An English-Chinese Glossary of Short Phrases (常用短語)
a bounteous repast 豐盛的一餐
a collateral consanguinity 旁系親族
a confluence of artistry, superb choreography, and stage design. 藝術技巧、優美的舞蹈和舞臺設計的融合
a consecrated ground 聖地
a convoluted seashell 盤旋狀貝殼
a dab at tennis 網球能手
a dainty [rich, luxurious] repast 盛餐
a deft hand 巧手
a dexterous mechanic 一位靈敏熟練的技工
a fatuous attempt 蠢動
a fecund soil 肥沃的土地
a gloomy prognosis for economic recovery. 經濟復蘇的黯淡預兆
a handsome countenance 美貌
a jejune diet 缺乏營養的食物
a jejune narrative 枯燥無味的敘述
a jinx day 不吉利的日子
a lineal consanguinity 直系親族
a lugubrious look 陰鬱的面容
a mendicant Buddhist monk 化緣和尚
a motley tunic 迷彩服
a mutinous child 不受管教的小孩
a nugatory agreement 無效的協定
a palatable solution to the problem. 這個問題的合乎人意的解決方法
a panegyric on [upon]sb. [sth.] 對某人[某事]的頌揚
a paucity of natural resources 缺乏自然資源
a pecuniary loss; pecuniary motives. 金錢損失;金錢動機
a pertinacious illness 痼疾
a photographer's paraphernalia. 攝影者的裝備
a plaintive music 哀怨的音樂
a plenipotentiary deputy. 全權代理人
a political prerogative 政治特權
a politician who relishes a joust with reporters. 喜歡和記者過不去的政治家
a porcupine's panoply of quills. 豪豬的帶刺甲胄
a portly belly 羅漢肚, 大肚子
a potpourri of short stories and humorous verse. 短篇小說及幽默詩句集錦
a precarious life 不安定的生活
a prim garden 整潔的園子
a prodigal life 奢侈的生活
a prodigious storm 暴風驟雨
a professor's enigmatic grading system. 一個教授的讓人費解的判分體系
a prolix speech 一次冗長的演說
a prosaic life 枯燥無味的生活
a querulous voice; querulous comments. 不滿的聲音;不滿的評論
a rabid dog 瘋狗
a rabid football fan 狂熱的足球迷
a rebarbative old man 一個令人討厭的老頭兒
a river into which a large stream debouches. 一條有大的溪流匯入的河
a sachet of shampoo 一袋洗髮香波
a saucy red bow tie. 一條漂亮的紅領巾
a scrumptious lunch 美味的午餐
a sightseeing safari 觀光旅行
A special news program preempted the scheduled shows. 特別的新節目取代預定計劃的表演
a stentorian voice. 洪亮的聲音
a tacit agreement 默契
a terse one-word answer. 一個簡明的一詞答案
a three-ply rope 一根三股的繩子
a vague, inchoate idea. 一個模糊的、尚未成熟的想法
a venal administration 腐敗的政府
a voracious observer of the political scene 對政治事件的饑渴觀察者;
a week of incessant rains 連續下了一個星期雨
accretion of population 人口增加
acts inimical to peace 不利於和平的行為
Alcoholics often suffer from periods of oblivion.
ambidextrous tennis players 能用左右手打網球的人
ameliorate working conditions 改善工作條件
an adroit tennis player 一位熟練的網球運動員
an art critic who constantly carped; 總喜歡吹毛求疵的藝術批評家;
an editor who niggled about commas; 對逗號吹毛求疵的編輯;
an engaging smile 迷人的微笑
an inclement ruler 一個殘暴的統治者
an innocuous drug 無毒的藥品
an innocuous novel 乏味的小說
an insatiable desire for knowledge 永不滿足的求知欲
an iridescent oil slick; iridescent plumage. 一片色彩斑斕的浮油;色彩斑斕的羽毛
an obnoxious man 令人厭惡的人
an obnoxious smell 令人討厭的味兒
an ostensible letter 可公開的信
animal husbandry 畜牧業; 畜牧學
anorexian. 食欲減退, 厭食
Arctic safari 北極探險
as punctilious as a Spaniard 極其拘泥於細節的
At the most critical juncture we took turns in watching that point. 最為緊急的關頭。
Attendance is obligatory. Mathematics is an obligatory course. 出席是必須的,數學是一門必修課
baneful herbs 毒草
bawl about 叫賣
bawl against 斥責
bawl and squall 怪喊怪叫
be caught with chaff 上當, 受騙
be macerated with cares 因煩惱而消瘦
be out of one's indentures 學徒期滿, 服務期滿; 契約期滿
be pestered with midges 為小蚊子所擾
be piqued at 為...生氣
be reticent about [on] the matter 對該問題保持沉默
Beethoven's Opus 47. 貝多芬作品第47號。
Beliefs have ossified into rigid dogma.paregoricadj. 止痛的
blot outv. 抹去, 遮蓋
boorish manners [language, taste] 粗野的態度[語言、趣味]
botanical nomenclature 植物學學名命名法
bounteous nature 大方的性格
break into shards 打得稀爛, 砸碎, 粉碎
break the jinxvt.( 運動比賽)連敗之後轉向勝利
calk an opening 填塞缺口
caviling about the price of a cup of coffee; 對一杯咖啡的價錢挑刺;
cessation of arms [hostilities] 停戰[停止敵對行動]
chaff and dust 廢物
change (one's) countenance( 因情緒變化而)變臉色
chime in 插嘴
Christians believe that God is omniscient. 全知的
commit a grave indiscretion 作一件非常不撿點的事情(尤指男女關係)
compunctions of conscience 良心的苛責
concoct a splendid meal 配製的佳餚
concoct an excuse for being late 編造遲到的藉口
concomitant circumstances 伴隨的情況
congruent triangles 全等三角形
crest (雞冠)+
dab off 輕輕地擦掉; 很快地除掉
dab on 輕輕地抹上; 薄薄地敷上
Decency forbids. 君子自重(請勿在此處小便)。
desiccated milk 奶粉
dexterous fingers 靈巧的手指
diaphanous tulle 透明的紗網
Discussion of the water shortage will preempt the other topics on this week's agenda. 在這星期日程表上關於用水短缺的討論將優先於其它議題
disparate ideas 根本不相同的看法
Donkeys are reputed to be the most recalcitrant animals.have (a) recourse (to) 借助於..., 依靠..., 訴諸或採取(令人不愉快的手段)
Don't be so pert! 放莊重些!
efficacious against fever 有退熱的功效
en (的)
equestrian skill 馬術
equitation. 騎馬, 騎術
events in close propinquity to each other 在時間上彼此距離很近的事件
extraneous force 外力
extraneous interference 外界的影響
fall (落下)+
fall within the purview of Art.(1) 應按第(一)條辦理
five-ply wood 五合板
for (a) countenance 為了面子
for decency's sake 為了面子
garish clothes 過於豔麗的衣服
give countenance to 贊成, 鼓勵, 支持
give one's suffrage to [for] 投...的票
Guards patrolled the perimeter of the airfield. 機場周圍
have a predilection for opera 特別愛好歌劇
have no relish for 不喜歡, 對...不感興趣
have recourse to the courts. 已求助於法院
Hawks and other rapacious birds may be killed at any time.a redoubtable opponent 一位可怕的對手
He bawled at me. 他大聲向我吆喝。
He broke his spine in a fall from a horse. 他從馬上跌下摔斷了脊樑骨。
He demured at the difficulty. 他因困難而躊躇。
He ensconced himself in a armchair. 他安坐在扶手椅上。
He feels below par today. 他今天感覺不舒服。
He grovelled at the feet of conqueror. 他向征服者屈膝。
He harbours rabid in quandary (about,as to)( 對...)左右為難
He has a gift for pastiche. 他有模仿他人作品的天賦。
He has a predilection for rich food. 他偏好油膩的食物。
He is a quack doctor.When he was a child , he was pugnacious and fought with everyone.psychopathic hospital 精神病院
He is frail after his illness. 他生病後很虛弱。
He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
He looked so funny that I found it difficult to keep my countenance. 他的樣子非常滑稽, 我難以忍住不笑。
He made an oblique reference to his work. 他拐彎抹角地提到了他的工作。
He made outstanding contributions in the realm of foreign affairs.
He mimicked the teacher's voice. 他模仿老師的聲音。
He never condescends to speak to me. 他從來未曾屈尊與我談話。
He speaks the local patois. 他會說當地方言
He spent his time philandering with the girls in the village. 和村子裡姑娘們調情
He stood up, and they perforce stood up with him. 他站起身來,他們只好同他一起站起身來。
He tore up the manuscript in a fit of petulance. 他一怒之下把手稿撕碎了。
He was interdicted from acting. 他的行為受到限制。
He was prostrated by illness. 他因生病極為虛弱。
He went into a paroxysm of rage. 他勃然大怒
Her countenance fell. 她的臉搭拉下來。
Her rude husband bawled for his dinner. 她那粗魯的丈夫大聲喊著要吃飯。
He's always ready to chime in with his opinion. 他隨時準備插嘴,表示自己的意見。
His behavior did not comport with his office. 他的行為與他的職務很不相稱。
His frail hands could hardly hold a cup. 他虛弱的手連杯子也拿不住。
His ostensible purpose was charity, but his real goal was popularity. 從表面看來他是為了慈善事業,但他真正的目的卻是提高自己的知名度
His socks had been darned again and again. 他的襪子一補再補。
His throat congested with phlegm. 他的喉嚨被痰塞住了。
Hitler tried to liquidate the Jews in Germany. 希特勒試圖全部消滅德國的猶太人。
houses in close propinquity to the beach 在海邊附近的房子
I am surprised (to learn that) you give countenance to such conduct. 我驚訝的是你竟贊成這種做法。
I detest cheese; I can't eat it. 我討厭乳酪,我不愛吃。
I have little compunction in doing it. 做這件事我沒有什麼不安。
I think your plan will chime in with mine. 我想你的計畫會與我的一致。
in a peremptory manner 態度專橫地
in common parlance 俗話說"
in jest 開玩笑地; 不認真地
In naval parlance, the left side of a ship is the port side."" 用海軍的用語來說,船的左邊稱為左舷。"
in the light of sb.'s countenance 由於某人的幫助
in the realm of 在...領域裡
inculcate the young with a sense of duty. 向年輕人灌輸責任感
infirmities that are the concomitants of old age 隨老年而來的虛弱
intermentn. 埋葬, 葬禮
irrefragable evidence 不容疑議的證據
It is hard for an inveterate smoker to give up tobacco. 老煙鬼
It is interdicted by law. 這是法律禁止的。
It is said the general condescended to eat with the soldiers every Sunday. 據說這位將軍每週日都要屈尊與士兵們一同進餐。
It is within his prerogative to do so. 他是有權這樣做的。
It sounded the (death-) knell of all her hopes. 喪鐘聲
jest at sb. 嘲笑某人
jesting apart[ 用作插入語]說正經的, 言歸正傳
Jesus taught in parable. 以寓言"
John was happily ensconced at West Point. 約翰幸運地安排在西點軍校。
jumbo jet)concave lens 凹透鏡
jumbo shrimp; a jumbo jet. 大蝦;巨型噴氣式飛機大型噴氣式客機,珍寶機
keep one's countenance 鎮定自若, 忍住不笑
knackered adj. 筋疲力盡的
lacquer ware 漆器
lead (a woman) to the altar 娶(某女), 與(某女)結婚
leer at 不懷好意地看著(表示情欲或惡意)
libretton ( 歌劇、音樂劇等的)歌詞(或劇本)
limnetic adj. 淡水的
make an oblique reference to 轉彎抹角地說到...
make obeisance to 向...表示敬意; 向...致軍禮
make scurrilous attacks upon sb. 對某人大肆辱駡
Man is an omnivorous animal. 雜食動物
manhood [woman] suffrage 成年男子[婦女]選舉權
Many distant relatives fawned on the rich old man. 許多的遠親都來巴結這位有錢的老人。
mawkish love story 傷感的愛情故事
mawkish wine 無味的酒
meretricious ornamentation 俗氣的裝飾
mimic coloration( 動物的)保護色
mooch about [around][ 口]閒蕩; 閑呆著
My feelings for her were entirely platonic. 他說他對她的感情完全是友誼
nations inimical to one another 互相敵視的國家
neonaten.( 尤指出生不滿一個月的)嬰兒
No one likes to be regarded as a poltroon. n. 膽小鬼
not an iota (of) 毫不, 一點也沒有
obligatory military service 義務兵役
offer chaff for grain 掛羊頭賣狗肉
on a par (with)( 和)...同等[等價], 和...一樣
on sundry occasions 在各種不同的場合
orotund tones. 洪亮的音調
palpitate with fear 嚇得直發抖
palpitate with fear 嚇得直發抖
paraphrase an obscure passage in modern English 用現代英語意譯一段晦澀的文字
pare apples 削蘋果
pare down expenses 削減費用
pare nails to the quick 把指甲剪到肉根
parlous bird 機警的鳥
parlous state 危險的狀態
pecuniary aid 資助
pecuniary penalty 罰金
pecuniary resources 財力
pelagic whaling 遠洋捕鯨
perennial ice and snow 終年不化的冰雪
perigeen.[ 天]近地點
permeable membrane 滲透膜
persiflage. 戲弄, 挖苦
personable young man 一位十分英俊的少年
perspicuousadj. 明白的, 明瞭的
pertinacious bigotry 固執的偏見
perversely adv. 喪心病狂地
Petrified wood may be ligneous in appearance, but it is stone like in composition. a baneful influence 惡劣影響
Pigeons preened their wings and cooed. 鴿子用喙整理翅膀, 咕咕地叫。
play the prodigal 過放蕩生活
Please don't jest with me. 請別和我開玩笑。"
ply sb. with liquor 強勸某人喝酒
poignant remarks 尖銳的批評
poignant sarcasm 辛辣的諷刺
portents of earthquake 地震的前兆
potable water 飲用水
Practice [Example] is better than precept. 身教勝於言教。
prance about [around] prate about 信口開河地談論
President may use his prerogative of mercy towards a criminal. 總統可行使赦免罪犯的特權。
Prevaricate vi. 支吾, 搪塞, 推諉
primogenituren. 長子身份, 長子繼承權
promiscuous bathing 男女混浴
quondam friends 舊友
Railways are ramified over the country. 鐵路線分佈全國。
ramp. 坡道;斜坡 ;(上下飛機的)舷梯,
rapacious demands 貪婪的需要;
rarefied thinking 崇高的思想
rather die than recant 寧死不改變信仰
ravenous for power 對權利的貪欲
retrench one's expenses 減少支出
ribald jokes 下流的笑話
salient features [points, characteristics] 特色, 特徵, 特點
septic tank 化糞池
sexual perversion 性變態
She garbled all the historical facts. 她歪曲了所有歷史事實
She is parlous handsome. 她瀟灑極了。
She prated of the good old days. 她喋喋不休地談過去的好日子。
She prattled the secret to the stranger. 她竟輕率地把秘密告訴了陌生人。
sold the bond at par. 照票面價值賣出這張債券
Some tourists make themselves understood abroad by pantomime. 一些遊客在國外通常用手勢來讓別人明白自己的意思
speeches filled with invective 帶有猛烈抨擊的話
stiletto heel( 女鞋的)細高跟
stroked and nuzzled the kitten. 輕輕撫摸著小貓
subjugate vt. 使屈服, 征服, 使服從, 克制, 抑制
succulent fodder 青飼料
Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products. 這樣馬馬虎虎的工作習慣決不能生產出優質產品來。
sundry goods 雜貨
swign 痛飲, 大喝(尤指從瓶口喝的)
Sympathy often engenders love. 同情常常產生愛情。
tacit approval [permission] 默許
take up one's indentures 學徒期滿, 服務期滿; 契約期滿
tawdry clothing 價廉而花哨的 衣服
tawdry clothing 價廉而花哨的衣服
tenuous wires 細電線
That was a contemptible trick to play on a friend. 那是對朋友玩弄的一出可鄙的把戲。
That's something extrinsic to the subject. 那是對本題無關緊要的。
the bane of one's existence 致命的事物;剋星 (故意作出)憂傷的; 陰鬱的, 如喪考妣的
The boss has given me an irksome task. 令我厭惡的工作
The boy importuned the teacher to raise his mark. 那個男孩糾纏著老師給他提分(數)。
The cactus has spines. 仙人掌有刺。
The candidate spoke in a bombastic way of all that he would do if elected. 候選人大肆吹噓, 一旦他當選將要如何如何。
The captain bawled out an order to his soldiers. 隊長向士兵們大聲發出命令。
the causal nexus 因果關係
The clock chimed twelve o'clock. 時鐘鳴報十二點鐘。
The dealers connived with customs officials to bring in narcotics. 商人勾結海關人走私毒品
The dog grovelled before his master when he saw the whip. 那狗看到鞭子,便匍匐在主人面前。
The fragile dish broke into smithereens. 易碎的盤子摔成了碎片
The government made every effort to stabilize the economy by liquidating the national debt. 政府以清償國家債務力謀穩定經濟。
The horse gently nuzzled my shoulder. 那馬輕輕地以鼻觸我的肩膀。
the inscrutable future 不可測的將來
The jocund crowd left the square only when the police came. 歡樂的人群
The little boy gave his face a perfunctory wash. 這個小男孩敷衍地洗了把臉。
The mendacious beggar told a different tale of woe at every house. 愛說謊的
The mother feels empathy with her son. 母親覺得她和兒子情感是相通的。
The new supersedes the old. 新陳代謝。
the nomenclature of music 音樂術語
The operator answered the phone with a perfunctory greeting. 接線員接通電話,象徵性的打了招呼
The peddler bawled his wares in the street. 小販沿街叫賣。
the Philippine archipelago 菲律賓群島
the physiognomy of New England. 新英格蘭的地貌
The portrait piqued her curiosity. 這幅肖像引起她的好奇
The precipitous gorge stunned us.a precipitous bluff 多懸崖的絕壁
the prerogative of mercy 赦免權
the prodigality of the sea 水產豐富的海洋
The quondam drunkard, now perfectly sober. “剛才還爛醉如泥的醉漢,現在卻十分清醒”
the rarefied air of the mountain tops 山頂上稀薄的空氣
The ravenous lions tore at the carcass.
the realm of science 科學領域
The river is in spate. 河水猛漲。
The scheme is still on the anvil. 這計畫尚在籌畫中。
the serpentine course of the river 蜿蜒的河道
The situation has ameliorated. 情況好轉。
The streets are often congested. 街上經常擁擠。
The student tried to connive with her friend to cheat in the examination. 那個學生企圖和她的朋友串謀考試作弊。
The teacher spoke in a peremptory tone. 老師以命令的口吻說話
the tenuous air at a great height 高空的稀薄空氣
The truth is not always very palatable. 事實真相並非盡如人意。
The typhoon prostrated numerous young trees. 颱風吹倒了無數棵小樹苗。
The use of machinery has superseded manual labour. 機器的使用已經取代了手工勞動。
The wind veered round to the west. 風改變方向轉向西吹。
The woman in this painting has a pensive smile. 這幅畫中的女人臉上露出憂鬱的微笑。
the young Mozart's prodigious talents. 小莫札特驚人的天賦
Their leader was the apotheosis of courage. 他們的領導人是勇敢的典範
There is not an iota of truth in his story. 他的故事沒有一點是真的。
There seems to be a jinx on our team, because we always lose."" 我們隊似乎交上了惡運,因為我們一直都輸。"
thespian talents 戲劇天才
They acknowledged the enthusiastic plaudits of the crowd. 他們對人群中爆發的熱烈喝采答禮。
They are cousins of propinquity. 他們是血統很近的表親。
They demurred at working on Sundays. 他們反對星期日工作。
They plied me with food. 他們供給我食物。
They prostrated themselves before the altar. 他們平伏在祭壇前。
They went in fear of attack by marauding bands. 他們提心吊膽生怕遭到劫匪的襲擊。
This skein of wool won't disentangle. 這束毛線解不開。
to head off a flock of sheep 攔截一群羊
To run a restaurant is a lucrative business. 賺錢的生意
Today, Americans masticate 86 million pounds of meat every day. 今天, 美國人每天要吃掉八千六百萬磅肉。
turbid water. 混濁的水
upbraid sb. with his ingratitude [for being ungrateful] 責備某人忘恩負義
Vaccination for smallpox is efficacious. 種牛痘防天花是有效的。
viragon. 潑婦
What's fidgeting you? 什麼事使你煩躁不安?
When he lost his money she jilted him. 當他破產以後她便拋棄了他。
whittle away a fortune 耗費資財
whittle down expenses 削減費用
with aplomb 沉著地
with relish 津津有味地, 有興趣地
within [outside] the purview of 在...的範圍內[外]
without (the slightest) compunction 毫不在乎, 無動於衷
without demur 無異議
without preamble 開門見山地, 直截了當地
wrapped in a shroud of mystery 神秘莫測(籠罩在神秘之中)
You have misconstrued my words. 你誤解了我的話。
Your arrival was most opportune. 你來得真是時候。