2013年10月22日 星期二

Australian Slang 3

Australian Slang 3
Learn h
ow to speak Australian Slang and communicate with Australians.
There are 33 definitions listed under A.
a bit more choke and you would have startedmisc:- a statement said to somebody who has just passed wind in public rather loudly.
a few Kangaroos loose in the top paddockadjective:- someone who is mentally 'not quite there, also picnic short of a sandwich , lights are on but nobody is home, etc.
A over Tverb:- to fall over, from "arse over tits".
abattoirnoun:- a place where animals are slaughtered and prepared for sale
abso-bloody-lutelymisc:- absolutely and beyond any doubt.
acidnoun:- the good word, the truth, the good acid.
act, putting on anverb:- pretending to be sick or distressed to gain sympathy. Sometimes said as bunging on an act.
Adam's ale noun:- Water
aerial ping pongnoun:- Australian Rules Football, description usually used derogatorily by Rugby Fans.
after darknoun:- shark
agroadjective:- (also aggro), the state of being angry and aggressive over a situation. Also the name of a well known puppet on a children's program.
air hostess
noun:- Female airline employee who is employed to look after passengers during flights. Now politically incorrect, the term "flight attendant" is used for both Male and Female employees. Other less flattering terms used are 'aerial waitress" and "lifejacket demonstrator"
airy fairynoun:- vague
Akubranoun:- Proprietary name for an Australian wide brimmed felt hat.
Alice, thenoun:- Alice Springs, a town in the Northern Territory of Australia.
alligator pearnoun:- avocado, so named for the alligator like skin of the fruit.
amber fluidnoun:- beer
anchorsnoun:- brakes of a vehicle, reins of a horse, or even one's own feet. Always used in the process of using the anchors to slow or stop down.
ankle biternoun:- small child, also called a rug rat
any tic of the clockmisc:- very soon
ANZAC biscuit
noun:- a national biscuit of Australia, purportedly invented on the war fields of the First World War. The recipe can vary but the essential ingredients are rolled oats and golden syrup.
ANZAC Daynoun:- ANZAC day in Australia, April 25th, the anniversary of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli in 1915, is the national day of remembrance for Australian Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen, killed in wars overseas. Recently members of "Enemy Armed Forces" also march with Australians in celebrations across the country and is seen as a measure of reconciliation. Click here for more information.
Apple Eaternoun:- Resident of Tasmania. Also "Apple Islander".
Apple Islenoun:- Tasmania, an island state of Australia, so called for the huge apple industry on the island.
apples, she'll bemisc:- everything will be okay or alright.
argy bargynoun:- argument, also adjectivally as argumentative
aristotle, arismisc:- a bottle
Armistice Daynoun:- the anniversary of 11 November 1918 when the Armistice to end World War I was signed at 11 AM. Formerly known as Remembrance Day.
arsenoun:- Bum, Butt, Buttocks
arse over titverb:- to fall over
arvonoun:- afternoon
Ashes, thenoun:- The name for the trophy in an ongoing series of Cricket Tests between Australia and England. The story goes that Australia won the first test and England burned the stumps in shame. The ashes were placed in a small urn which is now the trophy.
avagoverb:- To attempt to do something
There are 41 definitions listed under B.
baccynoun:- tobacco
back blocksnoun:- originally remote settlements away from the main cities, it is now used to denote the outer suburbs or cheaper blocks of land beyond the city
back of Bourkenoun:- a long way away from wherever you are, specifically inland and away from civilisation. Bourke is an inland town, hence...
bad case of the trotsnoun:- diarrhea
banana bendernoun:- a resident of Queensland, perhaps a little derogatory
barbienoun:- Barbecue. Similar to a cook out, a barbie is a popular way to get together with friends in the warmer months of the year. (Not to be confused with Ken's girlfriend)
barneynoun:- an argument or fight
barrackverb:- to cheer for your team or player in sport, or to take sides in an argument.
bastardnoun:- a general form of addressing someone, it can either be an affectionate term of endearment or to describe an unpleasant character. However, should be used with discussion, if in doubt, don't.
bathersnoun:- a swimming costume, but only in Victoria and South Australia. Also see Togs.
bathroomnoun:- the room containing a bath or shower. Not to be confused with the toilet.
battlernoun:- a hard work and persistent trier who is struggling financially.
beautadjective:- very good or excellent, perhaps even desirable. Generally pronounced bewd or bewdie.
bee's kneesadjective:- the absolute best, perfect, the greatest
beg yoursmisc:- I beg your pardon.
big smoke, thenoun:- bush slang for the major cities of Australia.
billabongnoun:- A waterhole, formed when a "U" shaped bend in a river is cut of and separates from the rest of the river. A billabong can sometimes remain after the river itself dries up.
billynoun:- A tin used for boiling water over a campfire, usually for a cup of tea. Originally made from an empty jam tin with a loop of wire for a handle and used by swagmen during the depression years. Also called a "billy can".
billy teanoun:- tea brewed over an open fire in a billly can. Billy Tea usually has a Gum Leaf thrown in for flavour (Gum leaves are rich in Eucalyptus Oil).
billylid.noun:- a child. Rhyming slang from "Billy Can Lid" for Kid, another term for a child.
binglenoun:- a car accident
biscuitnoun:- the "correct" term for a cookie.
bite ya bummisc:- exclamation, be quiet.
Blackfellanoun:- an Aboriginal, although now considered to be a racist comment.
blokenoun:- an Australian male. To call someone a "good bloke" is to give them a compliment.
bloodyadjective:- the universal intensifying adjective. Perhaps from an old Irish catholic swear word, a corruption of "By our Lady".
blowienoun:- a blowfly, a large and very noisy fly.
blowyadjective:- windy
bonzeradjective:- great, excellent
box, thenoun:- television
buggerlugsnoun:- affectionate term used to mildly annoy somebody
bunyipnoun:- A mythical aboriginal bush spirit animal that lives in swamps and billabongs.
bushnoun:- the Australian country. It is used to describe both the location, far away from the city, and more importantly the typical natural vegetation. T go bush is to go to back to the country, back to the land.
bushedadjective:- exhausted
bushie, bushynoun:- a country person who resides in the bush
bushrangernoun:- an outlaw or highwayman, similar to the outlaws of the American Wild West. The most famous of course is Ned Kelly.
bushwackernoun:- Synonymous with bushranger
busy as Bourke street in the rush hour
misc:- extremly busy. Bourke St. is a main street in Melbourne and is always busy.
buzz offverb:- leave
by jingoesmisc:- an exclamation of surprise.
BYOnoun:- Bring Your Own (booze to a restaurant, meat to a barbecue, etc.) Also to describe a restaurant with a limited liquor license
There are 32 definitions listed under C.
cackleberrynoun:- an egg
cactusadjective:- something has had it, doesn't work anymore, or someone in a lot of trouble.
call it a daymisc:- finish up and stop work
call it quitsverb:- break off a relationship or to stop trying to do something.
carbienoun:- short for carburetor
cark it
verb:- to die
carnmisc:- a rallying cry at football games to cheer your team on. Short for "Come on!"
cellotapenoun:-  Australian brand name for a 'scotch tape' like product
cheesed offadjective:- very annoyed
chemistnoun:- a pharmacy
chew the Fatverb:- To have a pleasant conversation with someone. Also called a chinwag.
chewyadverb:- chewing gum.
chippie, chippynoun:- a carpenter.
chipsadverb:- French fries, called chippies in New South Wales.
choc a block, chockersadjective:- full up with no space left at all.
chockieadverb:- chocolate
chooknoun:- a chicken
Chrissienoun:- Christmas
chuck a leftieverb:- to turn left
chuck a spazverb:- get angry demonstratively
chuck a U eyverb:- to make a U-turn
chuck a wobblyverb:- to have a fit of temper.
chuck upverb:- to vomit,
chuffedadjective:- well pleased
chunderverb:- to vomit, usually when drunk. Perhaps from 'up and under'.
Legend has it though that the term hails from the time of the long ships that transported convicts to Australia. It was a twelve month trip and the seas would often be stormy causing the ships to roll from side to side; a prescription for sea sickness.

The convicts were housed in bunk like beds which was generally where you ended up if you were feeling ill. A convict on the top bunk who was about to vomit would yell "Watch out under" to warn the inhabitants of the lower bunks of the pending delivery.

As with most Australian slang, the phrase "Watch out under" got shortened to "Chunder" - or so the story goes..
clapped outadjective:- broken down, will no longer work.
clobbernoun:- your clothes. Also to hit someone forcefully.
clod hoppersnoun:- your feet
cobbernoun:- a friend, generally male but not necessarily. Similar to a mate or a pal, but with a closer relationship.
cockienoun:- short for a type of parrot known as a cockatoo. Also a farmer, or a cockroach.
cods wallopmisc:-  an exclamation showing disbelief in what has just been said, equivelant to "Rubish!", or a polite way of saying "bullshit".
cooking with gasadjective:-  used to indicate that the current activity is proceeding either as expected or better.
There are 47 definitions listed under D.
Dad 'n Davenoun:- a shave.
dagadjective:- bits of manure that stick to the long wool around a sheep's bottom forming small dangling balls. Also a term for a funny person, nerd, goof, loser. In this respect it can have either an endearing or disparaging meaning, although is usually used for a likable fellow.
daksnoun:- a man's trousers or shorts, now also a brand name. However in New Zealand, daks means underpants, underdaks in Australia. Be sure you know which one they are talking about.....
dampernoun:- a yeast less bread cooked either in the hot coals or in a dutch oven over a camp fire. Click here for a recipe.
damper, to put averb:- to put a damper on something is to slow down its progress or reduce activity. E.g.., the Rain has put a damper on the beach party, pun intended!
darkienoun:- a Australian aborigine, used in the past in a demeaning manner, out of use today.
Darwin stubbienoun:- In Darwin this is a 1.25 litre bottle of beer. In the rest of the country a stubbie is a 375 ml bottle of beer, quite a difference. Legend has it that in Darwin a long road journey is not measured in time or distance but in stubbies, i.e. the number of stubbies drunk en-route.
dazzlernoun:- something that is excellent, usually said as something is a "bobby dazzler".(Usu. 'bobby-dazzler')
dead certadjective:- a certainty beyond doubt, a sure winner, especially when referring to horse or dog races.
dead horsenoun:- tomato sauce
dead ringeradjective:- an exact copy, likeness, or replica. Something/someone that looks exactly the same as something/someone else.
dead setadjective:- used to indicate that something is correct. Also can be used to question the truth of a previous statement.
deckonoun:- a look or glance.
deener, deenahnoun:- an old term for a shilling, 1 12th of a pound, today worth 10 cents. See this page for more information.
Delinoun:- Delicatessen, a small local shop that sells assorted foods and other daily necessities. Called a Milk bar in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia.
derronoun:- a derelict, also used disparagingly for a low intellect person.
Desert Ratnoun:- An Australia Army member who served in the North African campaign of World War Two, 1939-1945.
dialnoun:- face
didjeridoo, didgeridoonoun:- An Australian Aboriginal musical instrument made from a hollow log. It is used in Corroborees, religious ceremonies, and thus has great spiritual significance.

Traditionally a man (never a woman!) would walk in the bush asking for the spirits to point out "the tree" to use. The hollow log or limb is then treated with hot coals to clean out the hollow, and decorated with appropriate designs.

Playing a Didjeridoo is difficult, requiring a combination of vibrations from very loose lips, vocal sound to imitate birds and animals, and circular breathing, blowing and breathing at the same time, for continuous sound.
diggernoun:- A soldier from the Australia Army who served Turkey during the First World War. So named for their tenacity in "digging in", both literally and emotionally. Australian Diggers are well respected, particularly on ANZAC day.
dilly bagnoun:- An aboriginal term for a small carry bag that has crept into general Australia language.
dimwitnoun:- a person of low intelligence, usually used as an insult. See also Drongo.
dingaling, dingbatnoun:- a foolish or irresponsible person.
dingonoun:- The Australian wild dog, that howls but does not bark. Brought to Australia thousands of year ago by the Aborigines, the scientific name is "canis lupus familiaris". It can also be used to describe an ugly woman.
dinkumadjective:- real, honest or genuine. Can also be used to question validity, e.g.., dinkum? See also fair dinkum.
dinky diadjective:- the genuine article or the real thing, especially if the object is from Australia. See also True Blue, and fair dinkum.
dirty verb:- to be angry or annoyed about something or with someone.
dob in, toverb:- to inform on or to grass, considered a social sin.
dodgyadjective:- below standard, awkward, suspicious or underhanded. Similar to the American "Cheesy".
dogs breakfastadjective:- a mess
dogs eyenoun:- meat pie
dog's eyenoun:- meat pie
dollopnoun:- a rough portion of something, usually of a think liquid consistency
dongverb:- to hit or punch.
donknoun:- an engine for a car or boat.
donkey's yearsnoun:- a long time, ages. See also Yonks.
doonanoun:- a bed quilt usually filled with feathers. Called a duvet in England.
down undernoun:- Australia, THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! Can also be used to indicate the southern hemisphere.
drongonoun:- a stupid, inept, awkward or embarrassing person, a dimwit or slow-witted person, a fool.
duck's gutsnoun:- the heart of the matter, the basic information required without the unnecessary waffle.
dudnoun:- something that is no good, useless, doesn't work or is a lemon.
dudsnoun:- trousers, see also daks.
Duffer noun:- A cattle stealer, a rustler in America, or a silly person.
Dunnomisc:- literally don't know.
dunnynoun:- toilet or lavatory, originally an outside toilet or outhouse, now a generic term for the toilet regardless of location. Sometimes referred to as the Thunder Box! Different from the bathroom which really does contain a bath or shower for cleaning your personage.
durreynoun:- a hand rolled cigarette.
dutch ovennoun:- a large cast iron pot with a lid used for cooking or baking over an open fire.
There are 13 definitions listed under E.
earbashverb:- to chatter or talk incessantly to the point of boring or nagging.
earbashernoun:- someone who earbashes a lot!
earbashingnoun:- to talk to, or be talked to, for a long time. Generally implies a reprimand.
ears flappingadjective:- describes someone who is listening with interest or intent.
earthnoun:- electrical ground
eastern statesnoun:- All of Australia excluding Western Australia (WA). The state of Western Australia covers about 1/3 of the continent of Australia. Generally a term used by someone living in WA.
easy on
misc:- a request for someone to calm down in a heated moment.
egg onverb:- to encourage someone or to persuade someone to do something they are not anxious to do.
elbow greasenoun:- implies hard work or effort, as if one was using up the grease in ones elbow.
emptiesnoun:- empty beer bottles
entreenoun:- starter or appetizer in a meal before main course.
eskynoun:- a portable insulated container for keeping food or drink cool. A shortening the trade name for Eskimo box. In New Zealand it is called "Chilly Bin".
exercise booknoun:- a school workbook.
There are 22 definitions listed under F.
fagnoun:- a cigarette. Not a homosexual man.
faggotnoun:- a homosexual man.
fair crack of the whipnoun:- to give some one an equal opportunity or equitable treatment. See also "Fair Go".
fair gonoun:- to give some one an equal opportunity or equitable treatment. See also "Fair crack of the whip".
fair go mate!noun:- a plea for an equal opportunity or equitable treatment.
fannynoun:- vagina (US = buttocks). It never ceases to amaze and amuse me the number of girls in Asia who call themselves Fanny. If only they knew....
fed up to the back teethadjective:- use to signify someone is disgusted and/or has lost patience with someone/something/a situation.
fire awayverb:- used to tell someone to begin speaking, usually to begin speaking their mind.
five finger discount
noun:- shoplifting, store theft.
flakenoun:- fillets of shark meat, used in fish and chips mostly Victoria and South Australia.
flake outverb:- to lie down or to collapse from fatigue.
flamingadjective:- and all purpose intensifying adjective. Similar to "bloody" but softer and considered slightly more socially acceptable.
flat outadjective:- going at full speed, as fast as possible, or busy.
flat out like a lizard drinkingphrasal verb:- extremely busy and under pressure from work.
flogverb:- to beat or physically abuse someone/something; to sell something; to steal something.
footpathnoun:- a path along the side of the road where people walk.
footynoun:- short for Football, either Australian Rules, Rugby League, Rugby Union, or Soccer. However it is nearly always pronounced with a 'd'; foody.
frangernoun:- a condom.
fridgenoun:- refrigerator
from go to whoaadverb:- literally from start to finish.
furphynoun:- a rumour. Derived from the battle fields of World War I where rumours seems to follow the water carts which were manufactured in Australia by the Furphy company.
fussedadjective:- worried, either "fussed" or "not fussed".
There are 15 definitions listed under G.
gabverb:- to chatter or gossip.
ga-gaverb:- to be mad, loony, or insane.
galahadjective:- an endearing term for a fool or silly person. Also, and from, a particularly noisy parrot coloured Pink and Grey.
galootnoun:- a foolish person
gander, 'ave averb:- to have a look
gaolnoun:- the Australian and British (and therefor correct...) spelling of "jail".
garbonoun:- the garbage man
g'daymisc:- the universal Australian friendly greeting, as in hello. Pronounced "Gidday", a shortened form of "Good Day". See also Gidday.
get nickednoun:- an exclamation of contempt, or to get caught in the act.
Ghannoun:-  the railroad line to Alice Springs, so named because it replaced the famous Afghan camel trains.
giddaymisc:- the universal Australian friendly greeting, as in hello. A shortened form of "Good Day". See also G'day.
give it heapsverb:- to not hold back. I.e.., To make sure a car would go up the hill, you would "give it heaps", put your foot down on the accelerator. To give someone heaps is to give them a talking to for doing something wrong, or to make fun of them for doing something silly.
gizmonoun:- a generic term for an apparatus or tool that either doesn't have a name or the real name for which cannot be remembered.
goognoun:- an egg. Children will often say googie or googie egg.
gunadjective:- to be gun at something is to be very good or the best at something , e.g.., a gun shearer is the best shearer.
There are 17 definitions listed under H.
handbagnoun:- a woman's purse.
hang onverb:- wait a moment
hanky pankynoun:- something a little sneaky
happy as a pig in mudadjective:- very happy, also happy as a pig in shit
have a burl, have a crack, have a goverb:- to attempt to do something considered a little difficult.
headmaster - headmistressnoun:- the school principal, or sometimes vice principals in charge of boy/girls details.
heapsadjective:- lots, similar to mucho etc., see also give it heaps.
hen fruitnoun:- eggs, see also goog.
herbnoun:- means herb, but the "h" is pronounced. I.e.., "herb" instead of "erb".
his nibsnoun:- the boss, or the head of a group.
hoickverb:- to lift, jerk, or throw in a somewhat inelegant manner.
holidaynoun:- annual leave
home and hosedadjective:- used to indicate that something has been completed successfully and easily. The implication is that the horse has run his race and is "home and hosed" before the other runners come in. Also indicates that the result was a foregone conclusion.
hoofnoun:- a foot.
hoof itverb:- to walk rather than take transport.
hooroomisc:- goodbye, pronounced with or without the "h" , the implication is that you are also saying "see you later".
hum dingeradjective:- an excellent something. Something is a real hum dinger.
There are 11 definitions listed under I.
I kid you notmisc:- I am telling you the truth.
icingnoun:- the decorative sugary coating on cakes.
icing sugar
noun:- very fine sugar used to make icing, finer than castor sugar.
icy polenoun:- a popsicle, sometimes called an ice block.
idiot boxnoun:- television, often abbreviated to "the box".
iffyadjective:- used to indicate that something is a bit suspicious.
I'm easyadjective:- not worried, not concerned, or has no preference to the outcome of a choice.
in a ticmisc:- in a moment, very shortly.
in the altogetheradjective:- in the nude, see also birthday suit.
in the bagadjective:- a forgone conclusion that the "job" is as good as done, the "competition" is as good as won, etc.,
ivoriesnoun:- your teeth.
There are 17 definitions listed under J.
jack of somethingadjective:- to be sick and tired of something or doing something.
jackaroonoun:- a young male station (ranch) hand or apprentice. A Jjillaroo is the female equivalent. Perhaps from the Spanish, "caballero", meaning horseman:
jackynoun:- slang for an aboriginal native, now out of use and politically incorrect.
jafflenoun:- a toasted sandwich.
jaffle ironnoun:- originally a cast iron device to make jaffles on a camp fire, the name now also applies to the "civilised" electrical versions.
jellynoun:- a flavoured water based gelatin desert.
jelly kneed
adjective:- to be a weak person, a coward or someone who is procrastinating doing something emotionally difficult. From "jelly" above.
noun:- sweater, see also jumper.
jiffynoun:- a very short time. To do something in a jiffy is also instantaneous.
jillaroonoun:- a female jackeroo, see jackaroo.
joe blakenoun:- a snake
Joe Bloggsnoun:- the average person in the street. Although the term is male, it is non-specific and therefor signifies a person of either sex.
joeynoun:- a baby kangaroo still in its mothers pouch.
jokernoun:- a bloke or person, said in an affectionate way as there is often something amusing about this person.
jumbucknoun:- a sheep
just down the roadmisc:- literally just down the road, but then you don't know how long the road is. It could be a short distance or, usually in the bush, quite a distance.
just quietlyadverb:- confidentially
There are 17 definitions listed under K.
knoun:- kilometer
kafufflenoun:- a commotion.
kangaroonoun:- The larger marsupials of the family Macropodidae. It has short forelimbs but long feet and powerful legs with a tail for support and balance, and moves around by bounding and leaping.
Legend has it that when the white man first came to Australia he asked an Aboriginal the name for the funny looking creature bounding in the distance. Apparently the Aborigine replied "Kangaroo" which in the Aborigine language means "I don't understand you". So now we have an animal called "I don't understand you". Dinkum? Dunno, but an amusing story nonetheless.
kaputadjective:- something is broken ruined beyond repair.
kark itverb:- to die or cease operation.
keen as mustardadjective:- extremely enthusiastic. From the brand of powdered mustard manufactured by the Keen company. Get it? Keen's Mustard, keen as mustard..
Kelpienoun:- a sheep dog or cattle dog. The kelpie bloodline comes from dogs imported from Scotland, and indeed kelpie is Gaelic for water sprite.
kick in the teethnoun:- a set back.
kick in, pitch inverb:- to share, donate or join in.
kick the bucketverb:- to die. Same as to push up daisies, keel over, go west, buy a farm...
kindynoun:- kindergarten, pre school.
kipnoun:- a short sleep
knackered adjective:- puzzled or exhausted.
knee high to a grasshopperadjective:- very short.
knockverb:- to criticise.
knock backverb:- to refuse something, or to eat or drink something hurriedly.
knock offverb:- to stop work for the day or to steal.
There are 28 definitions listed under L.
lairnoun:- a flashily dressed young man, or a lout.
lairyadjective:- flashy, particularly appearance.
lamb-brainedadjective:- some one who is stupid or impractical.
lame brainadjective:- a foolish or unintelligent person.
lamingtonnoun:- An Australian delicacy, made from sponge cake cut into squares, and covered in chocolate and coconut.
As Homer would say, "Mmmm... Lamingtons". Apparently Lamingtons are named after Lord Lamington, Governor of Queensland from 1895 - 1901. Click here for a Lamington recipe.
lamington drivenoun:- a traditional way of raising money for charity by selling Lamingtons. Similar the Brownies selling cookies in America. However, these days fund raising is done by selling manufactured chocolate and the likes which doesn't seem to have the same feeling.
larrikinnoun:- a rowdy irresponsible and rascally boy or young man.
lay byverb:- to purchase an item from a store by paying installments. US = lay away.
lead footnoun:- a fast and reckless driver.
leckienoun:- and electrician
legendadjective:- a person who excels, is a champion or hero, or all around good guy.
Lemon squashnoun:- A still drink made from Lemons, Sugar and Water. US = Lemonade.
lemonadenoun:- Sparkling lemon flavoured drink. US = soda pop.
liftnoun:- elevator
lingonoun:- language
linonoun:- linoleum
lippienoun:- lipstick
liquid amber, amber fluidnoun:- beer
lobverb:- to arrive.
lob innoun:- to call on someone or to drop in to see someone.
local ragnoun:- local newspaper.
lollipop lady or mannoun:- the person who supervises school crossings.
Lolly waternoun:- Soft drink, usually carbonated.
lolly, lolliesnoun:- sweets made with sugar. UK = sweeties, US = Candy. Lolly also means money.
loonoun:- toilet
Lucky Countrynoun:- Australia, THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! (OK, so I am biased.)
lugverb:- to carry, usually something heavy and for a long time or distance. Also you ear.
lurknoun:- a scheme for success. A lurk can be either legal or illegal.
There are 25 definitions listed under M.
Macca'snoun:- McDonald's
maggiesnoun:- magpies, an Australian black and white crow like bird.
make a quidverb:- to earn a basic living.
make doverb:- to get by or cope with the basic necessities.
make tracksverb:- to leave, depart or head off.
Malleenoun:- a region straddling the borders of Victoria and South Australia covered by scrub. A particular type of Gum tree, the Mallee Gum, has very knotty hard wood and is highly prized for wood burning stoves.
manchesternoun:- household linen.
matenoun:- a general greeting term and familiar greeting amongst men whether a friend or total stranger. Similar to Cobber. I find it amazing that whenever I am abroad and meet another Aussie, I immediately refer to him/her as mate. US = buddy.
matildanoun:- the old term for a swagman's bedroll, swag, pack, or sack which contained essentials (sometime complete belongings) when traveling in the bush by foot. See Waltzing Matilda.
methonoun:- methylated spirits, also a person who drinks it.
Mexicannoun:- some one south of the border. i.e. a Victorian is a Mexican to a New south Welshman, who is a Mexican to a Queenslander. However a Taswegan is never a Mexican as Tasmania is separated from the main continent by the Tasman sea.
middynoun:- a 285 ml beer glass in New South Wales.
milk barnoun:- a small corner shop selling general daily foodstuffs and newspapers. In Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia Called a Deli elsewhere.
misery gutsnoun:- a constant complainer, Scrooge is a good example.
molly dooknoun:- a natural left handed person.
verb:- to fuss over or pamper unnecessarily.
moo juicenoun:- milk
mossie, mozzienoun:- a mosquito.
mucking aroundnoun:- simply playing around with no real intent or purpose.
noun:- fender
noun:- the outback bush.
mumnoun:- short for mother. US = Mom.
mushienoun:- a mushroom.
mystery bagsnoun:- sausages. So named because you don't really know what the ingredients are. See also snags.
mystery packnoun:- a meat pie. So named because you don't really know what the ingredients are.
There are 23 definitions listed under N.
naffadjective:- useless, low quality, ridiculous.
nappynoun:- the correct word for diaper!
narknoun:- a continual complainer, whiner or spoil-sport
narkedadjective:- to be very annoyed about something/someone.
naught, noughtnoun:- zero
neddiesnoun:- racing horses.
never nevernoun:- a desert region of the Northern Territory of Australia, popularised by the book 'We of the never-never".
never never, to put something on theverb:- to put something on credit.
New Australiannoun:- a migrant to Australia.
nick noun:- nude, particularly used when referring to sleeping habits.
nickadjective:- the condition of an object.
nick offverb:- go away. Can be used to explain that someone is leaving, or as an expletive to tell someone rather rudely to go away.
Nick outverb:- to pop out for a short period of time.
nick, toverb:- to steal something.
niftyadjective:- stylish
Nipnoun:- a derogatory term for someone from Japan or Japanese descent. From the Second World War and now an unacceptable term.
nippernoun:- young child, usually younger brother or sister.
no worries!misc:- typical Aussie attitude that everything will be OK, there will be no problems,
nogginnoun:- you head!
nongadjective:- a silly person or fool.
North Islandnoun:- Mainland Australia, according to the residents of Tasmania.
nose, on theadjective:- either smelly, offensive, disagreeable, or to indicate that someone's opinion or guess is correct.
nuddy, in theadjective:- in the nude
There are 16 definitions listed under O.
ockeradjective:- pronounced ocka, a stereotyped uncultivated or uncultured Aussie male who exhibits excessive drinking of alcohol, womanising, chauvinism, and worships the God called Footy! To call a female ocker is to suggest that she is somewhat butch. Similar to the US redneck. See also yobbo.
off one's facenoun:- to be extremely drunk.
off sidernoun:- an assistant or partner.
off the beaten tracknoun:- away from the main traffic, to use seldom used roads or simply to avoid civilisation.
old chooknoun:- a disliked and interfering woman. From chook meaning chicken. The reference is perhaps to being Hen Pecked.
old man noun:- either your Father, or your Husband.
old womannoun:- either your Mother or your Wife.
oldiesnoun:- the parents.
on for young and oldadjective:- used to indicate that a situation is out of control, usually referring to a fight or an argument.
Onyamisc:- an expression of encouragement, short for good on you. My favourite expression.
OSadjective:- overseas.
out in the sticksmisc:- out in the bush, away from civilisation, in remote areas.
out of whackadjective:- out of calibration or disorderly.
outbacknoun:- the remote rural districts, bush or hinterland. Basically away from civilisation or major settlements.
outhousenoun:- toilet, dunny. Before modern sewage, the toilet was in it's own little "house" in the backyard. Hence out house.
Oznoun:- alternate spelling of Aus, short for Australia, God's country. THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!
There are 45 definitions listed under P.
pack a wallopverb:- to punch someone convincingly and with force.
paddocknoun:- a field or meadow, usually on a farm.
pamphletnoun:- brochure
panel beaternoun:- a car or automobile body work repairer or repair shop.
parcelnoun:- package.
pashnoun:- a long and enthusiastic kiss.
pavementnoun:- sidewalk
pavlovanoun:- a traditional Australian dessert, a cream and fruit filled meringue case. Named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova.
peckishadjective:- hungry
peskynoun:- annoying
pesterverb:- to bother or annoy someone.
petrolnoun:- short for petroleum, gasoline
petrol stationnoun:- gas station
phone boxnoun:- a public telephone housing.
picturesnoun:- movies
pie floaternoun:- a meat pie floating on a thick pea puree. Look terrible, tastes good, particularly on a cold winters night.
pikeletnoun:- small pancake
pikernoun:- someone who either does not join in with others, or gives up an activity before it is finished.
verb:- to steal, also to arrest.
plant the footverb:- to drive fast by putting your foot down on the accelerator.
ploddernoun:- a slow worker, but one who eventually gets the job done.
plonknoun:- cheap wine, perhaps a contraction of vin blanc. Also to put something down unceremoniously.
plonkedadjective:- drunk
poddynoun:- young unweaned calf
polish offverb:- to finish or complete something. Used to polish off a meal, or to polish off a job.
pom, pommy, pommienoun:- A person from England, probably derived from Prisoner Of Mother England.
poof, poofter, pooftahnoun:- a homosexual male, also an endearing greeting.
poofteenthnoun:- an extremely small quantity
pooped adjective:- tired, exhausted
possie, pozzienoun:- position
post a letterverb:- mail a letter
post codenoun:- zip code
postienoun:- postman
Potnoun:- a 285 ml glass of beer in Victoria and Queensland. Refer Schooner.
pramnoun:- baby carriage, short for perambulator
prangnoun:- an accident or crash, usually with any road transport vehicle.
Prawnnoun:- a shrimp, also a foolish person.
preggersadjective:- pregnant
pressienoun:- present, gift.
pubnoun:- public house, hotel, tavern or bar with rooms and meals available. US = saloon.
puffedadjective:- out of breath
pull the pinverb:- to stop an activity or withdraw support
pull up stumpsverb:- to stop an activity, usually for the day and usually to go home. From the game of Cricket, where the stumps are pulled up and out of the ground at the end of the day's play.
pupilnoun:- student
push bikenoun:- a bicycle
There are 11 definitions listed under Q.
QANTASnoun:- Australia's national air carrier. QANTAS is an acronym for Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd.
quacknoun:- a doctor, especially a bad one.
queen, poof, pansy, poof, queer, poncenoun:- homosexual, especially an effeminate one.
Queensland nutnoun:- a Macadamia nut.
queeradjective:- homosexual
queuenoun:- a line of people.
quick smartadjective:- straight away, in a hurry.
quidnoun:- One pound, Australia currency before decimalisation.
quidsnoun:- lots of money.
quiltnoun:- a soft light blanket for a bed.
quince, to do your
verb:- to lose your temper. However quince does not mean temper.
There are 24 definitions listed under R.
rack offmisc:- go away, used when very angry with someone.
rakenoun:- a comb
Raptadjective:- short for of enraptured.
ratbagadjective:- a contemptible or obnoxious or untrustworthy person, on the eccentric side, who behaves improperly, or any combination of the above.
Razoonoun:- a fictitious coin made from brass. The term is usually used to indicate that someone has no money. "I haven't got a brass razoo!"
regonoun:- vehicle registration
relief teachernoun:- a substitute teacher
rellies noun:- short for relatives.
reonoun:- steel reinforcing bar used in constructions.
rice bubblesnoun:- the correct name for rice krispies. Well, after all, they are in the shape of little bubbles.
ridgie didgeadjective:- genuine, the real thing.
ring innoun:- a substitute or impostor.
rip offverb:- to cheat
rissolenoun:- a meat patty, although shaped like a little ball rather than being flat. Eaten as part of a meal rather than like a hamburger.
rolleynoun:- a hand rolled cigarette, see also durrey.
ronnoun:- short for later on.
Roonoun:- short for Kangaroo.
Roo barnoun:- a strong metal bar at the front of vehicles to protect them against hitting a Kangaroo. In the bush hitting a Kangaroo can be dangerous. They move fast and can swerve on a pin point. So you could be driving along and suddenly there is a Roo bouncing off you bonnet. And they are big, solid and heavy, and can easily total a car.

However in the city they can be dangerous to pedestrians and there is currently moves to ban them in built up areas.
ropableadjective:- extremely angry.
roundaboutnoun:- a circular construction at a traffic intersection to guide the traffic around.
rubbernoun:- a pencil eraser. Although also means a condom so this can cause a lot of fun and confusion.
rubbishnoun:- garbage
rubbish bin noun:- a garbage can. US = trash can.
rugbynoun:- a form of football where you carry the ball whilst running rather than kick it. Curious name therefor, but then the British did invent it. There are two versions, League and Union, with the rules differing slightly.
There are 72 definitions listed under S.
sacknoun:- a bed. Used as "hit the sack" = go to sleep.
sack, toverb:- to terminate employment, to fire.
Salvonoun:- a member of the Salvation Army. A term now also embraced by the Salvation Army in fund raising campaigns.
sand shoesnoun:- sneakers, usually made from canvas.
Sandgropernoun:- a resident of Western Australia, after a sand-burrowing desert insect.
sanga, sangernoun:- a sandwich.
saucenoun:- the "correct" term for ketchup.
Scallopsnoun:- deep fried potato cakes, but only in Queensland and New South Wales, whereas else where they are called Potato Cakes, and scallops are small shellfish.
scarce as hen's teethadjective:- very scarce or very rare.
schemenoun:- a method or system for earning money. Usually no negative connotations, but not always.
schoolienoun:- a teenager of school age or just graduated. Schoolies week is now quite a tradition where High School graduates celebrate the end of the academic year with a week of revelry in southern Queensland. There is concern however that the celebrations are getting somewhat out of hand.
schoonernoun:- a large beer glass in New South Wales and South Australia, elsewhere called a Pot.
noun:- very hot day. In capital cities a schorcher would be 35c and up, in the bush 40c and up.
noun:- native vegetation, similar to bush but with fewer and shorter trees.
scrub, toverb:- to clean vigorously.
secondary schoolnoun:- high school.
sectionnoun:- a plot of land. Referring to the original settlement days when people receiving a land grant would make their selection from and available offering.
seppo, septic, septic tanknoun:- a derogatory term for an American, "septic tank" rhyming with "yank".
serviettenoun:- a table napkin.
servonoun:- a service station, where you [purchase petrol or gasoline.
Sheilanoun:- a common term for an Australia female, usually single and probably good looking. It probably originated from the high number of female immigrants from Ireland called Sheelagh.
she'll be apples, she'll be right, she'll be sweetmisc:- everything will be OK, there is no need to worry.
she's apples, she's right, she's sweetmisc:- everything is OK!
shirtyadjective:- to be niggly, upset, or even angry.
shonkyadjective:- low or suspect quality, either of a thing or a persons character. US = cheesy.
shoot throughverb:- to leave or disappear, usually in a hurry.
shoutverb:- to buy drink at a pub for all the people in your group. The system is reciprocal in that next time someone else will "shout".
shove offmisc:- used to tell someone to go away in an angry tone of voice.
shut eyenoun:- sleep.
sickienoun:- a day off work, although often the reasons for taking a sickie have nothing to do with sickness or health but rather with recreation and enjoyment. On a very hot day, it is amazing the number of people who take a sickie.
singletnoun:- a sleeveless cotton undershirt.
skedaddleverb:- to depart quickly.
skerricknoun:- an very small quantity, usually immeasurable.
skintadjective:- broke, absolutely NO money.
skivvynoun:- a shirt with a turtle neck.
skull, toverb:- to drink your drink in one go.
slabnoun:- a carton of 24 cans (tinnies) or stubbies of beer.
slackernoun:- a person who either does not work or who tries there best to get away with doing as little work as possible, even if this threatens their salary.
slognoun:- hard and strenuous work, See also Yakka.
smokonoun:- originally a 10-15 minute break from work for a cigarette, it now means a break for a cup of tea/coffee.
snagnoun:- a sausage or a problem. UK = banger.
snow jobnoun:- a con job , a misdirection from the truth.
sooknoun:- a weak-willed person who is likely to burst into tears ad the slightest provocation. Also called a cry-baby.
spag bol
noun:- spaghetti bolognaise
sparkie noun:- an electrician
sparrows fartnoun:- dawn
spit the dummyverb:- to make up a fuss, to have a tantrum,
spongernoun:- a free loader, or one who lives of the good graces of another.
sportnoun:- a generic term for a male friend, similar to mate, mainly used in rural areas.
spot onadjective:- perfect or exact.
spudnoun:- potato
squatternoun:- originally a land owner who leased land from the Government, it now refers to someone who is occupying someone else's land illegally.
noun:- a scrutinising look.
Stationnoun:- a large farm, usually cattle or sheep. US = ranch.
noun:- an overly inquisitive or nosy person who cannot mind their own business.
stockmannoun:- a mounted station hand. US = cowboy.
strewth, struthmisc:- an exclamation or expression of amazement, perhaps short for "its the truth".
Strinenoun:- what this site is all about, Australian Slang. Strine is a nasally contraction of "Australian".
stubbie holdernoun:- a polystyrene holder for a stubbie beer bottle that increases the grip factor and keeps the beer cool.
stubbie, stubbynoun:- a small short necked bottle of beer (375ml). Not to be confused with the Darwin Stubbie.
stubbiesnoun:- a brand name for a style of men's shorts.
stuffedadjective:- exhausted
stuffed upadjective:- messed up.
stunned mulletadjective:- used to describe the look on someone's face who has absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Sunshine Statenoun:- Queensland, "Beautiful one day, perfect the next".
susadjective:- suspicious
sus, toverb:- to inspect or look into a situation. Also to sus out.
sussedadjective:- used to indicate that something in a situation has been investigated and is now understood or figured out.
swagnoun:- the old term for a swagman's bedroll, swag, pack, or sack which contained essentials (usually a blanker, billy, flour, tea and sugar which were sometimes his complete belongings) when traveling in the bush by foot. See also Matilda.
swaggie, swagmannoun:- from the Great Depression Era, a wander who traveled the country side looking for casual work when work was scarce in the cities. He would take along enough possessions in his Swag, see above. A swagman - a tramp. From the Great Depression when so many were out of work.
sweetsnoun:- dessert for dinner, or another word for candy and lollies.
swot, toverb:- to study hard, usually whilst at school
There are 43 definitions listed under T.
tamisc:- thank you
tailgateverb:- to drive too closely to the vehicle in front of you.
take away food
noun:- food that you take home to eat, US = take out.
tall poppynoun:- a successful person or achiever who, as a result, is the target of jealousy and grudging remarks.
tally honoun:- a brand name for popular cigarette papers.
Tassienoun:- Tasmania
Taswegiannoun:- a person from or resident in Tasmania.
taxi ranknoun:- a taxi stand.
teanoun:- the evening meal and usually the main meal of the day. UK = dinner.
tee upnoun:- to arrange or organise an event.
tellynoun:- television
The Gabbanoun:- a cricket ground at Wooloongabba in Brisbane. Its easier to say Gabba than Wooloongabba!
the long paddocknoun:- the areas alongside country roads and stock routes often used to graze cattle during droughts or rough times.
the Wetnoun:- the rainy season during Summer in northern tropical Australia.
Thongsnoun:- rubber sandals, called flip-flops in New Zealand on account of the noise they make when walking.
thunder boxnoun:- dunny, toilet.
tinfoilnoun:- aluminum foil
tingle, to give someone anoun:- to give someone a telephone call.
tinnienoun:- a can of beer, or a small boat in the Northern Territory, even though they are both made of aluminium.
tinnyadjective:- low quality, shonky. US = Cheesy
bag someone, toverb:- to criticise someone behind their back.;
happy little Vegemitenoun:- a happy and contented person. Derived from an advertising campaign recently revived where happy children eating Vegemite are described as happy little Vegemites.
togsnoun:- bathers or swimming costume in Queensland and Victoria.
tomato saucenoun:- the "correct" name for ketchup or catsup. Also a horse, but then dead horse also means tomato sauce. Confused?
tomato saucesnoun:- the horses or the horse races.
too rightnoun:- an affirmation or agreement.
tootnoun:- toilet
Top Endnoun:- the northern part of the Northern Territory. Famous for the lush pristine rain forests.
Top Endernoun:- a Resident of the Northern Territory.
torchnoun:- a flashlight or hand held battery powered illumination device.
track, thenoun:- the Alice Springs to Darwin Highway.
tracksuitnoun:- sweatshirt and sweatpants, sold as a complete set and often worn around the house when feeling lazy.
trannienoun:- a transistor radio. Also the transmission of a car. Or even a transvestite.
troppoadjective:- crazy or insane. Not necessarily a mental disorder. A description of the way people can go crazy in the tropics.
truckynoun:- a driver of large trucks. Normally a male but not so much these days. Also implies a blokey character.
true blueadjective:- a genuine, 1005 Australian person or thing. Also implies pride.
rubbish, to
verb:- to demean verbally.
tuckerbag, tuckerboxnoun:- a bag or box for storing food. Originally used by outdoor workers, the present equivalent is the Esky. The tuckerbox has been immortalised in the song "Where the dog sat on the tucker box."
turpsnoun:- short for Mineral Turpentine, also slang for strong alcohol liquor.
Twitadjective:- a idiot or fool.
two upnoun:- a traditional Australian gambling game. Two coins, must be Pennies, are thrown in the air and callers bet on how they will land. Officially illegal except in licenced casinos, the game is tolerated on Anzac Day as it was a pastime for soldiers during the two World Wars.
tykenoun:- small child, usually aged 3-6 years or so.
tyrenoun:- tire, that round rubber thing that fits over the wheel of your car..
There are 9 definitions listed under U.
ugg bootnoun:- a soft boot made from sheepskin with the fleece inside to provide a warm lining.
underdacksnoun:- underpants, briefs or jocks.
underground muttonnoun:- rabbit.
undiesnoun:- underpants, briefs or jocks.
uninoun:- contraction of university. US = college.
up a gum treenoun:- confused, in a quandary about a problem.
up northnoun:- Queensland according to New South Wales, which is up north according to Victoria.
up yourself
adjective:- having a large ego.
utenoun:- a utility vehicle, invented in Australia. US = pickup truck.
There are 4 definitions listed under V.
vee dubnoun:- a Volkswagen car. Short for V Double U (VW).
Vegemitenoun:- a savoury spread, made from an extract of brewers yeast, eaten on sandwiches and toast.
veggiesnoun:- vegetables
veg outverb:- to relax and thing of, er, nothing.
There are 24 definitions listed under W.
wafflenoun:- nonsense
wagverb:- to skip school. US = truancy.
walkaboutnoun:- go for a long walk, Aboriginals used this period for spiritual enlightenment.
wallopverb:- to thrash in a fight.
Waltzing Matildaverb:- to walk or wander aimlessly in the bush or country. See Matilda. Immortalised in the song "Waltzing Matilda", the unofficial Australian National Anthem.
waterholenoun:- a pub or hotel.
weatherboardadjective:- the type of house construction whereby the outer covering is a series of overlapping wooden planks nailed to the outside of the frames.
whackverb:- to place unceremoniously, to attempt, or to hit.
wharfienoun:- a dockside worker.
what fornoun:- severe punishment, as in "to give what for".
whinge, wingeverb:- to whine or complain incessantly.
whingernoun:- a person who whinges a lot.
whip upverb:- to create or make very quickly and seemly without effort.
white antsnoun:- termites, small insects that eat wood and timber. Not really ants.
white or black?noun:- referring to tea and coffee, as to whether is it required with or without milk.
wicketnoun:- referring to the playing field of life and business. You can be on a good wicket, privileged or advantaged, or on a bad wicket, disadvantaged.
willy nillyadjective:- without thought or organisation.
willy willynoun:- a small whirlwind or dust devil.
windscreennoun:- windshield.
witchetty grubnoun:- white tree boring grubs. Eaten raw or cooked by Aborigines. I believe they taste a little like Mutton, although I cannot speak from experience.
wonkyadjective:- unstable or in a bad condition that adversely affects performance.
woofernoun:- a dog
woop woopnoun:- a unidentifiable (mythical?) place inland a long, long way away and far from civilization.
wrappedadjective:- extremely happy
There is 1 definition listed under the letter X.
XXXXnoun:- Four X, the brand name for a popular Queensland beer.
There are 12 definitions listed under Y.
yabberverb:- to talk too much
yabbynoun:- a small freshwater lobster/crayfish.
yacknoun:- a talk, as in get together for a yack.
yakkanoun:- hard manual labour. Possibly an Aboriginal word.
Yanknoun:- an American.
Yank tanknoun:- An American car.
yarnnoun:- a story, usually long, intriguing and entertaining, either fictional or not.
yarn, toverb:- to have a talk or discussion with someone.
yobbonoun:- an uncouth person. See also Yahoo.
yonksnoun:- a long time, ages.
yonnienoun:- a small stone for throwing.
yousenoun:- plural of you. Pronounced the same as "ewes". Southern US = "all y'all".
There are 5 definitions listed under Z.
zacknoun:- a Sixpence. Pre decimal currency used before Feb 1966. The term is still used today, but to indicate that someone is broke. "I haven't got a zack".
zebra crossingnoun:- a pedestrian crossing where the road is painted with white stripes on the black bitumen.
zednoun:- the Australian and British pronunciation, and therefor "correct" pronunciation, of the letter Z. US = Zee.
zedsnoun:- to do with sleep, as pushing up zeds.
zonkednoun:- exhausted

There are currently 607 definitions listed in the database.
  a bit more choke and you would have started
  a few Kangaroos loose in the top paddock
  A over T
  abattoir
  abso-bloody-lutely
  acid
  act, putting on an
  Adam's ale
  aerial ping pong
  after dark
  agro
  air hostess
  airy fairy
  Akubra
  Alice, the
  alligator pear
  amber fluid
  anchors
  ankle biter
  any tic of the clock
  ANZAC biscuit
  ANZAC Day
  Apple Eater
  Apple Isle
  apples, she'll be
  argy bargy
  aristotle, aris
  Armistice Day
  arse
  arse over tit
  arvo
  Ashes, the
  avago
  baccy
  back blocks
  back of Bourke
  bad case of the trots
  banana bender
  barbie
  barney
  barrack
  bastard
  bathers
  bathroom
  battler
  beaut
  bee's knees
  beg yours
  big smoke, the
  billabong
  billy
  billy tea
  billylid.
  bingle
  biscuit
  bite ya bum
  Blackfella
  bloke
  bloody
  blowie
  blowy
  bonzer
  box, the
  buggerlugs
  bunyip
  bush
  bushed
  bushie, bushy
  bushranger
  bushwacker
  busy as Bourke street in the rush hour
  buzz off
  by jingoes
  BYO
  cackleberry
  cactus
  call it a day
  call it quits
  carbie
  cark it
  carn
  cellotape
  cheesed off
  chemist
  chew the Fat
  chewy
  chippie, chippy
  chips
  choc a block, chockers
  chockie
  chook
  Chrissie
  chuck a leftie
  chuck a spaz
  chuck a U ey
  chuck a wobbly
  chuck up
  chuffed
  chunder
  clapped out
  clobber
  clod hoppers
  cobber
  cockie
  cods wallop
  cooking with gas
  Dad 'n Dave
  dag
  daks
  damper
  damper, to put a
  darkie
  Darwin stubbie
  dazzler
  dead cert
  dead horse
  dead ringer
  dead set
  decko
  deener, deenah
  Deli
  derro
  Desert Rat
  dial
  didjeridoo, didgeridoo
  digger
  dilly bag
  dimwit
  dingaling, dingbat
  dingo
  dinkum
  dinky di
  dirty
  dob in, to
  dodgy
  dogs breakfast
  dogs eye
  dog's eye
  dollop
  dong
  donk
  donkey's years
  doona
  down under
  drongo
  duck's guts
  dud
  duds
  Duffer
  Dunno
  dunny
  durrey
  dutch oven
  earbash
  earbasher
  earbashing
  ears flapping
  earth
  eastern states
  easy on
  egg on
  elbow grease
  empties
  entree
  esky
  exercise book
  fag
  faggot
  fair crack of the whip
  fair go
  fair go mate!
  fanny
  fed up to the back teeth
  fire away
  five finger discount
  flake
  flake out
  flaming
  flat out
  flat out like a lizard drinking
  flog
  footpath
  footy
  franger
  fridge
  from go to whoa
  furphy
  fussed
  gab
  ga-ga
  galah
  galoot
  gander, 'ave a
  gaol
  garbo
  g'day
  get nicked
  Ghan
  gidday
  give it heaps
  gizmo
  goog
  gun
  handbag
  hang on
  hanky panky
  happy as a pig in mud
  have a burl, have a crack, have a go
  headmaster - headmistress
  heaps
  hen fruit
  herb
  his nibs
  hoick
  holiday
  home and hosed
  hoof
  hoof it
  hooroo
  hum dinger
  I kid you not
  icing
  icing sugar
  icy pole
  idiot box
  iffy
  I'm easy
  in a tic
  in the altogether
  in the bag
  ivories
  jack of something
  jackaroo
  jacky
  jaffle
  jaffle iron
  jelly
  jelly kneed
  jersey
  jiffy
  jillaroo
  joe blake
  Joe Bloggs
  joey
  joker
  jumbuck
  just down the road
  just quietly
  k
  kafuffle
  kangaroo
  kaput
  kark it
  keen as mustard
  Kelpie
  kick in the teeth
  kick in, pitch in
  kick the bucket
  kindy
  kip
  knackered
  knee high to a grasshopper
  knock
  knock back
  knock off
  lair
  lairy
  lamb-brained
  lame brain
  lamington
  lamington drive
  larrikin
  lay by
  lead foot
  leckie
  legend
  Lemon squash
  lemonade
  lift
  lingo
  lino
  lippie
  liquid amber, amber fluid
  lob
  lob in
  local rag
  lollipop lady or man
  Lolly water
  lolly, lollies
  loo
  Lucky Country
  lug
  lurk
  Macca's
  maggies
  make a quid
  make do
  make tracks
  Mallee
  manchester
  mate
  matilda
  metho
  Mexican
  middy
  milk bar
  misery guts
  molly dook
  mollycoddle
  moo juice
  mossie, mozzie
  mucking around
  mudguard
  mulga
  mum
  mushie
  mystery bags
  mystery pack
  naff
  nappy
  nark
  narked
  naught, nought
  neddies
  never never
  never never, to put something on the
  New Australian
  nick
  nick
  nick off
  Nick out
  nick, to
  nifty
  Nip
  nipper
  no worries!
  noggin
  nong
  North Island
  nose, on the
  nuddy, in the
  ocker
  off one's face
  off sider
  off the beaten track
  old chook
  old man
  old woman
  oldies
  on for young and old
  Onya
  OS
  out in the sticks
  out of whack
  outback
  outhouse
  Oz
  pack a wallop
  paddock
  pamphlet
  panel beater
  parcel
  pash
  pavement
  pavlova
  peckish
  pesky
  pester
  petrol
  petrol station
  phone box
  pictures
  pie floater
  pikelet
  piker
  pinch
  plant the foot
  plodder
  plonk
  plonked
  poddy
  polish off
  pom, pommy, pommie
  poof, poofter, pooftah
  poofteenth
  pooped
  possie, pozzie
  post a letter
  post code
  postie
  Pot
  pram
  prang
  Prawn
  preggers
  pressie
  pub
  puffed
  pull the pin
  pull up stumps
  pupil
  push bike
  quack
  queen, poof, pansy, poof, queer, ponce
  Queensland nut
  queer
  queue
  quick smart
  quid
  quids
  quilt
  quince, to do your
  rack off
  rake
  Rapt
  ratbag
  Razoo
  rego
  relief teacher
  rellies
  reo
  rice bubbles
  ridgie didge
  ring in
  rip off
  rissole
  rolley
  ron
  Roo
  Roo bar
  ropable
  roundabout
  rubber
  rubbish
  rubbish bin
  rugby
  sack
  sack, to
  Salvo
  sand shoes
  Sandgroper
  sanga, sanger
  sauce
  Scallops
  scarce as hen's teeth
  scheme
  schoolie
  schooner
  scorcher
  scrub
  scrub, to
  secondary school
  section
  seppo, septic, septic tank
  serviette
  servo
  Sheila
  she'll be apples, she'll be right, she'll be sweet
  she's apples, she's right, she's sweet
  shirty
  shonky
  shoot through
  shout
  shove off
  shut eye
  sickie
  singlet
  skedaddle
  skerrick
  skint
  skivvy
  skull, to
  slab
  slacker
  slog
  smoko
  snag
  snow job
  sook
  spag bol
  sparkie
  sparrows fart
  spit the dummy
  sponger
  sport
  spot on
  spud
  squatter
  squiz
  Station
  stickybeak
  stockman
  strewth, struth
  Strine
  stubbie holder
  stubbie, stubby
  stubbies
  stuffed
  stuffed up
  stunned mullet
  Sunshine State
  sus
  sus, to
  sussed
  swag
  swaggie, swagman
  sweets
  swot, to
  ta
  tailgate
  take away food
  tall poppy
  tally ho
  Tassie
  Taswegian
  taxi rank
  tea
  tee up
  telly
  The Gabba
  the long paddock
  the Wet
  Thongs
  thunder box
  tinfoil
  tingle, to give someone a
  tinnie
  tinny
  bag someone, to
  happy little Vegemite
  togs
  tomato sauce
  tomato sauces
  too right
  toot
  Top End
  Top Ender
  torch
  track, the
  tracksuit
  trannie
  troppo
  trucky
  true blue
  rubbish, to
  tuckerbag, tuckerbox
  turps
  Twit
  two up
  tyke
  tyre
  ugg boot
  underdacks
  underground mutton
  undies
  uni
  up a gum tree
  up north
  up yourself
  ute
  vee dub
  Vegemite
  veggies
  veg out
  waffle
  wag
  walkabout
  wallop
  Waltzing Matilda
  waterhole
  weatherboard
  whack
  wharfie
  what for
  whinge, winge
  whinger
  whip up
  white ants
  white or black?
  wicket
  willy nilly
  willy willy
  windscreen
  witchetty grub
  wonky
  woofer
  woop woop
  wrapped
  yabber
  yabby
  yack
  yakka
  Yank
  Yank tank
  yarn
  yarn, to
  yobbo
  yonks
  yonnie
  youse
  zack
  zebra crossing
  zed
  zeds
  zonked

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