2013年10月25日 星期五



Capitalize the following:
  • Proper nouns and adjectives derived from proper nouns:
 Marie Curie China, Chinese
 Smokey Robinson Darwin, Darwinian

But vocabulary words derived from proper nouns are generally lowercase:

 china cups plaster of paris
 french fries vienna sausage
  • The names of geographic divisions, regions, and localities and topographical features such as rivers, lakes, and mountains:
 North Pole Gulf States
 Middle East Atlantic Ocean
 Southern Hemisphere Rocky Mountains
 the North Lake Tahoe
 Lower East Side Erie Canal

 Do not capitalize directions: She lives 10 miles north of Boston.
  • The names of nationalities, ethnic groups, tribes, and languages:
 Spanish Bantu
 Asian American Creole
  • Titles when preceding a name:
 President Lincoln Aunt Mary
 Queen Victoria Doctor Johnson
 Senator Kennedy Professor Davies

Do not capitalize such terms elsewhere: a biography of the queen; the senator's speech; my aunt, Mary Wilson; the president's fundraising efforts; the residence of the vice president.
  • Epithets: Ivan the Terrible; Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator.
  • The names of political and judicial bodies, social organizations, councils, and departments:
 U.S. Senate Rotary Club
 Democratic Party United Negro College Fund
 State Department U.S. Supreme Court
  • The names for periods, events, and documents of historical importance:
 Middle Ages Constitution
 Renaissance Treaty of Versailles
 Battle of Waterloo Magna Carta
  • The names for streets, buildings, and monuments:
 Fifth Avenue World Trade Center
 Broadway Statue of Liberty
  • The names for the supreme deity and sacred works:
 God, the Father Almighty Bible
 Yahweh Talmud
 Allah Qu'ran

    • The names for religious denominations and their members:

    • Buddhism, Buddhists

    • Catholicism, Catholics

    • Judaism, Jews

    • Methodist Church, Methodists 

    • Society of Friends, Quakers
  • The days of the week, months of the year, holidays, and holy days:
 Thursday Labor Day
 December Passover

    • The pronoun I: 

    • I told her I didn't want to go.

    • The first word in the salutation and complimentary close of a letter: 

    • My dear Carol…

    • Very truly yours…

    • The first word of a sentence: 

    • Are you hungry? Lunch will be served soon.

    • The first word of a direct quotation, except when the quotation is split: 

    • I asked, “Do you really like bats?” 

    • “Yes,” said Holly, “they're so cute.”

    • The first word and all the key words in the title of a literary or other artistic work: 

    • The Bluest Eye (novel)

    • A Streetcar Named Desire (play)

    • “The Road Not Taken” (poem)

    • Starry Night (painting)

    • “Only the Lonely” (song)

    • The names of ships, aircraft, and space vehicles: 

    • USS Maine

    • The Spirit of St. Louis

    • space shuttle Challenger
  • The names of constellations, planets, and stars:
 Milky Way Saturn
 the asteroid Juno Little Dipper
  • The names of geologic eras, periods, epochs, and names of prehistoric divisions:
 Paleozoic Era Pleistocene
 Quaternary Period Stone Age

    • The genus but not the species name in binomial nomenclature:

    • Canis familiaris (dog) 

    • Malus pumila (apple tree)

Capitalize the following:
  • Proper nouns and adjectives derived from proper nouns:
 Marie Curie China, Chinese
 Smokey Robinson Darwin, Darwinian

But vocabulary words derived from proper nouns are generally lowercase:

 china cups plaster of paris
 french fries vienna sausage
  • The names of geographic divisions, regions, and localities and topographical features such as rivers, lakes, and mountains:
 North Pole Gulf States
 Middle East Atlantic Ocean
 Southern Hemisphere Rocky Mountains
 the North Lake Tahoe
 Lower East Side Erie Canal
 Do not capitalize directions: She lives 10 miles north of Boston.
  • The names of nationalities, ethnic groups, tribes, and languages:
 Spanish Bantu
 Asian American Creole
  • Titles when preceding a name:
 President Lincoln Aunt Mary
 Queen Victoria Doctor Johnson
 Senator Kennedy Professor Davies

Do not capitalize such terms elsewhere: a biography of the queen; the senator's speech; my aunt, Mary Wilson; the president's fundraising efforts; the residence of the vice president.
  • Epithets: Ivan the Terrible; Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator.
  • The names of political and judicial bodies, social organizations, councils, and departments:
 U.S. Senate Rotary Club
 Democratic Party United Negro College Fund
 State Department U.S. Supreme Court
  • The names for periods, events, and documents of historical importance:
 Middle Ages Constitution
 Renaissance Treaty of Versailles
 Battle of Waterloo Magna Carta
  • The names for streets, buildings, and monuments:
 Fifth Avenue World Trade Center
 Broadway Statue of Liberty
  • The names for the supreme deity and sacred works:
 God, the Father Almighty Bible
 Yahweh Talmud
 Allah Qu'ran
  • The names for religious denominations and their members:
    Buddhism, Buddhists
    Catholicism, Catholics
    Judaism, Jews
    Methodist Church, Methodists 
    Society of Friends, Quakers
  • The days of the week, months of the year, holidays, and holy days:
 Thursday Labor Day
 December Passover
  • The pronoun I: 
    I told her I didn't want to go.
  • The first word in the salutation and complimentary close of a letter: 
    My dear Carol…
    Very truly yours…
  • The first word of a sentence: 
    Are you hungry? Lunch will be served soon.
  • The first word of a direct quotation, except when the quotation is split: 
    I asked, “Do you really like bats?” 
    “Yes,” said Holly, “they're so cute.”
  • The first word and all the key words in the title of a literary or other artistic work: 
    The Bluest Eye (novel)
    A Streetcar Named Desire (play)
    “The Road Not Taken” (poem)
    Starry Night (painting)
    “Only the Lonely” (song)
  • The names of ships, aircraft, and space vehicles: 
    USS Maine
    The Spirit of St. Louis
    space shuttle Challenger
  • The names of constellations, planets, and stars:
 Milky Way Saturn
 the asteroid Juno Little Dipper
  • The names of geologic eras, periods, epochs, and names of prehistoric divisions:
 Paleozoic Era Pleistocene
 Quaternary Period Stone Age
  • The genus but not the species name in binomial nomenclature:
    Canis familiaris (dog) 
    Malus pumila (apple tree)

