2013年10月22日 星期二

Everyday English and Slang in Ireland

Everyday English and Slang in Ireland

Afters (n): dessert
Ages (n): long time
Agro (n): fight
Alans or Alan Wickers(n): nickers; as in keep your alans on; calm down.
Alco (n): someone who's always drunk
Amadán (Omadhan) (n): idiot
Any Use? (n) any good? as in "Was the film any use?"
Apache (n): joyrider
Ape (n): fool
Ara be whist (v): shut up
Arse (n): backside
Arseways (a): "I did it all arseways" = I made a complete mess of it!
Arthurs (n): a pint of Guinness; as in Arthur Guinness the founder.
That's Arthur Guiness talking (phr): when someone is talking rubbish while under the influence
Arthur Scargill (n): gargle/drink; after the miners union leader in the 80s in England.
Article (n): a woman, usually half in jest
Artist, government (n): person 'drawing' the dole [social security]
Ask me arse/bollocks; go and shite; eff off and don't be annoying me (phr): general ways of telling someone to shut up
As rough as a bear's arse
As scarce as hen's teeth
As sharp as a beach ball
As sick as a small hospital
As small as a mouse's diddy
As thick as two short planks
As useful as a lighthouse on a bog
As useful as a cigarette lighter on a motorbike.
As useless as a chocolate teapot
As useless as tits on a bull
As weak as a salmon in a sandpit - (hungry)
At it (v): making love
Aubergine (n): brinjal, egg plant
Aul Man or Fella (n): father
Aul Wan (n): mother
Aussie kiss (n): cunnilingus /similar to a French Kiss, but given down under
Away with ye / away on / Aye right (phr): I don't really believe you.

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Babby (n): little child - baby
Baby Power (n): miniature bottle of Powers Irish Whiskey (favoured size for ladies handbags)
Backer (n): riding on the back of a bike while someone pedals up front; as in "gis a backer on your bike"
Bad dose (n): tough old time with illness
Bad egg (n): a dodgy bloke or a troublemaker
Bag of Taytos (n): packet of cold potato chips a.k.a. crisps
Bags (n): messy job also means plenty
Bake (n): face/mouth
Baldy, as in "I haven't got a baldy" (phr): I haven't a clue
Ball of shite (n): as in, my dad's old car was a ball of shite
Ball-bag (n): scrotum but used to mean total idiot
Balls (n): to mess up, e.g. I made a balls of that job
Balls (n): male genitalia
Baluba (n): "stop acting like a Baluba". Horseplay, rough housing. Derived from the Baluba tribe Belgian Congo. Several Irish soldiers were killed by them in the early 1960s
Banger (n): old car
Bang on (a): perfectly correct
Banjaxed (a): broken, no good
Bap (n): bread bun
Barm brack (n): cake eaten at holloween, from gaelic bareen brack = a feckled cake
Barrelling (v): rushing around (with purpose?)
Baths (n): public swimming pool
Battle cruiser (n): the pub; rhymes with boozer.
Baz (n): pubic hair
Bazzer (n): haircut
Beamer (n): to be embarrassed - See Redner
Bean flicker (n): lesbian
Bean-jacks (n): ladies toilet
Begorrah (exclam): be god (no self-respecting Irish person says this. Sorry, Hollywood)
Bejappers (exclam): as above
Bells (n): time, e.g. 10 Bells (10 o'clock)
Be L.O. (n): keep a look out
Belt (v): hit, assault
Be wide (phr): be careful
Be dog wide (phr): be extra vigilant
Beor (pronounced bee-yo) (n): attractive woman
Berco (a): as in mad, or absolutely rotten drunk
Bevvies (n): alcoholic drinks
Beyant (n): beyond or over there
Bibe (n): a girl/woman and means she's a right old cow - from the Waterford area
Bifter (n): joint, as in "roll a bifter"
A bigger bollox never put his arm through a coat (phr): Self- explanatory
Bills (n): pounds
Bingo wings (n): flabby underarms on a woman
Bird (n): girl generally, or girlfriend
Biro (n): ballpoint pen
Bitch-bag (n): male scrotum or bollocks
Bite the back of my bollox (phr): stop bothering me
Black (a): very crowded, busy - as in 'town was black!'
Blackers (n): blackberries
Blackguard (pron. blaggard) (n): a ne'er-do-well/ (v) to give someone a hard time: He's blaggardin' ya
Black Mariah (n): police van - Paddy wagon in the States
Black Stuff, the (n): Guinness
Blarney (n): nonsense
Blather (v): talk
Bleedin' deadly (a): brilliant
Bloody (a): strengthing adjective, used liberally
Blow (n): hash
Blue shirt type of guy (n): after a 1930's quasi-fascist group
Bob (n): a shilling in the old Pounds, shillings and pennies; even though the monetary system changed, the name stuck
Bob (n): If a girl sees a good looking man,she can say that he is a "bob" or that she would "give him a few bob", meaning she would like to have intimate relations with him
BOBFOC (n): Body Off Baywatch, Face Off Crimewatch, eg. "she's a Bobfoc"
Bobble (v): to walk or to move somewhere
Bog (n): country area - where culchies come from
Bog ball (n): a derogatory name for gaelic football
Bogey (n): snot; something wrong, as in he's bogey or I got a bogey pint
Bogger/Bog warrior An Individual hailing from outside Dublin, but within Ireland
Bogs (n): public toilets
Bogtrotter (n): another word for a culchie
Bold (a): naughty
Bollacking (n): to "give out" to someone
Bollix (n): alt spelling of below
Bollocks (n): anyone you think is stupid
Bolloxed (a): very drunk
Bolloxed up (v): screwed up
Bolt (v): go fast/ run away
Bombardier (n): type of Irish bus
Boozer (n): pub
Boreen (n): narrow lane or road
Boss (n): polite generic term when you're chatting to someone
'Bout ye (phr): how are you doing? (Originated in Belfast)
Bouzzie, Bowsie (n): young good-for-nothing, who hangs around on street corners
Bowler (rhymes with Cow-ler) (n): dog/ugly person
Box (n): female genitalia
Boxin' the fox (phr): robbing an orchard
Boyo (n): a bit of a lad
Brass monkey (phr): In reference to exceptionally cold weather - "It'd freeze the balls off a brass monkey".
Brasser (n): woman of ill repute, who charges but a brass coin for her services
Brickin' it (a): nervous to the point of soiling oneself
Brilliant (a): great, best
Brown Trout (n): excrement
Brutal (a): terrible
Bucket of snots (n): a ugly person
Bucketing (v): raining very heavily
Buckled (v): drunk
Bucko (n): lad, player
Bud (n): polite generic term when you're chatting to someone
Buff (n): another word for red-necks, although mostly used by red-necks to describe other red-necks living further out in the countryside, and likely to live on a farm up a mountain somewhere OR (a) naked
Bushed (v): exhausted/knackered
Business (n): shit - as in, 'I have to do me business'
Business (n): cool - as in, 'It's the business' when asked about a new film, for example.
Buzzies (n): travellers

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Cacks (n): trousers - 'I was laughing me cacks off'- I was laughing so hard my trousers fell down' Or ' I wet me cacks' it was so funny - I was so scared 'I shit me cacks'. I was 'shitting it'.
Caffler (n): arsehole, idiot, eejit
Cake-hole (n): mouth or arsehole!
Can of piss (n): derogatory term i.e. "You're some can of piss"
Canary, nearly had a (n): had a fright
Canted (v): kicked a football over a wall - "you canted the ball you fucking eejit" - as in you CANT get the ball back - the other side of the wall contains usually a big dog or some bollix who never gives you your football back
Capper (n): a handicapped person
Carpet muncher (n): lesbian
Carry-on (n): argument, commotion
Cassie (n): back yard
Cat (a): no good, awful, very bad
Cess, bad (n): Bad luck
Cha (n): tea
Chancer (n): dodgy/risky character
Chav (n): Council housing and violent - someone who lives in an area that was populated by people kicked out of inner city slums
Cheek (n): Disrespect
Cheesed Off (a): angry, also Pissed Off
Cheese on your chin (phr): your fly is open!
Chinwag (n): a chat
Chipper (n): fish and chip shop
Chips (n): french fries
Chiseller (n): young child
Chokin' the chicken (v): wank
Chucker-out (n): doorman/bouncer
Circling over Shannon (phr): drunk. Derived from the visit of Boris Yeltsin to Shannon when he was apparantly too drunk to get off the plane. They circled six times to sober him up!
Claim (v): if you claim somebody you are picking a fight. You are claimed !
Clatter (n): slap
Clique (n): a group
Close (n): humid, as in "it's very close"
Cnawvshawling (v): complaining
Cock (n): penis
Cock manger (n): urinals
Cod (v): having someone on, as in: "Aw, g'wan, yer only coddin' me"
Coodle (n): shit
Cog (v): copy someone else's work at school
Colcannon (v): Mashed potatoes, cabbage or kale & butter, served at halloween
Complan (n): meal supplement, usually drunk by pregnant women and grannies
Conditioner (Fabric) (n): fabric softener
Confo (n): confirmation (Catholic sacrament)
Conkers (n): chestnuts
Cop on (to yourself) (v): get a life/don't be so stupid
Coppertop/ coppernob (n): Gingerhaired person
Cop shop (n): Garda station
Cooker (n): stove
Corner boy (n): somebody who hangs around aimlessly on the streets(gen a youth); used by older people
Covers (n): bedclothes
Cow Juice (n): milk
Crack (n): fart
Cracker (a): wonderful
Craic (n): (pronounced crack) fun time and good conversation
Crisps (n): potato chips (cold)
Crock (n): bad car; crock of shite is same as ball of shite.
Cub (n): young boy
Culchie (n): a city dweller's name for a country person
Cute hoors (n): usually politicians - it implies deviousness and crookedness. (in this case, I suppose it could apply to a female as well, but almost always the term 'hoor' is masculine.) In Ireland, at least, 'cute' means 'clever'
Cuttie (n): young girl
Cutty Knife (n): knife for cutting the bread

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Da (n): father
Dander (n): a leisurely stroll
Danny boy (n): twenty pounds in money
Deadly (a): very cool
Deadner, give a (n): to knee someone in the side of their thigh
Dear (adj): expensive
Dekko (v): look at, inspect
Delph (n): crockery, cups, saucers etc
Dense (n): stupid - as dense as bottled shite
Desperate (adj): terrible
Diabolical (a): really terrible
Dickey Dazzler (n): an over dressed man
Diddies (n): breasts
Dig (n): punch or slap
Divil (n): devil
DNS (n): the Northside (of Dublin) generally or one of its residents
Do a Bunk/Flit (v): sneak off, usually to avoid paying a bill, the rent, etc.
Dodgy (n): suspect/mechanically suspect
Dog's Bollocks / Mutt's Nuts / Puppy's Privates (n): the genuine article / the real deal
Doing a line (phr): courting, seeing someone
Doing (or speaking) 90 to the dozen (v): going (or speaking) very fast
Doing the rat race (v): driving through housing estates to avoid the traffic
Donkey's Years (n): a long time - 'I haven't seen him in donkey's years'
Doorstep (n): a sandwich made with thickly cut bread i.e. a mug of rosie and a doorstep
Dope (n): idiot, more playful than eejit
On the Doss (v): To be goofing off
Dosser (n): layabout, useless
Dote (n): a lovely little thing, usually a baby or a nice person
Down the Swanie (phr): down the drain
Doxie (n): a lady of the night who plies her trade on the docks
Drain da snake (phr): have a piss, take a leak
Drawers (n): underwear, usually ladies' :-)
Dressed to the nines (phr): done up, in your Sunday best
Drink Link (n): a bank ATM
Drop the hand (phr): gain access to a female's nether regions, go below the belt etc.
Dry Shite (n): a dull, boring person
Dry up (phr): Shut up!
Dry your arse (phr): Shut up and stop acting like a child.
Duck's Arse (n): wet fag butt
Duds (n): clothes
Dummy/Dummy Tit (n): pacifier
Dump (taking a) (n): sitting on the toilet, doing a #2 !

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Eat the head off (v): attack verbally
Eatin' house (n): restaurant
Eccer (n): homework (from exercises)
Eejit (n): idiot
Effin' and blindin' (n): cursing and swearing
Elephants (n): drunk
Erection section (n): slow set at a disco

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F-word (n,a,v, etc.): used freely, mostly for strengthening an adjective.
Fag (n): cigarette
Fair play/whack to ya! : well done!
Fairy lights (n): another name for Christmas lights
Falling from me, it's (phr): polite way of saying "I've got the runs"
Fanny (n): female genitalia
Far wack, the (n): over on the opposite side.
Fart around (v): to fool around
Feck (n): used instead of the other F word
Fecker (n): used instead of the other F word
Fecky the Ninth (n): complete idiot
Fib (n): a lie
Fierce (a): very; 'twas fierce cold
Fifty (n): stood-up (I got a fifty)
50p lifesaver (n): condom
Fine thing/fine bit of stuff (n): admiring comment on member of opposite sex
Fire away (v): continue, go ahead
Fiver (n): 5 pound note
Fla/Flah (n): very attractive person
Fla/Flah (v): to have sexual intercourse with someone ( From Irish 'Fleadh' meaning party)
Flah'ed out (a): exhausted
Flahulach (a): flamboyant, also very generous, throwing money around
Flagon (n): large 2-litre bottle, usually cider
Flaming (a): drunk
Flea Rake (n): a comb
Flicks (n): movies, pictures
Flied Lice (n): rice (in Chinese take-away accent)
Flitters (a): tattered and torn
Flog (v): sell
Flummoxed (a): puzzled
Flute (n): penis
Fluthered (a): drunk
Fly Cemetery (n): currant bun
Flying low, you're (phr): your zip is undone
FM (n): Fuckable Mother or MILF
Follier-upper (n): a serial at the pictures (movies). To be continued ...
Foostering (n): wasting time
Foundered (a): freezing cold
Frankie (n) : Co Down term for someone from Belfast, usually implying a broad accent and a certain lack of sophistication
Fry (n): fried breakfast (typically sausage, bacon, eggs and pudding)

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Gaa, playing (v): gaelic football [from Gaelic Athletics Association]
Gack (n): refers to a foolish or stupid person. Can also be pronounced "gackawacka", or "gacky" (a). "Wise up ya gack ye." "Those shoes are gacky looking."
Gaff (n): house
Gallery (n): great fun, someone is a gallery-entertaining person- a mad laugh
Galya (n): baby
Gameball (exclam): OK
Gammy (a): shitty, a load of crap, useless
Gander (n): a nosey look
Ganky (n): ugly, unpleasant woman (Co. Cork)
Gansey (n): sweater, jersey, pullover or loads (of something)
Gargle (n & v): alcohol - to go out drinking
Gary Glitter (n): your shitter or arse
Gas (a): funny
Gasún (gossoon) (n): child
Gasur (n): young boy
Gatch (n): an unusual way of walking e.g. look at the gatch on him
Gawk (v): stare
Gawk (v): to throw up - especially after alcohol
Gear (a/n): good, clothes
Gee, Gee-box (n): female genitalia (hard G sound)
Gee-bag (n): general term of abuse
Gee-Eyed (a): drunk
Gersha (n): young girl
Get off with (someone) (ph): make out
Get on like a house on fire (n): to get on real well with someone
Gick (n): shit
Gicker (n): your bum [up the gicker (no man quicker)]
Gift (n): excellent, unexpected surprise
Gimp (n): an undeveloped weedy adult male
Gingernut (n): redheaded person
Git (n): rotten person
Give A Shite (usually with couldn't...) (phr): (couldn't) care less
Give Out (v): to criticize someone - 'She gave out to him something fierce over standing her up'
Gizmo (n): a thing or most often a guitar
a Go (n): turn/fight
Go on outta that (phr): no way in hell or you're pulling my leg
Go with (v): As in "Will you go with me?" meaning will you go out with me or in some parts will you snog me
Gob (n): mouth, as in: "shut your gob" or (v): to spit
Gobber (n): A spit (of the green kind)
Gobshite (n): idiot
Gobsmacked (a): very surprised
Go-car (n): baby's pushchair
Gollier (n): a big, fat spit of phlegmy stuff
Gom, Gombeen (n): idiot
Good Gear (n): good, clothes or stuff
Gooter (n): penis
Goozer (n): kiss
Gouger, (Gow for short) - (As used by Dublin Gardaí) (n): a dangerous knacker/thief
Go way outta that! (phr): Dismissive response, indicating general disdain and disbelief
Gowl (n): stupid person/idiot; vagina
Grand (a): fine, nice
Growler (n): female genitalia (hairy growler)
Gushie/rushie (n): to throw up a sweet/candy or coin and have a crowd of kids run to catch it.
Guard (n): policeman - also Razzers, the Razz, mule, pigs, shades, a female guard is a "banner" - (the irish for police woman is Ban Garda).
Guff (n): nonsense or smell
Gullier (n): a large marble used when playing along the road kerb
Gummin' (v): salivating, dying for something e.g. I'm gummin' for a pint.
Gur cake (n): a dense fruit cake
Gurrier / Guttie (n): lout, hooligan or gypsy
Gut (n): stomach
Gutties (n): trainers, sports shoes
Guzz-eye (n) cast in the eye i.e. "he has a guzz-eye"

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Half a bubble off true (phr): not the full shillin'; eejit
Hames (n): a mess - 'He made a right hames of the job'
Happy out (v): everything is sorted out now or you're generally happy with the situation.
Hard Neck (n): cheek
Hardchaw, Hardman (n): rough person, the type who's ready for a fight at the drop of a hat - "Yeah you, wha' ya lookin' a?"
Hard Tack (n): spirits (usually whiskey), neat
Hash (n): to mess up, e.g. I made a hash of it
Haven't got a baldy (phr): no chance
Haven't got a snowball's chance in hell (phr): no chance; longer version of above
Having the painters in (ph): having your period
Head (n): friend or pal e.g. How's it going head?
Header (n): nutcase, unstable person
Head the ball (n): foolish person/ or generic name for any person
Heavin' (v): thronged/packed i.e the place was heavin' last Saturday
Heel (n): the first or last slice of a loaf of bread
Heifer (n): an ugly country woman (the consensus being that she looks like a cow)
Hick or Hickey/Hickster (a/n): unfashionable
High babies (a): senior infants' school
Hit and miss (n): piss
Hobnails (n): the knuckles of the fist - I touched his jaw with my hobnails and dropped him to the ground
Hockeyed them out of it (phr): really beat them in a game of football or whatever sport you are playing. Like 10-0
Hogan's Goat (phr): kept woman
Hole (n): arse
Hole in the wall (n): ATM
Holliers (n): holidays!
Holy joe (n): sanctimonious person
Holy show (n): spectacle
Hoofed (v): walked
Hooley (n): party or celebration
Hoor (n): an all-purpose type of word. Someone you disapprove of can be 'a right old hoor', but you can also have 'not a bad old hoor' ( kind of grudging respect).
Hoor's Melt (n): offspring of a hoor, a bit like "son of a bitch"
Hop, on the (n): bunk school, playing truant
Horrors (n): drunk, e.g. I was in the horrors last night
Hot Press (n): airing cupboard, where the hot water geyser is.
Hot Rocks (n): The burning bits of hash/paper that flake off from the business end of a joint.
How are the men? (phr): said on entering a non-local pub (usually in the country) when there are a few of the locals present. It breaks the ice apparently.
How's the form? (phr): how are you?
How's the talent? (phr): Is there anyone good looking/ interesting about?
Howya : "how are you?" - typical greeting
Hump, the (n): sulking
Hunkers, on your (n): crouching down (squatting)

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I am in me wick (phr): you must be joking!
I could eat a baby's arse through the bars of a cot (phr): I'm hungry
I could eat the lamb o' Jayjus through the rungs of a chair (phr): I'm very hungry
I'd eat a farmer's arse through a blackthorn bush! (phr): I'm hungry
If I were mad, I would! (phr): I certainly won't
I've a mouth on me (phr): I'm hungry
I've a throat on me (phr): I'm thirsty
I will in me brown (phr): I won't!
I will in me ring (phr): certainly not!

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Jabs (n): breasts
Jackeen (n): a culchie's name for a Dubliner
Jacked (a): tired
Jack in the box (n): A dead Dublin man
Jacks (n): toilet
Jaded (a): very tired, knackered
Jammer(n): stolen car
Jammers (a): very crowded, busy
Jammin (v): having your period
Jammy client (n): class A fool
Jam on your egg (n): wishful thinking; will never happen
Jam Rags (n): sanitary towels aka brillo pads
Jammy (a): lucky
Janey Mack! (exclam): Gosh, really?
Japers! (exclam): Gosh, really?
Jar (n): A pint
Jaysus (exclam): Jesus
Jibber (n): person afraid to try new things
Jip (n): sperm
Jo Maxi (n): taxi
Johnny (n): condom
Johnny-jump-up (n): pint of guinness mixed with Bulmers (cider)
Joyce (n): ten pounds in money
Juicy (a): cute

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Kick in the bollocks, a (n): a laming blow to the male genitalia with a foot. or very bad news
Kimberley's (n): local biscuits, used to be made by Jacob's
Kip (n): a dump or a dive
Kip, to have a (n): short sleep, nap
Kisser (n) mouth
Knacker (n): gypsy, travelling person
Knackered (v): very tired
Knackerette (n): gypsy, travelling person of the female variety
Knacker's yard (n): The abattoir
Knickers (n): ladies' underwear also Don't get ur knickers in a twist (phr): don't worry yourself
Knick-knacking (v): ringing a doorbell and running away
Knicks (n) sports shorts
Knob (n): penis
Knobs (n): breasts
Knocked up (v): pregnant
Knock someone up (v): call around to someone's house on business

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Lack (n):girlfriend/sex slave
Ladhb (n): awkward looking lad.
Lady Muck (n): a stuck-up woman
Lamped him out of it, I (phr): I really hit the guy hard, knocked him out
Langer (n): penis
Langers (a): drunk
Large Lad (n): mickey, willy, penis
Lashing (v): raining hard
Lashings (n): a lot i.e. lashings of food
Laudy daw (n): snob
Lay off! (exclam): leave me alone, stop it!
Layin' a cable (phr) : taking a crap
Legger, do a (phr): to abscond from the scene
Legging (it) (v): moving at pace!
Letting on (v): pretending
Life of Reilly (phr): carefree, hedonistic
Lift (n): elevator
Like a blue-arsed fly (phr): running around, hectically busy
Little green man (phr): a small bottle of Jameson's
Loaf (v): to head butt someone
Local, the (n): the nearest pub
Locked (a): very drunk
Lock in (n): when a pub locks people in after hours so the pub looks closed from the outside.
Longers (n): long trousers
Loopers (a): nuts - It was 'loopers'; that auld one is 'loopers'. She's 'looped out of it'
Lose the head (n): to lose control and start a fight
Low babies (a): junior infants' school
Lurching (v): slow dancing up close
Lush (n): a bit of a drinker

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Ma (n): mother
Maggot, Stop acting the ... (ph): stop messin' around
Márla (n): plasticine
Malarky (n): tomfoolery
Mangled (a): drunk
Manky (a): filthy dirty
Mantelpiece (n): ornamental area around a fireplace
Mary Hick, Mary Banger (n): unfashionable female
Massive (n): brilliant, deadly
Master (n): the best, expression of approval. "It's the master"
Me arse and Katty Barry! (phr): yeah sure!
Mebbs (n): genitals
Melted (a): very tired
Melter (n): a pain in the ass
Mentaller (a): crazy guy
Me ould segotia, me ould sweat, me ould flower (n): best friend
Messages (n): shopping, groceries
Messing (v): playing around
Mickey (n): child's name for a penis
Mickey Márbh (n): Irish language for Stillorgan, a suburb if Dublin (i.e. still organ, márbh means dead in Irish)
Midden (n): a sloppy person
Middling (a): so-so, neither good nor bad
Millie (n): the Belfast word for a chav
Millie up! (phr): a fight going to start
Milling (v): fighting
Mind yer house! (phr): warning that one is going to be tackled from behind (sport)
Mind yourself (v): be careful
Minerals (n): soft drinks in the US, cool drinks in South Africa
Mingin' (a): dirty, manky
Mink (n): traveller
Missed by a gee hair (ph): just missed; can be used to describe a near accident or a missed shot in soccer etc.
Mitch (v): bunk school, playing truant
Molly (n): effeminate
Molly coddle (v): over protect
Mortaller (n): mortal sin
Mortified (a): embarassed, usually said by your ma
Mot (n): girlfriend
Motherless (a): drunk
Mouldy (n): lousy/rotten
Mountainy (a): as in "She's a bit mountainy"; term of abuse for women from the country denoting big and rough like a mountain.
Muck (n): soil
Mucker (n): either a culchie or sometimes, a friend i.e. someone you muck around with.
Muck Savage (n): mountain man culchie
Muck-truck (n): culchie school bus
Mudguard (n): part of a bicycle that protects the rider from wheel splashes
Mulchie or Munchie (n): Somebody who lives in the country
Muppet (n): fool, idiot
Murder (n): tough going/difficult
Muzzy (n): a little brat
Narky (a): cranky
Nat-king (n): dole; comes from nat king Cole (rhyming slang)
Nawful (n): terrible
Ned (n): excrement sim. to dump
Nicker (n): money; 50 nicker=50 quid/pounds
Nickser, Nixer (n): a job done on the quiet so that no tax has to be paid on the wages.
Nifty (n): very useful
Nifty 50 (n): a Honda 50cc motorcycle
99, a (n): ice cream cone with a chocolate flake
Ninty to the dozen, going (v): going very fast
Nip (n): nude, as in 'I saw her in the nip'
Nits (n): head lice
Noggin (n): head
Norrier, the (n): The North Circular Road - [dublin]
Not the full shillin' (phr): deficient in the IQ department
Numbs (n): drunk, e.g. I was in the numbs last night
Nunny bunny (n): five pounds in money
Nuts (a): mad

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Odds (n): loose change
Off licence (n): liquor store, place to buy take away booze
Off me face (phr): really high on drugs or alcohol
Off the drink (phr): means you're not drinking for a while. Typically lasts as long as the hangover!
Off your nut (v): crazy - 'That fella's off his nut'
Oinseach (n): an eejit; from old Irish meaning scabby old woman
Oirish(n): typically, clichéd Irish(ness)
Old Lady (n): mother
Old Man (n): father
Omadhaun (n): bit of a fool
On the never never (n): On Hire Purchase
On the ockie (phr): on the hop, playing truant from school, work
On the pig's back (phr): in a celebratory mood
On the piss (phr): pub crawl, out drinking
One and One (n): fish and chips i.e. One and One Cod
Ossified (v): drunk
Oxters (n): armpits

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Package of crips (n): a packet of potato crisps
Pain in the hole (n): Pain in the ass
Paralytic (a): very drunk
Patio people (n): new term for smokers who have been forced outdoors in all kinds of weather and usually congregate on patios near the obligatory patio heater
Pave (v): to rob something
Pavey/ Pikey (n): gypsy (they were specifically travelling sellers of fabric)
Pedal and crank (n): wank
Peeler (n): policeman
Pelt (n): skin
Pelting (v): throwing objects or pelting with rain
Perishing (a): ...are very cold
Petrified (a): drunk
Pictures (n): movies
Piece of piss (phr): so easy; it was a 'piece of piss'
Pile o'shite (n): terrible - something was so bad it was...
Pint of plain (n): a pint of Guinness
Piped telly (n): Cable television
Piss (v): urinate
Piss in the Beds (n): dandelions
Pissed off (a): angry
Pisser (n): going out for a night of big drinking.
Pisshead (n): someone who's always drunk
Piss up (n): getting drunk. Let's all go on a big piss up
Plankin' it (phr): very nervous
Plastered (a): drunk
Plastic Paddy (n): someone of Irish descent who has all the accoutrements of Irishness - ends up being a cliché
Plonker (n): idiot
Pogue (n): kiss
Póg mo thóin (phr): kiss my arse
Polluted (a): drunk
Poof (n): homosexual
Poppies (n): potatoes
Porter, a rake of (n): a lot of stout
Posser (n): when you get a wet foot from walking in a puddle of water
Poteen (n): illegal spirits
Powerful (a): great, excellent, grand
Praities (n): potatoes
Pram (n): go-car, baby's pushchair
Press (n): cupboard
Pruning (v): when you get your testicles grabbed and squeezed hard usually by a few guys holding you down or sometimes suddenly by one bully!
Provo (n): a member or supporter of the (Provisional) IRA
Puck (n): punch
Puke (n): get sick, vomit
Pull (v): Vague verb popular in Belfast that means, generally, to have some manner of success with a woman. "I pulled last night" or 'do you think he'll pull?' can refer to anything from a snog to the beast with two backs.
Pulling me plum (v): doing absolutely nothing
Pullin' me wire (v): having a wank
Pull your socks up (phr): get to work/get busy
Put a gap in the bush (phr): close the door
Put a Santa hat on it and call it Randal (phr): messed up / crazy / beyond understanding; applies to situations, objects or people. (common in Ballymena, Ulster)
Put the heart crossways in someone (phr): you'll give me a heart attack i.e. "Jasus, don't do that. You'll put the heart crossways in me"
Putting it on the long finger (phr): putting it off, procrastinating
Puss (n): face, usually sulky

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Quare (n): contrary to popular belief this does not mean queer or strange but great! - it's irish irony
Quare hawk (n): odd fella
Quern (a): used only in wexford it means "very" i.e. "I'm quern tired."
Queue up (v): to queue
Qweer bit of skirt / talent (n): a really attractive woman / man.
Quid (n): pound(s); 50 quid=50 pounds

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Rabbit on (v): talk a lot
Rag order (n): disorganised
Rake (n): a great amount of anything Rapid (a): amazing
Rashers (n): pieces of bacon; female genetalia
Rat (n): squealer; some one who tells on you.
Re-calibration (n): any amount of time spent with the AA - (Alcoholic's Anonymous)
Reddener (n): blush
Red neck (n): anyone who isn't from Dublin [ came from the parents hitting their children on the back of the neck, saying 'Get up to Dublin and get a job' ]
Redser (n): somebody with red or ginger hair
Reef (v): beat (a person) up
Ride: (n) an attractive person (v) to have sex
Ri-Ra (n): fun and excitement
Riverdance (n): The act of commiting suicide in the Shannon. "so and so did The Riverdance"
Rock 'n' roll (n): having sex, 'did you get your rock 'n' roll' (get yer hole)
Ronnie (n): moustache - after movie star, Ronald Coleman
Root (v): search
Rosie Lee (n): tea
Rossie (n): brat
Row (rhymes with cow) (n): fight
Rub-a-dub-dub (n): the pub
Rubber (n): pencil eraser
Rubber as in "I was rubber last night" (phr): my legs were made of rubber I had so much to drink
Rubber Dollies (n): running shoes
Rubber Johnny (n): condom
Ructions (n): Loud arguing or commotion - 'There were great ructions at our house last night'
Runners (n): trainers, everyday sports shoes
the Runs (a): another term for the scutters
Rushers/wellies (n): wellington boots

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Sally (n): head; comes from Sallynoggin(Dublin suburb) you take out the noggin part which is head.
Sambos (n): sandwiches
Sap (n): wimp
Savage (a): very severe or excellent
Scab (n&v): one who scabs (constantly borrows or tries to get freebies); scabby, stingy
Scab (n): ugly woman/man
Scaldy (n): scabby, stingy
Scallion (n): spring onion
Scalped (v): to get a short haircut
Scanger (n): stupid female
Scarlet (a): blushing
Scatter (v): run away from something
Scon (n): amorous encounter (Kilkenny Origin)
Score (n): twenty; Four score=80; lend us a score=20 pounds
Score (v): as in to succeed in getting a one night stand
Scram! : go away!
Scran (n): food
Scrap (n): fight
the Scratch (a): dole, social security
Scratcher (n): bed
Scrawbed (n): scratched by fingernails - usually in a fight
Screwed (v): fecked, in trouble
Scrubber (n): female of low morals
Scuttered (n): drunk
Scundered/scunderated (v): embarrassed
Scutters/Squitters (n): diarrhoea
Scutting (v): catching a ride by hanging from the back of a moving truck and then jumping off
Session (n): Drinking all day long, typically starting before noon
Shades (n): police
Shag, to (v): have sex
Shagged (a): tired
Shaggin' (a): general adjective used like Feckin'
Sham (n): used by a man from a rural area when addressing one from the city e.g. How's it goin', sham?
Shaper (n): young guy who takes up a lot of space when he struts around.
Shattered (a): exhausted
Shenanagans (n): carry-on/horse-play
Shift (n): kiss
Shiner (n): black eye
Shite hawk (n): general term of abuse
Shitter (n): toilet
Shittin' bricks (phr): very nervous
Shlossed (a): very drunk
Shook (a): looks very unwell e.g. "he looked shook"
Shore (n): outside ( your kitchen door) drain !
Shorts (n): liquor drinks (spirits) - shots or mixed drinks
Shower of savages (n): a crowd, out to have a raucous time but being a bit of a nuisance!
Shrapnel (n): loose change
Silko (n): similar to gouger except less offensive
Single (n): packet of chips (french fries)
Six o' one, half a dozen o' the other (phr): exactly the same
Skawly (a): horrible, not good
Sketch (n): usually a girl who looks a state
Skin (n): friend
Skinny (n): lowdown, gossip e.g. gis the skinny on me ol' mate
Skins (n): the papers used to roll a joint or a cigarette
Skiver (n): someone who avoids work
Sky diver (n): a fiver(5 pounds)
Slag (n): same as scrubber
Slagging (v): having someone on, making fun of them
Sláinte = Cheers (literally Health!)
Slapper (n): scrubber or a slut
Slash (n&v): "to take a slash"= to piss, to urinate
Sleeveen, Slinkeen (n): a sly type, pinch the eyes out of your head
Slinjing (v): dragging your heels
Slug (n): mouthful of a drink - gis a slug
Snapper (n): child
Snaps (n): photographs
Snared rapid (v): caught doing something one shouldn't have been doing
Sneachta (n): cocaine (snow)
Snitch, Squealer, Squaler (n): informant
Snobby Weather!! (phr): "are you choosing to ignore me?" (usually meant in humour)
Snog, Shift (v): make out with or get off with (someone)
Snot (n): nasal discharge
Snot rag (n): handkerchief
Snug (n): pub booth
Soft as shite (n): soft in the head
Soft auld day, it's a (phr): usually said by old people when referring to a typically Irish day, i.e. a soft rain falling
Soother (n): pacifier, dummy
Sore Finger (n): Salt and vinegar (in Chinese take-away accent)
Sound (a): really good
Spa (n): someone who hasn't got good co-ordination
Specky Four-Eyes (a): anyone who wears glasses (kid's nickname)
Speedy (n): police motorbike
Sprog (n): kid
Spud (n): typical nickname for someone with the surname Murphy
Spuds (n): potatoes
Squealer (n): baby; someone who tells on you
Squid (n): same as quid
Squizz (n): a look-see
Stabber (n): the last 1/4 of a cigarette - "leave us a stabber"
Stalk (n) penis
Stay easy (v): relax
Steamed, Steamboats (v): very drunk - "we're getting steamed (steamboats) tonight"
Steever (n): a kick in the backside
Stinky/Stinkies (n): shit
Stop the lights! : jayzuz, really?!
Stocious (a): drunk as a lord
Strand (n): beach
Strides (n): trousers
Streal (n): looking down and out; Like a streal
Stroked (v): to be proved wrong
Stung (a): embarrassed after getting caught doing something ye shouldn't
Suckin' diesel (v): having a good time
Swimming trunks (n): mens' bathing suit
Swiss (a): Arse (swiss roll - hole) as in 'Up your swiss'

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Tackies (n): runners/trainers
Taig (n): catholic
Tan (n): an English person
Tenner (n): 10 pound note
That's Right (phr): to agree with someone
Thick (n)/(a): idiot/stupid
Thick as a ditch (phr): really stupid person
Thick as a brick (phr): stupid
Thick as a (short) plank (phr): stupid
3m (n): a young male who`s only care`s are his ma, his moth and his moustache
Throwing Shapes (v): what a shaper does...see above.
Thunder & Lightning (n): knock like thunder, run like lightning: knocking at a door and running away. Also Knick-knacking
Tiddler: reference to small fish or child
Tinker (n): gypsy/travelling person/insulting term for a low-class female
Tip (n): Garbage dump/dirty, messy place - 'That pub is an awful tip'
Toe-rag (n): a useless bollix
Togs (n): swimming trunks
Tonne/ton (n): one hundred; doing a ton = driving at 100 mph or to owe someone a ton=to owe 100 pounds
Tool (n): idiot, penis
Tosser(n): wanker
Toucher (n): someone who is always looking for a handout
Touched (n): a strange individual
Touchin' cloth (phr) : dying for a crap
Traipse (v): walk aimlessly
Trap (n): mouth
Trick-acting (v): horse-play, messing about, showing off
Tripe (n): bullshit; [in an American context] menudo served on Saturdays at your local Mexican Restaurant in AZ.
the Trots (n): a.k.a. the scutters
Turf Accountant (n): a.k.a. bookie / betting shop for horse or greyhound racing
Twisted (a): very drunk
Twistin' hay (v): means you're starting trouble, usually in a playful way
Two-bulb (n): squad car
Tyre biter (n): related to Bowler [ugly females, i.e. dogs chasing cars]

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Undy-grundy (n): wedgie
Up 'a duff : pregnant
Up the flue / In the family way (n): pregnant
Up the pole : pregnant
Up the yard! : be off with ya!
Up to ninety : (as in so 'n' so is ...) near boiling point, ready to explode
Use (n): as in, was such 'n' such any use? - meaning was it any good?

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Vexed (v): upset
Vitamin G (n): pint of Guinness (as in: it's good for you, i could do with a bit of vitamin G)
Vixen (n): cute woman

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Wafer (n): ice cream sandwiched between two flat wafers
Wagon (n): ugly female
Wall-falling (a): knackered, exhausted
Walrus (n): fifty pounds in money
Wanker (n): an uninteresting person, usually someone you can't stand
Want in him, there's a (phr): he's a bit slow
Warped (a): very drunk
Warped, F%$ked up, Twisted (a): strange
Weapon (n): it's great i.e. it's a weapon. i.e.
Wear (v) & (n): a very deep heavy kiss, with full tongue action - stuck into somebody so much it's like you're wearing them. Common phrase, 'to wear the head off somebody' is to give them an extremely long and hard 'wear' Common in Dublin. In danger of being replaced by the English 'To Snog'
Wee Folk (n): Leprechauns of course
West Brit (n): excessively anglophile
Wet the tea (v): make tea (comes from the practice of wetting the leaves in the bottom of the pot)
Whaya looking at? (phr): usually said by a gang member and sometimes a precusor to getting a clatter - there is no right answer!
Whiff or Whack (n): a smell
Whist (v): keep quiet
Why don' cha? (phr): ironic comment meaning "you better not!"
Wick (a): crap
There'll be wigs on the green (phr): there'll be a big ruckus or fight; also, there'll be hell to pay
Wire (n): mickey, penis
Wise Up, Kop On (phr): use your head, wake up!
Wojus (a): poor or bad; "That tea is wojus."
Wrecked (adj): tired

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a gaelic filler until you send something in!
Tripe (n): ruipleog

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Y-Fronts (n): Men's briefs
Yockers (n): Balls
Yoke (n): a thing (pass me that yoke) or (ya feckin yoke)
Yonks (n): a long time
Youngfella (n): generic term for a youth (male)
Youngwan (n): generic term for a youth (female)
You couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo (phr): bad aim, woeful hurler/darts player/soccer player etc.
Your head's a marley (phr): Belfast phrase for "You don't know what you're talking about" ( marley= marble)
Your head's up your arse (phr): "You don't know what you're talking about"
Your hole (a): having sex, as in ' did you get your hole last night?'
Yoyo (n): euro

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Z (n): when you need to get some sleep you need to get some zeds.
a final gaelic filler
Zero (n): faic (fwack)

