2013年10月22日 星期二

Australian Slang 1

Australian Slang
http://www.australianexplorer.com/australian_slang.htmAustralian slang is a unique 'dialect' that is widely spoken across Australia. Many words have now been adopted across the globe. However, other words and sentences are heard exclusively in Australia and can be both difficult to understand and often humorous for the visitor.
For the traveller, getting to grips with the many unique words which make up the Australian language is part of the fun. We all use some form of slang in our own country so why not teach yourself a little bit of the Aussie slang to help you along!!
Australian Explorer has a huge Australian slang section which is arranged by category alphabetically to assist your learning. Hopefully you will be able to travel around with greater confidence and perhaps obtain discounts or make some Aussie friends as a result of your new language skills. Of course the most important thing is to have some fun.
Good luck learning the world famous Australian Slang!

Bitzer : mongrel dog
Blowie : blow fly
Bluey : blue working cattle dog
Boomer : large male kangaroo
Brumby : wild horse
Bunyip : mythical outback creature
Chook : chicken
Dunny Budgie : blowfly
Freshie : freshwater crocodile
Joey : baby kangaroo
Jumbuck : sheep
Kelpie : Australian sheepdog originally bred from Scottish collie
Mozzie : mosquito
Roo : kangaroo
Saltie : saltwater crocodile 
Bail out : depart often angrily
Bail (somebody) up : to corner somebody physically
Barrack : to cheer on
Big-note oneself : brag, boast
Blue : fight/argue
Blow in the bag : have a breathalyzer test
Bog in : tuck in, commence eating
Bot : to scrounge
Burl : have a go
Captain Cook : look ("let's have a Captain Cook")
Chuck a Uey : do a u turn
Dob in : to inform on somebody
Drum : tip-off
Dummy, spit the : get very upset at something
Earbashing : nagging
Face, off one's : drunk
Flat out : busy
Flick : to dump your partner
Flick it on : to sell something soon after buying it
Flog : to sell / steal
Fossicking : search / rummage
Game : up for it
Get up somebody : to rebuke somebody
Gobful, give a : to abuse verbally
Grinning like a shot fox : very happy, smugly satisfied
Knock : to put down / criticise
Lair it up : to behave in a brash and vulgar manner
Lend of, to have a : to take advantage of someone
Lizard drinking, flat out like a : very busy
Lob in : drop in to see someone
Muster : round up sheep or cattle 
Naughty, have a : have sex
Nuddy, in the : naked
Pash : passionate kiss
Perve : looking lustfully at the opposite sex
Pommy shower : using deodorant instead of taking a shower
Plate : bring your own / some food (often to a BBQ)
Rack off : get lost!
Rage on : to continue partying
Rapt : pleased
Rock up : to turn up, arrive
Root : have sex
Rooted : tired
Ropeable : very angry
Rort : Cheating, defrauding
Rubbish, to : to criticize
Session, to have : go out drinking
Shankys's pony : to travel on foot
Shoot through : to leave
Sickie, throw a : have a day off due to illness
Skite : boast, brag
Smoko, have a : take a break
Spewin : very angry
Spit the dummy : get very upset at something
Sprung : caught doing something
Squizz : to look
Sunbake : sunbathe
Technicolor yawn : to be sick
Tee-up : to set up (an appointment)
Waggin' school : playing truant
Walkabout : wander off
Whinge : complain
Whiteant : to criticising competitors products
Wobbly, throw a : go mad
Veg out : relax in front of the TV
Yabber : talk a lot
Yakka : work (noun)
Yewy : u-turn in traffic 
Buck's night : stag night
Corroboree : an aboriginal dance festival
Footy : Football - including Australian Rules (VIC / SA), Rugby League (NSW / QLD), Rugby Union and Soccer
Nasho : National Service
Smoko : smoke or coffee break
Two up : gambling game played by spinning two coins simultaneously
Barbie : barbecue (noun)
Bathers : swimming costume
Bikkie : biscuit
Billy : large tin can to boil water over a campfire
Bitumen : surfaced road
Bondi cigar : muck floating in the sea
Boogie board : body board
Boomerang : Aboriginal tool for hunting
Booze bus : police van for breathalysing
Brekkie : breakfast
Brown-eyed mullet : muck floating in the sea
Bull bar : stout bar fixed to the front of a vehicle
Bull dust : outback dust
Bush telly : campfire
Bush tucker : native outback food
Chewie : chewing gum
Chokkie : chocolate
Chunder : vomit
Clobber : clothes
Coldie : a beer
Compo : Workers' Compensation pay
Counter lunch / meal : pub lunch
Cozzie : swimming costume
Cut lunch : sandwiches
Daks : trousers
Damper : bread made from flour and water
Date : behind (rear end)
Didgeridoo : Aboriginal instrument
Dilly bag : Aboriginal carrying bag
Docket : a bill, receipt
Donger : penis
Doodle : penis
Doozey : something very pleasant, significant, large
Duchess : sideboard
Dunny : outside lavatory
Durry : cigarette
Esky : coolbox
Fairy floss : candy floss, cotton candy
Flake : shark meat
Fly wire : gauze flyscreen covering a window or doorway
Franger : condom
Freckle : anus
Grog : alcohol / beer
Grundies : underwear
Handle : beer glass with a handle
Hottie : hot water bottle
Icy pole : ice lolly
Jocks : male pants
Kero : kerosene
Knacker : testicle
Lemon : faulty product
Lippy : lipstick
Liquid laugh : vomit
Lollies : sweets
Loo : toilet
Mappa Tassie : females pubic hair area
Matilda : swagman's bedding, sleeping roll
Metho : methylated spirits
Middy : New South Wales beer glass (285ml)
Muddy : mud crab
Munchies : snacks, nibbles
Pav : Pavlova
Plonk : cheap wine
Pokies : fruit machines
Port : suitcase
Pot : Large beer (in Victoria)
Prezzy : present, gift
Rego : vehicle registration
Road train : a very big lorry with many trailors
Rollie : a cigarette that you roll yourself
Sanger : a sandwich
Schooner : large beer glass in QLD and NSW
Schooner : small beer glass in South Australia
Scratchy : instant lottery ticket
Shout : a round of drinks
Slab : crate of beer
Snag : a sausage
Spag bol : spaghetti bolognese
Strides : trousers
Stubby : a 375ml beer bottle
Stubby holder : beer bottle cooler
Sunnies : sunglasses
Swag : roll up canvas bed for camping
Thongs : flip flops
Tinny : can of beer / small aluminium boat
Togs : swimming stuff
Trackies : track suit
Tucker : food
Tucker-bag : food bag
Turps : turpentine
Get on the Turps : drink alcohol
Ute : utility vehicle
Vedgies : vegetables
Vee dub : Volkswagen
Whipper Snipper : garden strimmer
XXXX : Four X, Queensland brand of beer
Zack : sixpence (5 cents)
Ankle biter : small child  
Aussie : Australian
Bastard : an unpleasant person; affectionate appellation, e.g. what you been doing, you old bastard?
Battler : a hard worker only just making a living
Beaut / beauty : great, fantastic
Bingle : minor car accident / fight
Block, do your : get angry
Bloke : man, guy
Blokey : behaving 'manly'
Blow in : stranger
Bludger : layabout
Bogan : young, immature person
Bounce : a bully
Brickie : bricklayer
Bushie : someone who lives in the Bush
Bushranger : outlaw
Cadbury : a cheap drunk (a glass and a half)
Clayton's : fake, substitute
Clucky : feeling broody or maternal
Cobber : friend
Cockie : farmer. Also a cockatoo
Cook : one's wife
Cranky : in a bad mood, angry
Crook : sick, or badly made
Dag : a funny person, nerd
Dero : tramp, hobo, homeless person (from "derelict")
Digger : a soldier
Dill : an idiot
Dipstick : fool / idiot
Dog : unattractive woman 
Dole bludger : signing on illegally
Drongo : a dope, stupid person
Figjam : Someone who has a high opinion of themselves
Fisho : fishmonger
Frog in a sock :
(as cross as a)  sound angry
Fruit loop : fool
Full : drunk
Galah : fool
Garbo, garbologist : municipal garbage collector
Greenie : environmentalist
Grey hairs : old people
Gutful of piss : drunk
Gyno : gynaecologist 
Brass razoo :
(hasn't got a)  he's very poor
Hoon : hooligan
Jackaroo : a male farm hand
Jillaroo : a female farmhand
Journo : journalist
Jumped up : stuck up
Kiwi : person from New Zealand
Knocker : somebody who criticises
Larrikin : a joker
Mallee bull:
(as fit as a)  very fit and strong
Mate : buddy, friend
Milko : milkman
Mob : group of people
Mongrel : despicable person
Mongrel : nasty person
Mug : gullible person
Nipper : young surf lifesaver
No-hoper : somebody who'll never do well
Not the full quid : not bright intellectually
Oldies : parents
Ocker : an unsophisticated person
Offsider : an assistant / helper / partner
Piker : social misfit / drop out
Polly : politician
Pom /pommy : an Englishman
Postie : postman
Quid, not the full : of low IQ
Rapt : pleased, delighted
Ratbag : mild insult
Raw prawn :
( to come the)  to be generally disagreeable
Reffo : refugee
Rellie : family relative
Ring in : substitute
Rotten : drunk
Salvos : Salvation Army
Screamer : party lover
Shark biscuit : new surfer
Sheila : a woman
Shonky : dubious, underhanded
Skimpy : barely clothed bar staff
Sook : soft or inoffensive person
Spunk : a good looking person
Stickybeak : nosy person
Stuffed, I feel : I'm tired
Surfies : people who go surfing - more than they go to work!
Swaggie : swagman
Swagman : tramp, hobo
Tall poppies : successful people
Tall poppy syndrome : the tendency to criticize successful people
Tickets :
( to have on oneself)  to have a high opinion of oneself
Truckie : truck driver
True blue : patriotic
Two pot screamer : person who gets drunk easily
Up oneself : have a high opinion of oneself
Useless as :
an ashtray on a motorbike  Incompetent or unhelpful
Useless as :
tits on a bull  Incompetent or unhelpful
Vejjo : vegetarian
White pointers : topless (female) sunbathers
Woos : coward
Wombat : a person who eats, roots and leaves
Wowser : spoilsport
Wuss : coward; nervous person or animal
Yobbo : ignorant person
Youse : you (plural) 
Ace! :  Excellent! Very good!  
Arvo :  afternoon
Amber fluid :  beer
Aussie :  Australian
Beaut, beauty :  great, fantastic
Big Mobs :  loads, a lot of
Bloody :  very
Bloody oath! :  that's certainly true
Blue :  argument/mistake
Bodgy :  poor quality
Bonzer :  great, ripper
Bottler :  something excellent
Bottling :
his blood's worth:  he's an excellent, helpful bloke
Buckley's chance :
(you've got)  no chance
Bull dust :  rubbish
Cactus :  dead, broken
Cark it :  to die, stop working
Chocka :  full up
Click :  kilometre - "it's 20 clicks away" 
Come a gutser :  a bad mistake or have an accident
Come good :  turn out ok
Cooee, not within :  figuratively a long way away
Cost big bikkies :  expensive
Crack a fat :  get an erection
Cream, to :  defeat by a large margin
Cut snake :
(mad as a)  very angry
Dead dingo's donger :
(as dry as a)  dry
Deadset :  true / the truth
Dingo's breakfast :  no breakfast
Dinkum / fair dinkum :  true, real, genuine
Dinky-di :  the real thing, genuine
Docket :  a bill, receipt
Doco :  documentary
Drink with the flies :  to drink alone
Dunny rat :
(cunning as a)  very cunning
Exy :  expensive
Fair dinkum :  true, genuine
Fair go :  a chance / break
Fair suck of the sav! :  exclamation of wonder, awe, disbelief
Furphy :  rumour
G'Day :  hello!
Give it a burl :  try it, have a go
Give it away :  give up
Going off :  good fun
Good oil :  useful information, a good idea, the truth
Good onya :  well done
Grouse :  great, terrific
Heaps :  a lot
Iffy :  dodgy
It's gone walkabout :  it's lost, can't be found
Kangaroos loose
in the top paddock :  Intellectually inadequate
Kick the bucket :  to die
Knock back :  refuse
London to a brick :  absolute certainty
Lunch :
(who opened their?)  OK, who farted?
Mate's rate :  cheaper than usual for a friend
Mate's discount :  cheaper than usual for a friend
No worries! :  no problem / its okay
Nun's nasty :
(as dry as a)  very dry
Piece of piss :  easy task
Pig's arse! :  I don't agree
Plate, bring a :  Instruction to bring a plate of food to a party
Pozzy :  position
Quid, make a :  earn a living
Rack off :  get lost! get out of here!
Reckon! :  for sure
Ridgy-didge :  original, genuine
Right :  okay
Ripper :  Great
Rooted :  ruined, broken
She'll be apples :  It'll be alright
She'll be right :  it'll be okay
Sparrows fart :  dawn
Strewth :  exclamation
Stoked :  very pleased
Stuffed, I'll be :  expression of surprise
Too right :  definitely
Turps, hit the :  go on a drinking binge
Zack, not worth a :  not worth anything 
Back of Bourke : long way away
Billabong : an ox-bow river or watering hole
Black Stump
(beyond the) : a long way away, the back of nowhere
Boozer : a pub
Bottle shop : off license
Bottle-o : off license
Brizzie : Brisbane, state capital of Queensland
Bundy : short for Bundaberg, Queensland, and the brand of rum that's made there
Bush : outback
BYO : unlicensed restaurant where you have to Bring Your Own grog
Down Under : Australia and New Zealand
Dunny : outside lavatory
Going off : a place that is a lot of fun
Kindie : kindergarten
Lucky Country, the : Australia
Maccas : McDonald's
Milk bar : takeaway food shop
Never never(land) : the Outback / centre of Australia
O.S. : overseas
Outback : central areas of Australia
Oz : Australia
Rage : party
Servo : petrol station
Sleepout : house verandah converted to a bedroom
Station : a big farm/grazing property
Top End : far north of Australia
Uni : university
Unit : apartment
Woop Woop : a small, perhaps, unimportant town

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