2013年10月24日 星期四

Glossary of WTO 世貿組織

An English-Chinese Glossary of WTO
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 關貿總協定
WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界貿易組織
Uruguay Round 烏拉圭回合
MFN (Most-favored-nation)(Treatment) 最惠國貿易地位(待遇)
Dispute Settlement Body 爭端解決機構
DSU(Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes) 《關於爭端解決規則與程式的諒解》
SPS (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard ) 動植物衛生檢疫措施
AMS (Aggregate Measurement of Support) (農產品)綜合支援量
SSG (Special Safeguard) (《農產品協議》)特殊保障
ATC (Agreement on Textiles and Clothing) 《紡織品與服裝協議》
GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) 服務貿易總協定》
ITA (Information Technology Agreement) 《資訊技術協定》
MFA (Multifibre Agreement) 《多種纖維協定》
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) 《北美自由貿易協定》
ASEAN Free Trade Area 東盟自由貿易區
COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) 東部和南部非洲共同市場
MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market) 南方共同市場(或稱南錐體共同市場)
SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional cooperation) 南亞區域合作聯盟
Committee on Trade and Development 貿易與發展委員會
Committee on Trade and Environment 貿易與環境委員會
EFTA (European Free Trade Association) 歐洲自由貿易聯盟
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation) 聯合國糧農組織
ITC (International Trade Center) 國際貿易中心
ITO (International Trade Organization) 國際貿易組織
ICITO (Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization) 國際貿易組織臨時委員會
ILO (International Labor Organization) 國際勞工組織
IMF (International Monetary Fund) 國際貨幣基金組織
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 國際標準組織
OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 經濟合作與發展組織
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) 聯合國貿易與發展會議
UNDP (United Nations Development Program) 聯合國開發計畫署
UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) 聯合國環境署
WCO (World Customs Organization) 世界海關組織
WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) 世界智慧財產權組織
ACP(African, Caribbean and Pacific Group) 非洲、加勒比和太平洋國家集團(洛美協定)
Actionable Subsidy (補貼協議)可訴補貼
Amber Box Measures (農產品國內支持)"黃箱"措施
Appeal (解決爭端)上訴
Appeal Body 上訴機構
Basel Convention 《巴塞爾公約》(有關危險廢棄物的多邊環境協定)
Berne Convention 《伯恩公約》(有關保護文學和藝術作品版權的公約)
BaseTariff Level 基礎稅率
Blue Box Measures (農產品國內支持)藍箱措施
BOP(Balance-of-payments) Provisions 國際收支條款
Built-in Agenda 既定日程
Bound Level 約束水準
CAC(Codex Alimentarius Commission) 食品法典委員會
Common Agriculture Policy (歐盟)共同農業政策
CBD(Convention on Biological Diversity) 《生物多樣性公約》
Circumvention 規避
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 《瀕危物種國際貿易公約》
Commercial Presence (服務貿易)商業存在
Consumption Abroad (服務貿易)境外消費
Cross Border Supply (服務貿易)跨境交付
Complaint (解決爭端)申訴方
Defendant (解決爭端)被訴方
Countervailing Duty 反補貼稅
Counter-notification 反向通知
Cross Retaliation 交叉報復
CTG(Council for Trade in Goods) 貨幣貿易理事會
Currency Retention Scheme 貨幣留成制度
Customs Value 海關完稅價值
Customs Valuation 海關估價
Direct payment 直接支付
Domestic industry 國內產業
Domestic production 國內生產
Domestic subsidy 國內補貼
Domestic support (農產品)國內支持
Electronic Commerce 電子商務
EST(Environmentally-sound technology) 環保型技術
Ex ante 採取措施前
Ex post 採取措施後
Export performance 出口實績
Export subsidy 出口補貼
Findings (解決爭端)調查結果
Food security 糧食安全
Free-rider 免費搭車者(享受其他國家最惠國待遇而不進行相應減讓的國家)
Geographical indications (智慧財產權)地理標識
GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) 轉基因生物
Government procurement 政府採購
Green Box measures (農產品國內支持)綠箱措施
Grey area measures 灰色區域措施
GRULAC 拉美國家在WTO中的非正式集團
HLM (WTO High-level Meeting for LDCs) WTO最不發達國家高級別會議
HS (Harmonized Commodity and Coding System) 協調制度(商品名稱及編碼協調制度)
Lisbon Agreement 《里斯本條約》(有關地理標識及其國際註冊)
ILO (International Labor Organization) 國際勞工組織
IMF (International Monetary Fund) 國際貨幣基金組織
Import deposits 進口押金
Import licensing 進口許可
Import penetration 進口滲透
Import substitution 進口替代
Import surcharge 進口附加稅
Import variable duties 進口差價稅
INRs (Initial Negotiating Rights) 最初談判權(初談權)
Integration process (紡織品與服裝、農產品)一體化進程
International Office of Epizootics 國際獸疫組織
IPRs (Intellectual property rights) 智慧財產權
ITCB (International Textile and Clothing Bureau) 國際紡織品服裝局
LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) 產品生命週期分析
LDCs (Least-developed countries) 最不發達國家
License fee 許可費
Like product 同類產品
Local content 當地含量
Market access 市場准入
Market boards 專門的行銷機構
Material injury 實質損害
Modalities 模式
modulation of quota clause 配額調整條款
Montreal Protocol 《蒙特利爾議定書》(有關保護大氣臭氧層的多邊環境協定)
Multifunctionality (農業)多功能性
National Person (服務貿易)自然人
National treatment 國民待遇
New issues 新議題
Notification obligation 通知義務
Nullification and impairment (利益的)喪失和減損
Orderly market arrangements 有秩序的市場安排
Panel (爭端解決)專家組
Paris Convention 《巴黎公約》(關於保護工業智慧財產權的公約)
Peace clause (《農業協議》中關於反補貼的)和平條款
Plurilateral agreement 諸邊協議
Presence of natural person (服務貿易)自然人流動
Production subsidy 生產補貼
debt-to-equity swap 債轉股
the linkage system between the US dollar and the HK dollar 港元的聯繫匯率制
bad account/ dead account/ uncollectible account/bad debt/ bad loan 壞帳、呆帳、死帳
anti-dumping measures against …… 反傾銷措施
deflation 通貨緊縮
inflation 通貨膨脹
quota-free products 非配額產品
investment in non-productive projects 非生產性投資
risk management/ assessment 風險管理/評估
venture capital 風險基金
loan loss provision/ provisions of risk 風險準備金
revitalize large and medium-sized state owned enterprises 搞活國有大中型企業
scale economy/ economies of scale 規模經濟
state-owned cooperatives 國合企業(即國有合作社)
balance of international payments/ balance of payment 國際收支
disequilibrium of balance of payment 國際收支不平衡
public subsidies 國家補貼
state foreign exchange reserves 國家現匯結存
guide rational consumption 合理引導消費
seasonal price adjustments 季節性調價
established/accomplished facts 既成事實
scientific and technological enterprises that integrate scientific and technological development with industrial and trade development 技工貿結合的科技型企業
labor-intensive enterprises 勞動密集性企業
unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises/ unauthorized pooling of funds, compulsory donations and random levies on enterprises 亂集資、亂攤派、亂收費
millennium bug 千年問題、千年蟲
technological updating of enterprises 企業技術改造
subsidies to cover enterprise losses 企業虧損補貼
grant the national treatment to 實行國民待遇
pursuing practical results, adopting various ways and seeking common development/ the principle of equality, mutual benefit, efficiency, diversity and mutual development 平等互利、講求實效、形式多樣、共同發展的方針
“bottleneck” restrictions 瓶頸制約
flying-by-night company; bogus company 皮包公司
ease monetary policy  放鬆銀根
floating population  流動人口 
self-regulating mechanism of enterprises 企業的自我約束機制
crave comfort and pleasure  貪圖安逸 
inflated consumption  消費膨脹 
informationize  信息化 
freon-free refrigerator  無氟冰箱 
paperless transaction  無紙交易 
readily marketable products  適銷對路的產品 
profiteer  倒爺 
overstaffing in (government) organizations 機構臃腫 
organizational overlapping  機構重疊 
substitution of tax payment for profit delivery 利改稅 
regular revenues  經常性的財政收入 
chronic depression  慢性蕭條 
two-tier system / double-track system  雙重軌制 
pre-job training  就業前培訓 
on-the-job training  崗位培訓 
foreign project contracting 對外專案承包
labor service cooperation 勞務合作
modality of foreign aid 外援方式 
come into official enforcement as of January 1, 1999 199911日起實行
forms of ownership 所有制形式
implement an automatic registration system of foreign trading rights on a trial basis 以試點的形式實行外貿權自動登記制度
risk management/ assessment 風險管理/評估
projects listed as encouraged by the state 國家鼓勵項目
Implementation Rules of the P.R.C. on the Protection of Investments by Compatriots from Taiwan <<中華人民共和國保護臺灣同胞投資實施條例>>
ministerial meeting 部長級會議
equitable and rational 公正合理
take the preemptive opportunities 搶得先機
reduce and cancel debts 減免債務
engineering project 工程項目
increase in the same pace 同步增長
shake off the impact of the financial crisis 擺脫亞洲金融危機的影響
going on the track of sound progress 走上良性發展的軌道
industrial added value 工業增加值
investment in the fixed assets 固定資產投資
building materials 建材
accumulatively realizing trade surplus 累計實現順差143.4美元
bring new vigor and vitality into 注入新的生機與活力
accessories 配件
spare parts 備件
import linkage tax 進口環節稅
turnover tax 營業稅
corporate income tax 企業所得稅
offset 抵免
provincial capital 省會
municipality directly under the central government 直轄市
flagship product 龍頭產品
modern corporate system 現代企業制度
enforce stockholding system 實行股份制
holding company 控股公司
responsible for their own management decisions, profits and losses 自主經營,自負盈虧
alongside fortifying the status of the public ownership as the mainstay, it is also encouraged to witness common development of different systems of ownership 在鞏固公有制主體地位的同時,促進多種所有制經濟共同發展
establish an unified, open market with orderly competition 形成統一、開放和競爭有序的市場
State Scientific and Technological Innovation System 國家科技創新體系
help excellent talents find way to distinction 幫助人才脫穎而出
screen and modify 清理、修訂
water conservation 水利
change the method of operation 轉化經營機制
intermediary service organization 仲介服務組織
dual purpose exports 軍民兩用品出口
dual-use goods and technology 軍民兩用產品和技術
NAFTA North American Free Trade Area  北美自由貿易區
global quota 全球配額
grandfather clause 祖父條款
Animal-derived food 動物源食品
EVSL (Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization) 部門提前自願自由化
TILF (Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation) 貿易和投資自由化和便利化
international settlement 國際清算
commercial, residential and public utility construction 商住和公益設施建設
increase employment opportunities; create jobs in every possible way; open up more channels of employment 廣開就業門路
free floating exchange rate; variable exchange rate 自由浮動匯率
capital account 資本項目
current account 經常專案
overcome differences and seek common ground 求同存異
anti-fake label 防偽標誌
export-oriented industry 出口創匯型產業
revitalize stock assets 盤活存量資產
competitive bidding 竟價投標
negotiated bidding 協議投標
horizontal merger 橫向兼併
vertical merger 垂直兼併
junk financing 垃圾融資
money market 貨幣市場
reporting system; income declaration system 申報制度
shipping service company 船務公司
generic products 非商標(非專利)產品
prudent monetary policy  穩健的貨幣政策
deficit spending 超前消費
run on banks (到銀行)擠兌
domestic support to agriculture 對農業的國內支持
special bonds 特種債券
economy of abundance 富裕經濟
CAGA (compound annual growth average) 年複合增長率
Animal-based protein 動物源性蛋白
GMO (genetically modified organism) 轉基因組織
VOD (video-on-demand) 視頻點播
AOD (audio-on-demand) 音訊點播
AAMA Administrative Aspects of Market Access 市場准人的行政管理措施
ABAC APEC Business Advisory Council 亞太工商諮詢理事會
ABFAPEC Business Forum 亞太商業論壇
ACDSAPEC Communications and Database System 亞太通訊與資料系統
ACTETSMEAPEC Center for Technology Exchange
and Training for Small and Medium Enterprises
ADB: Asian Development Bank 亞洲開發銀行
AELM APEC Economic Leaders Meeting 亞太經合組織經濟領導人會議
AFTAASEAN Free Trade Area 東盟自由貿易區
AMMAPEC Ministerial Meeting 亞太經合組織部長級會議
ANZCERTAAustralia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement 澳新緊密經濟關係協定
APB-NetAsia-Pacific Business Network 亞太商業網絡
APECAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亞太經濟合作組織
APERCAsia Pacific Energy Research Center 亞太能源研究中心
APIIAsia-Pacific Information Infrastructure 亞太資訊基礎設施
APLACAsia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation 亞太實驗室認可合作
APLMFAsia Pacific Legal Metrology Forum 亞太法定計量論壇
APMPAsia Pacific Metrology Program 亞太計量程式
ASEANAssociation of South-East Asian Nations 東南亞國家聯盟
ASEMAsia-Europe Meeting 亞歐會議
ATCAgricultural Technical Cooperation 農業技術合作
CPU(Central Processing Unit) 中央處理器
CAD(Computer-Aided Design) 電腦輔助設計
Internet Penetration 互聯網普及率
Cyber Citizen 線民
Cyber Crime 網路犯罪
Cyber City 網路城市, 虛擬城市
Digital Divide 數字鴻溝
Smart Schools 智能學校
Multipurpose Card 多功能卡
Software Development 軟體發展
Content Development 內容開發
Digital Business 數位化商業
Informationization, Network-based Information Flow 信息化
Software Packages 套裝軟體
Domain Name Application and Registration 申請註冊功能變數名稱
Virtual Space 虛擬空間
Intranet 局域網
Mind Map 腦圖
Portable Computer; Laptop; Notebook Computer 可擕式電腦
PDA---Personal Digital Assistant 個人數位助理
Palm Computer 掌上型電腦
Router 路由器
Network Administrator 網路系統管理員
Cyber Economy 網路經濟
Ethernet 乙太網
ISP-Internet Service Provider 服務提供者
NC: Network Computer 網路電腦
MPC: Multimedia Personal Computer 多媒體個人電腦
MMX: Multi Media eXtensions 多媒體擴展
MHz Mega Hertz 兆赫
VGA: Video Graphics Array 視頻圖形陣列
3D Studio: Three Dimension Studio 三維攝影室
VRVirtual Reality 虛擬實境
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer 原始設備製造商
PNPPlug and Play 隨插即用
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface 樂器數位介面
MPEG: Motion Picture Experts Group 運動圖像專家組
Domain Name 功能變數名稱
Dial-up Connection 撥號連線
Customs Bond 海關擔保
Surety Company 擔保公司
Principle 本人
Carrier 承運人
Attorney 代理人/委託人
Freight Forwarder 貨運代理
Jointly and Severally Liable For 負連帶責任
Liquidated Damages 違約賠償金
Solvency 償付能力
Security 抵押品/保證金
Power of Attorney 委託書
Make a Complete Entry 正式/完整申報
CFR(Code of Federal Regulations) 美國聯邦政府行政法規彙編
Bill of Lading 提單
Condemned Goods 有問題的貨物
Customs Liquidation 清關
Customs Clearance 結關
Court Costs 訴訟費用
Disposition of Merchandise 貨物處置
trunk line 長途中繼線
incumbent operator 主導運營商
urban duct 城市管道
number inquiry 號碼查詢
interconnection (電信網路間的)互聯
universal service 普遍服務
fixed line penetration 固定電話普及率
packet switched data 封包交換數據
circuit switched data 電路交換資料
long-run incremental cost 長期增量成本
rights of way 破路權,開路權
spectrum management 頻譜管理
cross-subsidies 交叉補貼
packaging service 打包服務,套餐服務
private circuit 專用線路
scarce resources 稀缺資源

