 模仿

168. multiply by 乘以

169. name after ...取名,命名

170. object to 反對,不贊成

171. occur to 被想到,被想起

172. operate on 開動;動手術

173. originate in/from 起源,發生;首創

174. owe to 應把...歸功於

175. participate in 參與,參加

176. pass away 去世

177. pass on 傳授,傳遞

178. persist in 堅持不懈,執意;持續

179. persuade of (使)相信

180. piece together 拼合,拼湊

181. plunge into 縱身投入,跳入;猛衝;使突然陷入

182. point out 指出

183. prefer to 更喜歡,寧願

184. preside at/over 主持

185. prevail over 取勝,佔優勢;盛行

186. prevent from 預防,防止

187. profit by/from 得利,獲益

188. provide sb. with sth. 提供,供給

189. provide sth. for sb. 提供,供給

190. quarrel about/over 爭吵,口角

191. range over 論及,涉及

192. react against 反應,起反作用;反抗

193. read about/of 讀到

194. reason with 理喻,與...評理,勸告

195. recover from 痊癒,恢復;重新獲得

196. refer to 參考,查閱;涉及,提到

197. refer to...as ...稱做,把...當做

198. regard...as ...看做,認為

199. register with 註冊,登記

200. relate to 有關聯

201. rely on/upon 依靠,依賴

202. remark about/on 評論,議論

203. remember to ...致意,代...問候

204. remind sb. of sth. 使想起

205. remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事

206. reply to 回答,答覆

207. report to 報導,報告

208. resign to 辭職,辭去,放棄;託付給

209. resort to 求助;訴諸於,採取,憑藉

210. respond to 回應,回答

211. rest on 依靠,依賴;被擱在, 停留在

212. restrain from 阻礙,控制,抑制

213. result from 起因於,由...產生,因...而造成

214. result in 導致,結果是

215. ring off 掛斷電話, 走掉, 離開

216. ring up 打電話;<> (款項)記入現金記錄機, 登錄

217. rob of 搶劫,盜取

218. scrape through 勉強通過

219. search for 尋找,探查;搜查, 搜索

220. seek after/for 尋找,追求,探索,試圖,企圖

221. select from 挑選,選擇

222. send for 召喚,派人去請,派人去拿;函索

223. send in 遞送,呈報,呈送,遞交

224. send off 寄出, 郵寄,發送,派遣, 解雇, ...送行

225. separate from (使)分離;(使)分開

226. settle down 定居; 平靜下來, 專心於;解決,調停

227. settle to 靜下心來

228. shake off 抖落,擺脫,甩掉

229. share in 分享,分擔

230. share with 分與,分派,分配,分享,共用

231. side with 支持,站在...的一邊, ...抱同樣的見解

232. slow down/up (使)放慢,減速

233. smell of ...的氣味,有...的味道

234. specialize in 擅長於,專門研究,專攻

235. speed up 加速

236. stem from 起源於

237. step on 踩,踏上

239. stick to 粘在...上,粘住;堅持,信守

240. subject to 使服從,使遭受

241. submit to 使服從,使受到,服從,屈服,忍受,順從;呈送,遞

242. substitute for 代替...,替換...,取代...

243. subtract from 減去

244. succeed in ...方面成功

245. suffer from 忍受,遭受;使痛苦,患病;受損失

246. sum up 計算...的總數,概括,總結

247. surrender to 投降,自首

248. switch off 切斷,(用開關)關掉

249. switch on 接通,(用開關)開起

250. sympathize with 同意,同感;同情,憐憫,共鳴

252. talk over 詳盡地商議,商量,討論,說服,議論

253. taste of ...味道,體驗,感到

254. tell from 區別,辨別,認出

255. think better of 重新考慮決定不做,較高評價,認真考慮;經考慮對...改變看法

256. think of 考慮,關心;想一想,想起,想像,有...的看法,記起

257. think of...as ...看做是,認為...

258. think over 仔細考慮,重新考慮

259. throw away 丟棄,扔掉,拋棄;浪費(金錢等)

260. touch on 略微談到,談及,提及

261. try on 試穿,試驗

262. try out 試用,試驗,考驗,提煉

263. turn in(to) 上床睡覺,上繳,出賣,把...向內折,告發,收聽

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