2013年10月25日 星期五

冠詞 (A, A, The) 誤用辨析

冠詞 (A, A, The) 誤用辨析

1. 中文:她在彈鋼琴。

() She was playing piano.
() She was playing the piano. (演奏樂器,如pianoviolin,樂器前面要加定冠詞the。)

2. 中文:孩子們每天早上去上學。

() The children go to the school every morning.
() The children go to school every morning. go to school是習慣用語,不加the。)

3. 中文:她有一頭秀髮。

() She has a beautiful hair.
() She has beautiful hair. hair指頭發的整體,是不可數名詞,前面不加a。)

4. 中文:她喜歡看電視。

() She likes to watch the TV.
() She likes to watch TV. (看電視,習慣上TV前不加the。)

5. 中文:她在房間裡聽廣播。

() She was listening to radio in the room.
() She was listening to the radio in the room. (聽廣播,習慣上radio前面加the。)

6. 中文:尼羅河是埃及最長的河。

() Nile River is the longest river in Egypt.
() The Nile River is the longest river in Egypt. (在河流,山脈等名稱前要用定冠詞。)

7. 中文:天氣不錯。

() It's a nice weather.
() It is nice weather. weather是不可數名詞,前面不加a。)

8. 中文:下星期再見。

() See you again the next week.
() See you again next week. next week表示將來;the next week表示過去。)

9. 中文:歷史是很有趣的學科。

() The history is a very interesting subject.
() History is a very interesting subject. (學科前一般不加冠詞。)

10. 中文:他乘火車來這裡。

() He came here by a train.
() He came here by train. by後接交通工具,中間不加冠詞。)

11. 中文:今晚你可以看到滿月。

() You may see the full moon tonight.
() You may see a full moon tonight. (月亮,太陽等獨一無二的物體,當有形容詞修飾時可加a。)

12. 中文:她剛才去了保羅街。

() She went to the Paul Street just now.
() She went to Paul Street just now. (街道名稱前一般不加the。)

13. 中文:連孩子都會做它。

() Even child can do it.
() Even a child can do it. (不定冠詞+單數名詞表示某類人或物。)

