2013年10月22日 星期二

A Glossary Of English Slang And Colloquialisms Currently Used In Britain (UK).

A Glossary Of English Slang And Colloquialisms Currently Used In Britain (UK).

Noun. Terror, the frights, nerves. Often heard as the screaming abdabs. Also very occasionally 'habdabs'. [1940s]
Adv. Absolutely.
Exclam. A jocular and intentional mispronunciation of "I'll be seeing you!"
Phrs. Seemingly accidental but with veiled malice or harm.
Adj. Bisexual.
ace (!)
Adj. Excellent, wonderful.
Exclam. Excellent!
Noun. The drug LSD. Lysergic acid diethylamide. [Orig. U.S. 1960s]
acid house
Noun. The dance music scene that pre-empted 'rave' in Britain, and began the long association of 'house' music and 'ecstasy'.
Noun. Money. From the Egyptian akka.
action man
Noun. A man who participates in macho activities.
Adam and Eve
Verb. Believe. Cockney rhyming slang. E.g."I don't Adam and Eve it, it's not true!"
Adj. Over-excited. Becoming obsolete, although still heard used by older generations. Often mispronounced as aeriated.
Noun. Afternoon. [North-west use]
Noun. Afternoon. E.g."Are you going to watch the game this afty?" [North-west use]
agony aunt
Noun. A woman who provides answers to readers letters in a publication's agony column. {Informal}
Noun. Aggressive troublemaking, violence, aggression. Abb. of aggravation.
air biscuit
Noun. An expulsion of air from the anus, a fart. See 'float an air biscuit'.
Noun. A stupid person. [Orig. U.S.]
Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. [N. Ireland use]
Adj. Lacking in strength, insubstantial. {Informal}
air guitar
Noun. An imaginary guitar played by rock music fans whilst listening to their favourite tunes.
Verb. To ask. E.g."I aksed him to move his car from the driveway." [dialect]
Alan Whickers
Noun. Knickers, underwear. Rhyming slang, often shortened to Alans.
Noun. Sweet, ready-mixed fruit drinks containing alcohol. Cf. 'tart fuel'. {Informal}
aled (up)
Adj. Drunk, intoxicated by alcohol, usually beer (ale).
Noun. An alcoholic. Also spelt alky.
all fur coat and no knickers
Phrs. Of a woman, all superficial appearance and no real substance beneath. Derog.
all mod cons
Noun. All the fixtures and fittings necessary and expected - an abb. of all modern conveniences. {Informal}
all mouth and (no) trousers
Phrs. Boastful and without just reason. E.g."You shouldn't pay any attention to him, he's all mouth and no trousers."
Noun. A club night or event that goes on all night.
all over the shop
Phrs. 1. In a mess, out of order, disorganized.
2. Everywhere. E.g."I've been all over the shop this morning and I can't find her anywhere."
allow (it)
Verb. Forget it, don't bother. [London use]
all time loser
Noun. A public house, a bar. Rhyming slang on 'boozer'. See 'boozer'.
all to cock
Phrs. Messed up, useless, wrong.
all to pot
Phrs. Wrong, messed up. E.g."Our whole holiday went all to pot when Dad got arrested for being drunk."
almond rocks
Noun. Socks. Cockney rhyming slang, often shortened to almonds.
Exclam. Hello. A greeting. No answer is expected to what is inherently a question. Northern dialect has created the phonetic corruption awreet.
amber nectar
Noun. Lager. [Orig. Aust.]
Noun. Brakes. E.g."I slammed the anchors on and hit my head on the steering wheel."
Noun. Abb. of anus.
Noun. Children, particularly crawling babies. [Orig. Aust.]
Noun. An often socially inept person, having an obsessive interest in a hobby or subject. Usually has little or no fashion sense, and errs towards eccentricity. Originates from the 'trainspotter' look, of wearing anoraks; spending so much time at the end of station platforms in all weathersnecessitates the wearing of such attire. Cf. 'trainspotter'. Derog.
answers on a postcard
Phrs. If anyone has any ideas, or a response, to the question/problem that has just been posed, please let me know? From when, during the 1970s and 80s, blank postcards were used by viewers to mail answers to competition questions posed on TV programmes, in the hope of winning a prize. The advent of SMS and phonelines ensured the end of the postcards as a means of entering competitions.
Adj. Old fashioned. Possibly from antique(y). E.g."Oh no way! I'm not wearing those shoes, they're so antwacky." [Merseyside/West Lancashire use]
any cop
Phrs. Of value, of any worth. E.g."Have you heard their new CD? I heard it was rubbish but do you think it's any cop?" See 'cop' (adj). Cf. 'no cop'.
any road
Adv. Anyway. Also spelt anyroad. [Northern use]
See 'go apeshit'.
Noun. A pet name for a silly person. A shortening of daft apeth. Apeth, derived from haypneeworth (half a penny's worth) but pronounced ha'p'orth.
apple (core)
Noun. 20. Cockney rhyming slang on 'score'. [1950s]
apples and pears
Noun. Stairs. Possibly the most commonly expressed piece of Cockney rhyming slang that is used as an example of such, or used in jocular mimicry. The term is infrequently heard used in genuine daily use.
Noun. Bottom, buttocks, 'arse'. Rhyming slang from April in Paris rhyming with arris - see 'arris'.
Noun. £2000. From the amount of money given by Jeffrey Archer to a prostitute (Monica Coughlan) to enable her to leave the country, and in order to buy her silence over services rendered. Jeffrey Archer, ex-member of Parliament and best selling author, served a prison sentence for perjury and perverting the course of justice.
argue the toss
Vrb phrs. To argue or dispute loudly and at length.
Noun. Trouble, noisy quarrelling, arguing. {Informal}.
Noun. Buttocks, 'arse'. Convoluted Cockney rhyming slang for 'arse'; Arris, an abbreviation of Aristotle, rhyming with bottle, and thereafter leading to bottle and glass rhyming with 'arse'. Also aris.
Noun. Darts, the equipment and the game itself.
Noun. 1. The buttocks. The similar 'ass' isn't used as frequently, remaining more of an Americanism. S.e. from 1600s until mid 1800s.
2. An objectionable person.
3. A mistake, a poor job. E.g."He's made such an arse of that plastering job that I think we'll need to redo it."
Exclam. Expressing anger or frustration.
arse about /around
Verb. To mess around, to waste time.
arse about face
Phrs. Back to front.
arse about tit
Phrs. Back to front.
Noun. A homosexual male. Derog.
Adj. Concerned, bothered. Usually heard in the negative sense of can't be arsed. E.g."I can't be arsed with work today, it's too damned hot."
Noun. 1. An ugly person.
2. A contemptible person.
Noun. A contemptible person. Anglicized version of the original U.S. version, 'asshat'. Cf. 'asshat'.
Noun. 1. An idiot, contemptible person.
2. The anus.
* Also spelt arsehole.
Adj. Very drunk.
Verb. To grovel, ingratiate oneself.
Noun. A sycophant.
Adj. Sycophantic behaviour.
Noun. An act of sycophantic behaviour. E.g."If he keeps giving the boss an arse licking at the rate he's currently doing, then he'll be first in line for a promotion."
arse load
Noun. In large quantities, a lot of, a great amount. E.g." She's given me arse loads of paperwork to complete before lunch."
Noun. A contemptible person. Also arse monger.
Noun. 1. A bad mood. E.g."Keep out of Andy's way, he's got a the arse-on."
2. A difficult task. E.g."It was a right arse on to repair it."
arse over kettle
Phrs. Fall over. Also arse over tea kettle.
arse over tip
Phrs. Fall over, head over heels. E.g."She went arse over tip on the ice outside."
arse over tit
Phrs. Meaning the same as 'arse over tip'.
Noun. A shambles, a 'cock-up'.
Verb. To make a 'cock-up'. E.g."You wouldn't have arsed it up if you'd revised for your exam like everyone else."
Noun. 1. Toilet paper.
2. A contemptible person.
Adj. Moody.
Noun. An objectionable person. E.g."Come on, go and tidy your bedroom you lazy article."
Adj. Pretentiously artistic. {Informal}
Noun. Afternoon. See 'this arvo'. [Orig. Aust.]
as fuck
Phrs. An intensifier. E.g."It was rusty as fuck, so wasn't worth repairing."
as rare as hen's teeth
Phrs. Very rare, non existent. From hens not having teeth.
as rare as rocking horse shit
Phrs. Very rare, non existent.
as right as rain
Phrs. Satisfactory, comfortable, well.
Noun. See 'arse'.
ass bandit
Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. Cf. 'arse bandit'.
ass clown
Noun. An idiot. [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. A contemptible person. Cf. 'arsehat'. [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. See 'arsehole'.
ass lick / ass licker / ass licking
Verb. See 'arse lick' and associated expressions.
Noun. Meaning the same as 'arsewipe'. [Orig. U.S.]
as the actress said to the bishop
Phrs. A jocular catch phrase that draws attention to an otherwise innocent statement by imbuing sexual innuendo. Other variations include "as the mistress said to the gardener".
Noun. Affectionate and dated pet name for the BBC (The British Broadcasting Corporation).
Aussie kiss
Noun. Cunnilingus, from the fact that it's the same a French Kiss, but given down under.
away and shite (!)
Vrb phrs. Go away! [North-east use]
'ave it
Verb. Go for it. See 'have it'
aviation blonde
Noun. A female with hair dyed blonde. From blonde hair, black box - black box being an aeroplane flight recorder and 'box' also being slang for vagina.
Noun. Afternoon. See 'this avvy'.
away with the mixer
Phrs. Not quite in touch with reality, in a dreamy state. [Merseyside use]
Adj. Great! Excellent! [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. A contemptible person. Also auldarse, allarse. Possibly from old arse. [Merseyside use]
awright (!)
Adj./Adv./Exclam. An alternative spelling and pronunciation of alright (all right).
Noun. A guitar.
axe wound
Noun. Vagina. Cf. 'hairy axe wound'.
Noun. Ten pounds (monetary). Rhyming slang for tenner, on Ayrton Senna, the motor racing driver.
Exclam. A greeting, hello. [Midlands/North use. Dialect]

Verb. To defecate. [Yorks/Hull/Notts use]
Noun. 1. Faeces. [Yorks/Hull/Notts use]
2. Term of affectionate address, such as dear or friend. [W. Midlands use]
3. Abb. of kebab.
baba *
Verb. To defecate. [Yorks/Hull/Notts use]
Noun. Faeces. [Yorks/Hull/Notts use]
* Also spelt babber.
Noun. A baby, child. [Northern & Midlands use. Dialect]
Noun. 1. Usually applied to a young attractive female but also said with reference to males. [Orig. U.S.]
2. An affectionate form of address.
babe magnet
Noun. An attractive or sexually desirable male. [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. An oaf, a fool.
baby batter
Noun. Semen. Cf. 'baby gravy'
baby gravy
Noun. Semen. Cf. 'baby batter'
baby's head
Noun. A steak and kidney pudding. [North-west use]
Noun. A euphemism for the anus. [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. A bribe.
Noun. A pillion ride on a bycycle.
back passage
Noun. The rectum. {Informal}
back scuttle
Noun. Anal intercourse.
Verb. To have anal intercourse.
backs to the wall
Phrs. A homophobic comment and warning to fellow heterosexuals that contact with a gay male is likely or happening. From the misconception that all gay males will endevour, or want to have anal intercourse with any male. Derog.
Noun. Abb. of tobacco. Another variation is Backo.
bacon sarnie
Noun. Pakistani. Rhyming slang. See 'sarnie'.
Adj. Good, excellent. [Orig. U.S.]
bad egg
Noun. A miscreant, a corrupt person, an untrustworthy person. Cf. 'good egg'.
Verb. To bother incessantly. E.g."Stop badgering her, she's not interested in buying another pair of your cheap trainers."
bad hair day
Noun. 1. A day when one is unable to arrange one's hair into a satisfactory and pleasing style.
2. Used figuratively for a problematic and difficult day.
badly packed kebab
Noun. The female genitals. [1990s]
bad mouth
Verb. To insult or denigrate. [Orig. U.S.]
bad news
Noun. A troublesome person.
Noun. Slippers. [Scottish use]
Noun. 1. An ugly woman. Derog. Cf. 'old bag'.
2. An objectionable and unpleasant person.
3. Meaning that which interests. E.g."What's your bag ? Mine is dance music." [Orig. U.S. 1960s]
4. The scrotum.
Suffix. A suffix that emphasises the essential undesirable nature of a person in perjorative nouns such as 'tossbag', 'shitbag', 'ratbag' etc.
bag (of sand)
Noun. £1000, a thousand pounds sterling. Rhyming slang on a 'grand'. Often shortened to bag.
Noun. A snack or food taken between meals. Heard pronounced as baggin. [Lancs/Yorks use]
Noun. A heroin addict.
bag lady
Noun. A homeless woman who carries her worldly possessions in bags.
bag of bones
Noun. A very thin or emaciated person or animal.
bag off
Verb. To commune with someone sexually desirable, occasionally in so much as having sex. E.g."She bagged off with that"
bag of shit
Noun. A general disparaging term, used for either a person or thing. E.g."He hadn't slept or washed for 4 days and looked like a bag of shite."
bag of shite
Noun. See 'bag of shit'.
bag of wank
Noun. A thing or situation that is not very good, that is poor, without value. E.g."I was expecting a big bag of wank, but I actually enjoyed the film, apart from the scene where the dog died."
bag of washing
Noun. A failed parachute or other material based airfoil, such as a hang glider. [Orig. Military use]
bag on
Noun. A bad mood. [E. Midlands use]
Verb. To claim as one's own due to being the first to make such a claim. E.g."Bags I go first." {Informal}
Noun. Trousers. {Informal}
Verb. A variation on 'bags' (verb). Basically meaning bags I. See 'bags'.
Noun. The backside, the bottom, the buttocks. [Glasgow use]
Adj. Obvious.
Noun. The mouth. [Irish/Scottish use]
baked bean
Noun. The queen. Rhyming slang.
baldy notion
Noun. An idea, a clue. Usually in the negative sense such as "to not have a baldy notion". Often abbreviated to baldy. [N. Irish use]
Noun. A troublesome and inconvenient task. Also ballache. E.g."I wish I hadn't sold the car, walking 5 miles to and from work, everyday, is a real ball-ache."
ball and chain
Noun. A wife or girlfriend. Derog.
Noun. The scrotum.
ballocks (!)
Noun. 1. The testicles. A variation on 'bollocks'. S.E. from 1200s, slang from mid 1800s. Cf. 'bollocks'.
2. Rubbish, nonsense.
Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance, disbelief or disagreement.
balloon knot
Noun. The anus. From its appearance.
balls (!)
Noun. 1. Testicles. Usually in plural.
2. Courage, in for example, "She hasn't got the balls to tell him the truth."
3. Rubbish, nonsense.
Exclam. Expressing annoyance.
Adj. Ruined, in a mess.
balls (something) up
Verb. To make a mess of a situation. E.g."I couldn't believe I ballsed up my driving test by making exactly the same mistake as the previous six times."
balls to the wall
Phrs. Quickly.
Noun. A mess up, a 'cock-up'. E.g."I've made a right balls-up of my exams."
Verb. To make a mess of a situation.
Noun. A bread bun or roll. Common mispelling of barm. Cf. 'barmcake'.
Adj. Insane, crazy. A derivative of the earlier 'barmy.'
Noun. Nonsense. Also spelt boloney. [Orig. U.S.]
Adj. Very cold, with respect to the weather or air temperature. [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. A foolish and objectionable person. Abbreviated form of 'bampot'. Derog. [Scottish use]
Noun. A foolish and objectionable person. Derog. Cf. 'bam' and 'bamstick'. [Scottish use]
Noun. A foolish and objectionable person. Derog. Cf. 'bam' and 'bampot'. [Scottish use]
Noun. A penis.
Adj. Insane, mad, hysterical. [Orig. U.S.]
Verb. 1. To copulate. A particularly aggressive term.
2. To put or place, the implication being with nonchalence. E.g."I'll bang those in an envelope and send them off first post in the morning."
Noun. An act of copulation.
Noun. 1. A sausage. The English meal of sausages and mashed potato is traditionally called bangers and mash.
2. A delapidated car.
3. A small firework that is explosively loud but visually unstimulating.
Noun. Sexual intercourse.
Exciting, energetic, wonderful, excellent. Often heard pronounced bangin'.
bang on
Adj./Adv. Exactly, correct. {Informal}
bang on about (something)
Vrb phrs. To talk incessantly and uninterestingly, to nag. E.g."You're not going to change my mind by banging on about it!"
bang one out
Vrb phrs. To masturbate. E.g."Steve watched Bay Watch on TV and then banged one out before his mum came home."
bang out of order
Phrs. Totally unacceptable.
Adj. Sexually attractive.
bang to rights
Phrs. Caught red-handed. Police/criminal vernacular often heard used jocularly.
bang (someone) up
Verb. 1. To put (someone) in prison. {Informal}.
2. To make (someone) pregnant.
Verb. To ruin. [Mainly Irish use.]
Adj. 1. Ruined, defeated. Originally Anglo-Irish use, popularized by the UK radio/TV presenter Terry Wogan with his book of the same name.
2. Drunk, by extension of meaning 1.
Verb. To hit or punch. [Scottish use]
Noun. 1. A sandwich, particularly one that contains sauce type condiment or other runny ingredient that may spill onto one's clothes, for example egg banjo (fried egg sandwich).
2. A shovel. [Orig. Aust.]
Adj. Drunk, intoxicated.
banjo string
Noun. The frenulum of the penis.
Noun. Abb. of bank holiday (a national holiday).
Noun. Breasts. E.g."Look at the baps on her!"
Noun. One pound sterling.
Noun. Abb. of barbecue. [Orig. Aust.]
Noun. Abb. of barbituates.
Barclay's (Bank)
Noun. An act of masturbation. From the rhyming slang for 'wank'.
Noun. A supporter of the Newcastle United football club. From their team kit being designed around black and white vertical stripes, like a barcode.
Adj. A lot of, significant amount. E.g."It's just bare hype, the film's just famous faces and no plot." [London use]
Significantly. [London use]
Verb. To vomit, probably onomatapoeic in origin. E.g."He's feeling woozy, I think he's gonna barf his dinner up." [Orig. U.S. 1940/50s]
Adj. Insane, crazy. Short for barking mad.
barking spider
Noun. The anus.
Noun. 1. A lighthearted term for a fool or idiot.
2. A bread bun. Also barm cake. [North-west use]
Noun. A silly person. A lighted-hearted expression.
Adj. Mad, crazy, insane. Cf. 'balmy'. [1600s]
Noun. Hair. From the Cockney rhyming slang barnet fair. [Mid 1800s]
Noun. An argument. [Late 1800s] {Informal}
barney (rubble)
Adj. Trouble. Rhyming slang. [1960s]
Adj. Good, nice. [Edinburgh use]
Barry White *
Noun. 1. Rubbish, nonsense.
2. An act of defecation.
* Both uses are rhyming slang on 'shite' (shit). See 'shite'. Barry White, U.S. soul singer who came to the fore in the 1970s.
Noun. The perineum. From the area between the balls and the arse.
bar steward
Noun. A pun on 'bastard'.
base over apex
Phrs. Head over heels, upside down. E.g."His front wheel hit a rock on the road and he went base over apex."
Noun. 1. An event, a party. E.g."I'm having a bash at a club for my birthday."
2. An attempt. E.g."Try having a bash at the next question if you can't answer the first."
bash the bishop
Verb. To masturbate. Derived from the similarity of the head of the penis with a bishop's mitre. E.g."It's a myth that constantly bashing the bishop makes you blind."
Noun. A euphemism for 'bastard'.
basket case
Noun. An emotionally unstable person, a dysfunctional person, a completely useless person. Originally an amputee, especially a soldier, who had lost all four limbs, coined during the First World War.
bastard (!)
Noun. 1. A contemptible person. Derived from the original meaning, an illegitimate person, when to be born out of wedlock was viewed as objectionable.
2. A pitiable person. E.g."That poor bastard never stood a chance once the avalanche started."
Adj. Used as an negative intensifier. E.g."My bastard car wont start again!"
Exclam. Exclamation of anger.
Adj. An intensifier. E.g."I'm sorry for being late, I missed the bastarding bus again!"
bat for both sides
Vrb phrs. To be bisexual.
bat for the other team
Vrb phrs. 1. To be homosexual. E.g."He wont be interested in your sister, he bats for the other team."
2. To be of a different sexual persuasion.
bat for the opposition
Vrb phrs. To be homosexual.
2. To be of a different sexual persuasion.
Noun. Swimming/bathing costume. [Orig. Aust./N.Z.] {Informal}
bat in the cave
Noun. A globule or lump of nasal mucus when visible up a nostril.
bat on a sticky wicket
Vrb phrs. To put oneself in a difficult and unfavourable position.
Adj. Very intoxicated by drink or drugs.
battery operated boyfriend
Noun. A vibrator, sex toy. Cf. 'bob'.
battle cruiser
Noun. A pub, bar. From rhyming slang for 'boozer'. See 'boozer' (noun 1).
Adj. Crazy, eccentric.
Noun. Buttocks, bottom. [Orig. W.I.]
batty boy
Noun. A homosexual male. From batty meaning buttocks. Also battyboy, battyman. Derog. [Orig. West Indies]
batty bwoy
Noun. See 'batty boy'. Also batty-bway.
batty crease
Noun. The area between the buttocks. See 'batty' (noun).
batty man
Noun. See 'batty boy'. Also battyman.
batty rider
Noun. Skimpy shorts that 'ride' up to expose the wearers bottom ('batty') cheeks, usually female attire. [West Indies/Black UK?]
Noun. 1. The scrotum. From 'ball-bag'. [Scottish use]
2. A contemptible person. [Scottish use]
Noun. 1. A bald head. [Scottish uses]
2. An idiot, buffoon. [Scottish uses]
Adj. Excellent. E.g."That was a bazzin cricket match." [Midlands/North use?]
Noun. A person devoted to spending as much time as available on the beach. Cf. 'surf bum'.
Noun. 1. The mouth. [Irish/Scottish use]
2. A judge or magistrate.
3. Cocaine.
Noun. The dirt or bodily secretions that accumulate at the corner of the eyes or between the toes. [Scottish use]
beaked up
Adj. High on cocaine. E.g."We had a great night, everyone was well beaked up."
Verb. To cry. [Grimsby use]
Noun. 1. An ecstasy pill.
2. Clitoris. Used in phrases such a 'flicking the bean'.
Noun. A party, celebratory event. {Informal}
Noun. A lesbian. The bean refers to the clitoris.
Noun. A party. Abbreviated form of 'beanfeast'. {Informal}
Noun. A large hairy man. [Gay use]
Noun. 1. A woman who is seen to be romantically linked with a gay man, so protecting his true sexuality from public scrutiny - often associated with celebrities. [Orig U.S.]
2. Of a woman, pubic hair.
bearded clam
Noun. The female genitals, inclusive of pubic hair.
beast with two backs
Noun. A man and woman engaged in the act of sexual intercourse. An expression whose usage dates from at least as early as 1604, being mentioned in Shakespeare's Othello. E.g."Your daughter and the Moore are making the beast with two backs" [1600s]
beat seven shades of shit out of (someone)
Vrb phrs. To thoroughly beat up. Also, less commonly, beat seven kinds of shit out of (someone). Cf. 'kick seven shades of shit out of (someone)'
beat the bishop
Verb. To masturbate. Cf. 'bash the bishop'.
beat the meat
Verb. To masturbate. E.g."My son seems to be preoccupied with beating his meat at every possible hour of the day."
Noun. The female genitals, implying the inclusion of pubic hair. [Orig. U.S.]
Verb To work hard. {Informal}
beaver cleaver
Noun. Penis. See 'beaver' (noun).
beaver leaver
Noun. A homosexual male. Due to not being interested in 'beaver' and leaving it alone. See 'beaver' (noun).
beaver lever
Noun. Penis. See 'beaver' (noun).
Adj. Sexually desirable, from being good enough to take to bed.
Noun. Bed or bedtime. [1700s]
bed hair
Noun. Dishevelled hair, as may result from a good night's sleep.
Noun. Abb. of bed-sitter or bed-sitting room. A small apartment whereby the bedroom also serves as a sitting room (living room). {Informal}
Noun. 1. The commonly used nickname for the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), the nationally owned television production and broadcasting company. {Informal}
2. Nickname for the BBC Micro computer, an early form of home computer from the 1980s.
Noun. 1. Muscly, strong looking males. {Informal}
2. A complaint, a grievance, problems (with something). E.g."If you've got a beef about the decision, then fill in the appropriate appeal forms." [Orig. U.S.]
beef bayonet
Noun. The penis.
beef curtains
Noun. The female genitals. [Orig. U.S.]
beef (something) up
Vrb phrs. To increase in size or volume; basically to make stronger. E.g."Once he'd beefed up his engine, his car was unbeatable on the track."
beer baby
Noun. A protruding belly, from drinking excessive amounts of beer, that makes its owner look pregnant.
beer belly
Noun. A bulging stomach caused by drinking large quantities of beer.
Noun. A BMW automobile. Cf. 'bimmer'.
beer goggles
Noun. The impaired judgement from the excessive consumption of alcohol (beer) that makes an otherwise unappealing person or thing seem attractive. E.g."I was obviously wearing beer goggles last night; when I awoke and saw who I'd brought home the previous night I nearly threw up, she had 3 eyes, a green beard and tentacles coming out of the top of her head." [1990s]
beer o'clock
Noun. The time one feels is most appropriate for some alcoholic refreshment , such as beer. Often used specifically to mean the end of the working day.
beer scooter
Noun. The supposed transport one must have taken to get home when very drunk and as there is no recollection of how one did get home. [1990s]
beer tits
Noun. Fatty deposits on the breasts of a male, arising through excessive beer drinking. Cf. 'bitch tits'.
beer tokens
Noun. Money.
bees and honey
Noun. Money. Rhyming slang.
bee's knees
Noun. The best. This term originates from the prolific slang of the Flappers along with the similar 'cats whiskers'. Cf. 'dogs bollocks'. [Orig. U.S. 1920s]
bee stings
Noun. Small breasts. Derog.
Verb. To hurry. E.g."I've just spent 2 hours beetling around the shopping precinct looking for a gift for Mick." {Informal}
beetle bonnet
Noun. The female mons pubis, from its vague resemblence to the bonnet of a Volkswagen Beetle car.
Adj. Excellent, great. E.g."The holiday was beezer." {Informal}
Noun. 1. Something impressive, or large. [Mainly Scottish use] {Informal}
2. Nose.
Noun. Euphemism for 'bugger'.
begging for it
Vrb phrs. A general comment on a person's supposed, if not actual, yearning for sexual intimacies. E.g."Cor, look at her! She's begging for it."
Exclam. An Anglo-Irish corruption of the exclamation by Jesus! Expressing surprise or annoyance.
Verb. To telephone (someone). E.g."I'll bell you tonight with the news."
Noun. 1. The head of the penis, being vaguely bell shaped. Also bellend.
2. A contemptible person, an idiot.
bell on every tooth
Phrs. When applied to a person, noisy, loud. Also a bell in every tooth. [Welsh use]
Noun. A complaint. {Informal}
Verb. To complain persistently.
belly timber
Noun. Food. [Early 1700s]
Adj. 1. Dead.
2. Failed, bankrupt.
Verb. To hit.
Noun. 1. A hit. E.g."If you don't shut up moaning I'll give you a belt 'round the head."
2. A drink, by extension of meaning 1. E.g."Have a belt of that brandy, it'll warm you up."
Noun. An excellent thing or event. [Orig. Northern dialect]
Adj. Outstanding, wonderful. {Informal}
belt up!
Verb. Be quiet! Shut up!
Noun. 1. An excessive bout of drinking, but more recently also inclusive of a drug taking spree. [Orig. U.S.]
2. A homosexual. Possibly derived from gender bender, or from being the passive partner, bending over to receive sex, as opposed to being the thruster. Derog.
bend one's elbow
Vrb phrs. To have an alcoholic drink.
bend someone's ear
Vrb phrs. To talk incessantly and tediously at someone. E.g."The manager's been bending my ear all afternoon about regulations and company protocol."
Noun. 1. A tantrum, a fit of anger. See 'throw a benny'.
2. A person from the Falkland Islands. A nickname given to islanders by the British army during the Falklands War, and supposedly as they looked like a character called Benny from a British TV soap called Crossroads. [1982]
Adj. 1. Homosexual, as opposed to 'straight'. Derog. [Mid 1900s]
2. Criminal, corrupt. E.g."You can usually buy your freedom; the cops are bent and paid poorly." [Early 1900s]
3. Illegal, stolen. E.g."I'm not touching that video, it's bent." [Early 1900s]
bent as a bottle of chips
Phrs. 1. Homosexual.
2. Crooked, dishonest. See 'bottle of chips'.
bent as a nine bob note
Phrs. 1. Homosexual. See 'bent'.
2. Crooked, dishonest.
A catch-phrase whose original meaning was version 2, but with the onset of 'bent' referring to homosexually has come to be heard more with regard to version 1. In British currency, a bob was a slang expression for a shilling (five pence) but with decimalization in 1971 became obsolete.There was never any such thing as a nine bob note, hence the simile. Cf. 'queer as a nine bob note' and 'camp as a row of tents'.
bent as a nine pound note
Phrs. A modern variation on 'bent as a nine bob note', see above.
Noun. An idiot, objectionable person. Derived from the rhyming slang Berkshire Hunt or Berkeley Hunt, meaning 'cunt'. Normally Berkshire and Berkeley would be pronounced Barkshire and Barkeley. This expression is generally accepted as inoffensive despite its source. Also 'burk'.
(the) berries
Noun. The best. Also 'the berrys'. [Scottish use]
Bertie big bollocks
Noun. A person with an over inflated opinion and value of themselves. The expression, if not invented, was popularized by John Sitton, manager of Leyton Orient football club, who, on a 1995 TV documentary on his team ('Orient: Club for a Fiver'), angrily berates his team during the half-time team talk, after going 3-0 down. [1990s]
best of British!
Phrs. Good luck!
(the) best thing since sliced bread
Phrs. Absolutely the best thing ever.
better half
Noun. One's wife, husband or partner.
better than a kick in the teeth / balls
Phrs. Catch-phrase expressing that one should be happy with the situation, as it could be much worse. E.g."I only won £10 on the national lottery yesterday, but I shouldn't complain, it's better than a kick in the balls."
better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick
Phrs. A catch-phrase that expresses that a situation could be much worse, hence one should be grateful. Also 'better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick'.
better than a slap in the face with a wet kipper / fish
Phrs. Expresses that a situation could be considerably worse, hence one should be grateful.
Betty Swollox
Noun. Perspiring, uncomfortable or itchy testicles. A spoonerism and literally sweaty bollocks. Also spelt Betty Swallocks and Betty Swollocks.
bevvied up
Adj. Drunk. Occasionally shortened to bevvied.
Noun. A general term for an alcoholic drink. Taken from the word beverage. Cf. 'bevvied up'.
bezzy mates
Noun. Best friends. E.g."They've been bezzy mates since they were at nursery together."
Noun. Abb. of bisexual.
Adj. Bisexual.
Noun. A contemptible person, usually woman. Alternative form of 'bitch'. [Orig. U.S. 1990s]
bible basher
Noun. A fanatical preacher of religion. Derog.
bible thumper
Noun. Meaning the same as 'bible basher'.
Noun. A biscuit.
Noun. 1. A woman, usually referring to an elderly woman and often reinforced with the word old. E.g."I suggest you don't go to the post office on a Thursday, that's when all the old biddies collect their pension money and the queues are terrible."
2. A head louse, and occ. any skin/hair parasite such as a flea. Usually in the plural, as biddies. E.g."First day at school and my youngest came home with a head full of biddies."
Adj. Small.
Verb. To hit. E.g."He biffed his head on the low ceiling."
Noun. The vagina.
Noun. An ugly person, often assumed to be overweight, but also heard as fat biffa. Derog.
biffin's bridge
Noun. The perineum; the area between the anus and the vulva, or scrotum. Cf. 'biffon'
Noun. The perineum. The place where the man's testicles would hit (see biff) during vigorous sexual intercourse. Cf. 'biffin's bridge'.
biftah *
Noun. 1. A cigarette.
2. A marijuana or cannabis cigarette.
* Also bifta
big cheese
Noun. A very important person.
big deal!
Exclam. A sarcastic exclamation for not being very impressed.
(the) big E
Noun. Dismissal, rejection. From the metaphorical use of elbow (E), in rejecting someone. See 'give someone the elbow'.
big girl's blouse
Noun. A feeble and ineffectual person. Derog.
big it up
Verb. See 'big up'.
big style
Adj. Greatly. E.g."Yeah she's into him big-style."
big time
Noun. The upper levels of power, success. E.g."She's hit the big time with getting that fifty thousand pound contract." [Orig. U.S.]
Adv. Greatly, very much.
big up
Verb. To praise, to acclaim. Also to big oneself up or to big it up. [Orig W.I.]
big white telephone
Noun. The toilet; not the room itself, but the toilet bowl. Usually combined with various terms to express the action of vomiting, i.e. talking down the big white telephone, or talking to God on the big white telephone etc.
Noun. A promiscuous woman, often with respect to the immediate district or locality. Derog. Cf. 'town bike'.
bilge (water)
Noun. Nonsense, rubbish. E.g."You are talking absolute bilge!"
(the) Bill
Noun. The police. Cf. 'old bill'.
Noun. Underwear. Rhyming slang on Bill Grundy's, meaning undies. Bill Grundy, a British TV presenter, infamous for his provoking punk band, the Sex Pistols, into swearing on live TV, on the Today programme in 1976. [North-west/Merseyside use]
Noun. Amphetamine Sulphate. Abb. of 'Billy Whizz', a cartoon character from the children's magazine Beano; Billy Whizz does everything with exceptional speed and energy. Cf. 'whizz'.
billy goat
Noun. A coat. Rhyming slang.
Billy no mates
Noun. A person who appears to have no friends. Derog.
Adv. A lot, greatly, quickly etc. E.g"She's been moaning like billy-o all morning, wanting me to hang out the washing, clean the car, do the hoovering, mow the lawn, I've had enough."
billy willy
Noun. A shrivelled penis, from imbibing amphetamine sulphate or other drugs that cause such a physiological reaction. See 'willy' and 'billy'.
Noun. An ambling walk. E.g."I'm just going for a bimble to the shops, back in 20 minutes."
Verb. To wander aimlessly, to amble.
Noun. A young attractive, empty headed woman. Derog.
Noun. A BMW car. Cf. 'beemer'. [Orig. W.I. / Black]
Verb. To throw away, to discard.
Verb. To terminate a relationship. From the returning of possessions in a big bag, a disposable bag made of black polythene. E.g."I didnt come home until the next morning, and with lipstick on my shirt collar, I was promptly bin-bagged." [Merseyside use]
Noun. A spree, often involving food or alcohol.
Verb. To go on a spree.
bingo wings
Noun. Fatty, folds of flesh on the underarms of overweight women, who might commonly be seen at Bingo nights. [1990s]
bin lid
Noun. An adolescent. Rhyming slang for kid.
Noun. A refuse collector. A variation on 'binman'. Also binno.
Noun. A refuse collector, a dustbin man.
bin off *
Verb. 1. To discard, throw away.
2. To terminate a relationship.
* Both are North-west England usage.
Noun. Spectacles.
Noun. A woman. From the Arabic 'bint' meaning girl or daughter.
Noun. 1. A female. Use can be taken as offensive. E.g."Did you see that bird at the back of the bus!"
2. A girlfiend, when used in conjunction with a possessive pronoun, such as my bird.
3. Time spent in prison. E.g."I did 20 years bird before I learnt how to control my temper and keep out of trouble."
Adj. Stupid, lacking commonsense. {Informal}
birmingham screwdriver
Noun. A hammer.
biscuit arsed
Adj. Dirty, filthy. Also biscuit ersed, from Scottish pronunciation. [Mainly Scottish use]
Noun. A woman. Abb. of 'bit of fluff' or 'bit of skirt', generally a person viewed sexually. Derog.
Noun. 1. A contemptible woman. Used on the gay scene to describe an equally despised male.
2. A woman. Derog/Offens.
3. A girlfriend. Derog/Offens. [Mainly black use]
4. Something difficult or unpleasant. E.g."It's such a bitch, having nowhere warm and dry to sleep."
5. A complaint or disparaging tirade. E.g."Have you been having a bitch about me behind my back?"
Verb. To speak disparagingly, complain.
bitchin (!) *
Exclam. Excellent! Wonderful! Cool!
Adj. Excellent, cool. E.g."She was wearing a bitchin pair of shoes, but that hat was just awful."
* Also bitching.
bitch piss
Noun. Sweet, ready-mixed fruit and alcohol drink. Cf. 'alcopop' and 'tart fuel'.'
bitch tits
Noun. 1. Overly developed fatty deposits on the male breasts, the medical condition of gynecomastia. Term can be heard on the bodybuilding scene, the condition being one of the consequences of steroid abuse.
2. As the above, having fatty breast tissue, but due to excessive drinking of beer. Cf. 'beer tits'
bit of all right
Noun. Something excellent. Often heard used with reference to a sexually attractive person. E.g."She's a bit of alright! I'm going to ask her for a date."
bit of fluff
Noun. A sexual partner.
bit of rough
Noun. A sexual partner below one's normal standards or believed class.
bit of skirt
Noun. A woman or women. A male expression for females viewed sexually. Also abbreviated to 'skirt'. Derog.
bit of spare
Noun. A sexually available person.
bit of stuff
Noun. A sexually desirable person or persons.
bit on the side
Noun. 1. A sexual relationship extra to one's usual partner, an affair.
2. The other person in a sexual affair.
Noun. A euphemism for the genitals, male or female.
bits and bats
Noun. Miscellaneous items. Cf. 'bits and bobs'.
bits and bobs
Noun. Miscellaneous items. {Informal}
Adj. Rubbish, nonsense. E.g."Don't go and see that new amateur play at the theatre, it was biz."
Noun. Abb. of business. See '(the) business'
Noun. The police. Possibly derived from the expression busy body. [North-west use]
Noun. Oral sex. An abb. of 'blow job'.
Noun. A person who reveals too much in conversation, a gossip.
black over Bill's mothers
Phrs. It looks as though it's going to rain. [E. Midlands use]
black as Newgate's knocker
Phrs. Very black.
Adj. Drunk.
Verb. To lie, or use clever talk with profit as an objective, to wheedle or persuade for gain. E.g."I blagged a lift to work with my sister but had to get the bus home."
Noun. 1. A con, a 'scam'.
2. A violent robbery or raid.
blag artist
Noun. A person with a reputation for using clever talk for self gain.
Noun. 1. A robber, especially of banks, and often with the use of a weapon or violence.
2. See 'blag artist'.
Verb. To rudely ignore. E.g."Despite being introduced 5 minutes earlier, he just blanked me and continued talking.."
Noun. Diarrhoea, the illness.
Verb. To cry. [Midlands use]
blast (!)
Noun. 1. An inhalation of a cigarette or 'joint'. E.g."Give us a blast on your cigarette, I've just run out."
2. An enjoyable experience. [U.S.] E.g."Wasn't the party last night a blast?"
3. A fast run in a vehicle. E.g."We're going for a blast up to the coast to get some fresh air."
Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance.
Adj./Adv. Blatantly, blatant.
Adj. Drunk. E.g."Phil was blathered and we had to carry him home." [Mainly Yorkshire use]
Noun. Diarrhoea, the illness. E.g."I daren't leave the house, I've got the blatts."
Verb. To set alight. Usually with respect to the lighting of cigarettes and marijuana cigarettes, 'joints'.
Adj. Very intoxicated, or high, on marijuana or cannabis.
Adj. Smoking marijuana or cannabis.
Noun. A person, more often than not one who is objectionable.
Adv. Used as an intensive. E.g."That bleeding idiot from next door is drunk again."
bleed like a stuck pig
Vrb phrs. To bleed profusely.
Noun. Mechanical lubricating oil. [Mainly Crewe use]
Noun. An insignificant or objectionable person. E.g."This blighter approaches me and asks for a cigarette; sure I say, and then he has the gall to put it in his pocket and says he'll smoke that later and then asks for another to have now." {Informal}
Noun. Affectionate name for England as one's home, often used jocularly. Orig. used by colonial Indian Army, from the Hindustani bilyati, meaning foreign. [Early 1900s]
Noun. A red hot fragment of cannabis that occasionally fall from lit cannabis cigarettes. Cf 'blimp'.
blim burn
Noun. A scorch mark or hole in fabrics and clothing, created by a burning crumb of cannabis. See 'blim'
Exclam. An exclamation of surprise. An abbreviated form of blind me. Cf. 'cor blimey'.
blimey o'reilly!
Exclam. An exclamation of surprise.
Noun. A red hot fragment of cannabis that will occasionally fall from alight 'joints', causing small burns to skin, clothing and furnishings. E.g."You could tell he was a heavy smoker, cos he had little holes all over his t-shirt from blimps."
Noun. An excellent achievement. E.g."Tim's played another blinder." {Informal}
Adj. Excellent, wonderful. E.g."We had a blinding time last night."
Adj. Extremely drunk. From blind drunk.
Noun. Abb. form of 'bling bling'.
bling bling
Noun. 1. Jewellery. There's been much speculation as to its origins, including amongst those suggestions put forward are the following:
 · From either the sound of jewellery knocking against jewellery.
 · The sound of cash registers when a sale is made.
 · The written sound in cartoons when light catches and reflects off jewellery.
What does appear to be acknowledged is that the expression was popularized by U.S. rapper B.G. (aka Baby Gangsta) in 1999. [Orig. Black U.S.]
2. Obvious and appealing wealth, by extension of meaning 1.
bling up
Verb. To make showy and visually ostentatious. E.g."I blinged up my car so that I'd get some female attention."
Adj./Adv. Used as an intensifier, but a particularly mild expression. E.g."Your blinkin' washing machine has broken down again." or "It's blinkin' heavy, this washing machine".
blinkin' heck!
Exclam. An old fashioned inoffensive exclamation of surprise, often expressed without the 'h'. Also 'heck' can be replaced with 'hell'.
Adj. 1. An intensifier such as 'bloody'. E.g."How can I have toast when that blithering idiot has just eaten all the bread!"
2. Senseless and excessive talking. {Informal}.
blither on
Verb. To talk incessently and boringly. Blither is a varient spelling of the s.e.blather. E.g."Please stop blithering on, your voice is driving my crazy." {Informal}
Adj. Very intoxicated, drunk.
Noun. A fat and unnattractive person. Derog.
Verb. To bleed through menstruation. E.g."She was blobbing and still wanted sex, but I'm not keen on blood." Cf. 'on the blob'.
blob strop
Noun. Of females, a fit of anger brought on through premenstrual tension.
blog on
Noun. A bad mood.
Noun. A man.
blonde moment
Noun. A moment of stupidity. Based on the misguided belief that blondes are considerably less intelligent than those with other hair colours. Derog.
Noun. A friendly term of address. Orig. Black use for addressing a fellow Black.
blood and sand!
Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or anger. A mild and antiquated curse.
Noun. Sexual acts with a woman during the period of her menstruation.
Adj. Expressing annoyance as an intensifier. E.g."That bloody idiot needs a good thumping."
Adv. As an intensifier. E.g."I'll bloody thump that idiot."
bloody hell!
Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or frustration.
Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or anger. Cf. 'flaming-Nora!' and 'ruddy-Nora!'
Noun. A mistake. {Informal}
Adj./Adv. An intensifier. E.g."It's blooming cold outside!"
Verb. To kick a ball forcefully, often implying without good control. [Scottish use]
Adj. Drunk. [Scottish use]
Adj. Very drunk. [Early 1900s]
Noun. Cannabis or marijuana. It's interesting to note that in the U.S. it refers to cocaine. [1960s]
blow a fuse / gasket
Vrb phrs. To be very angry.
blow away
Verb. 1. To kill.
2. To amaze. Cf. 'blow one's mind.'
Noun. A method of sharing a 'joint' between two people, with one person blowing and the other inhaling.
blow chunks
Verb. To vomit. E.g."" Suzanne's been blowing chunks all night so I don't expect her to want any breakfast." [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. The telephone. From the 'speaking tube', down which one blew to attract a person's attention prior to having a conversation through it. {Informal}
blow it!
Exclam. A dismissive exclamation of frustration and anger.
blow job
Noun. Fellatio or cunnilingus. [Orig. U.S.]
blow it!
Exclam. An exclamation of anger or frustration.
blow its tits off
Vrb phrs. To be very windy or blustery. E.g."It's still blowing its tits off this morning so we wont be able to go sailing into the bay." [Mainly/Orig. sailing use]
Verb. To break wind, but not belching. E.g."As boys seem to spend all night blowing off, I recommend you avoid cleaning their dorm until later in the morning."
blow one's mind
Vrb phrs. To cause to be utterly confused or amazed, originally when on hallucinogens. E.g."That trip was too much, it just blew my mind." [1960s]
blow one's top
Vrb phrs. To explode with fury.
blow one's wad
Vrb phrs. To ejaculate semen. E.g."It was disgusting, he blew his wad all over my breasts."
blow out
Noun. An excessive spree of drinking, eating, spending or sex.
Verb. To cancel an arranged meeting with someone, or an planned event, unreasonably or without due notification. E.g."I'm going to blow out my brother's birthday party and go to that new club night instead."
blow the gaff
Vrb phrs. To reveal a plot or secret. {Informal}
blow the whistle on
Vrb phrs. To inform on.
Verb. To sob. Possibly onomatopoeic. [Mid 1800s]
Noun. A form of address. Alternative spelling of 'blood'. See 'blood'.
blue arsed fly
Noun. See 'like a blue arsed fly'.
blue rinser
Noun. An elderly lady, a lady pensioner. From the habit of some of this particular age group having their hair died with a hint of blue.
Noun. A £5 note (sterling). Because of its colour.
Noun. A marijuana/cannabis cigarette. More specifically, especially in the U.S., a blunt is marijuana rolled in the outer leaves of a cigar.
Adj. Intoxicated by marijuana. From the term 'blunt', .
Noun. The vagina.
Noun. Penis. [Glasgow use]
Verb. To vomit. [Mainly N. England/Scottish use]
Noun. Face. From the rhyming slang boat race.
Verb. To visit briefly. E.g."I'm just gonna bob down to the corner shop for some fags, do you want anything?"
Noun. 1. A shilling in pre-decimal currency which now amounts to 5 pence.
2. A sex toy, a vibrator. An abbreviation of battery operated boyfriend.
Bob (and hit) *
Noun. Excrement.
Verb. An act of defecation.
* Rhyming slang on shit.
Noun. Rubbish, nonsense, useless. Manchester rhyming slang for rotten, from bobbins of cotton. E.g."That meal was bobbins, next time we'll eat at home."
Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. [Manchester use]
Noun. A policeman/woman. The name derives from the pet form of the Christian name of Sir Robert Peel, who established the present British police organisation. {Informal}
Noun. A amazing thing or person. {Informal}
Acronym. A facially unattractive female, who possesses a sexually desirable body. From body off Baywatch, face off Crimewatch; both TV programmes.
Bob (Hope)
Noun. Marijuana or cannabis. Rhyming slang for 'dope' (noun 2).
Noun. Sleep. Generally a children's expression.
Bob's your uncle
Phrs. There you have it; a catch phrase expressing satisfactory completion. E.g."Make sure you have primed and undercoated the wood. Then apply the gloss paint and Bob's your uncle! The wood will stay protected and look good for another couple of years."
Verb. To drive an articulated lorry (HGV) without a trailer and cargo. [HGV drivers vernacular]
Noun. A person. {Informal}
Verb. 1. To do a poor job or repair.
2. To cobble (something together). E.g."I bodged together that furniture out of driftwood and old egg boxes."
* Compare with 'botch'.
bodge job
Noun. A job done poorly, something cobbled together, a makeshift repair.
* Compare with 'botch job'.
Noun. A contemptible, old person. Acronym of boring old fart.
Verb. 1. To break wind, 'fart'.
2. To have sex (with).
Noun. 1. A person involved in scientific/technical research, usually associated with the wearing of white laboratory coats, glasses, and carrying a clipboard. Derog. {Informal}
2. An intellectual.
Noun. A toilet. [1800s]
bog all
Noun. Nothing, or a total lack of. E.g."We've bog all chance of winning without our captain and best player."
Verb. To selfishly hold on to (something). Jocular usage, heard amongst smokers of cannabis/marijuana. E.g."Come on Tim, don't bogart that joint, we all want to get stoned sometime tonight."
Noun. A tiny ball of nasal mucus.
Adj. Bleary or tired looking eyed, either from too little sleep or intoxication by drink or drugs.
Adj. Unpleasant, vile, ugly. [Orig. Scottish]
bog off (!)
Verb. To go away.
Exclam. Go away! Leave me alone!
Noun. Toilet paper. See 'bog'.
Adj. Normal, average, usual. E.g."It was just a bog-standard Christmas, too much food, too much booze and not enough sleep."
Noun. An Irish person. Derog/offens.
Noun. An unattractive woman. Often phrased as old boiler for added derogatory emphasis. Derog.
Verb. To vomit. [Scottish/Northern Irish use]
Bolivian marching powder
Noun. Cocaine. Humourous use.
Noun. Alternative spelling of 'bollocks'.
Verb. To reprimand. E.g."My dad bollocked me for stealing money from his wallet! I was only borrowing it."
Noun. A testicle.
Noun. The scrotum and testicles.
Noun. Idiot, imbecile. Derog.
Noun. A severe reprimand.
(the) bollocks
Noun. The best, a thing or situation of excellence. Abb of 'dog's bollocks'.
bollocks (!) *
Noun. 1. Testicles. S.e. until mid 1800s.
2. Rubbish, nonsense, drivel. E.g."That film was bollocks."
Exclam. An expression of anger, frustration, or defiance.
* Also written as bollox or bollix.
Adj. 1. Worn out, ruined, tired.
2. Very intoxicated.
...bollocks off
Phrs. Suffixal use expressing the extreme or excessive nature of an action. For example, "I ran my bollocks off but still came last."
bollock (something) up
Vrb phrs. To make a mistake, to mess something up.
bollocks to that!
Exclam. A defiant exclamation.
Noun. Alternative spelling of 'bollocks'.
Adj. Angrily provocative. Originating from the socialist revolutionaries the Bolsheviks.
Noun. 1. Another name for burning cannabis fragments. See 'blimps' for a fuller explanation. Variations include bombies and bombers.
2. A small quantity of illicit drugs wrapped in a handrolling cigarette paper, forming a pill like ball. Made either for easier consumption at a later date or to avoid the bitter taste of the drugs when loose.
3. As, the bomb, meaning excellent, the best. [Orig. U.S.]
Verb. To travel or move quickly. E.g."Will you bomb round to the corner shop and get a pint of milk?" {Informal}
bombed out
Adj. Incapacitated by drink or drugs. Also shortened to 'bombed'.
bommie night
Noun. Bonfire night, see 'bonnie night'. Possibly spelt bombie night from the use of fireworks. [East Lancashire/Merseyside use]
Noun. The head.
Verb. To have sexual intercourse.
Noun. The act of having sexual intercourse.
Noun. A protective helmet, such as a motorcycle helmet.
Noun. 1. A stupid person.
2. Of a person, having a shaved head.
Noun. An erect penis.
bone up
Verb. To study hard. E.g."I've been boning up on my highway code - my driving exam is next week." [Orig. US]
Noun. A water pipe used for smoking cannabis or marijuana.
bongo mag
Noun. A pornographic magazine. Abbreviated form of the less commonly heard bongo magazine.
Verb. To fornicate. An inoffensive expression, generally used more by adolescents.
Noun. A sexual act.
Adj. 1. Crazy, insane. E.g."He must be bonkers! Imagine going out and getting drunk before meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time." [Early 1900s]
2. Eager for, crazy for.
Noun. A bonfire.
bonnie night
Noun. Bonfire Night. An annual celebration of the foiling of an attempt to blow up The Houses of Parliament in 1605.
Noun. 1. A mistake. Cf. 'booboo'.
2. A breast. See 'boobs'.
Noun. Women's breasts. Affectionate usage, often implying small breasts.
Noun. Breasts. Humorous usage.
boob job
Noun. Breast enhancement by plastic surgery.
Noun. A mistake. E.g."Oh no! I've just made a classic booboo". Cf. 'boob'.
boob tube
Noun. 1. The television. [Orig. U.S. 1950s]
2. A tight, strapless top worn by females that is a basic tube of material. {Informal}
Noun. Breasts. Can be used singularly, as boob. [Mid 1900s]
Noun. A dance, usually to pop music.
Verb. To dance.
Adj. Cool, excellent. Teen and adolescence vernacular, derived from the first choice of words offered on a mobile phone (cellphone) when texting the word cool with predictive text . [2000s]
Exclam. A form of verbal appreciation, sounding more like boo!. Also spelt booom! Originally from the Black UK garage scene? [1990s]
Noun. Rural areas, the countryside. Abb. of boondocks. [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. 1. An unattractive person.
2. As the boot, meaning the 'sack', termination of employment. See 'give one the boot.'
Noun. A Royal Marine. [Military use]
Noun. The buttocks. Mainly black use. [Orig. U.S./Black]
booty call
Noun. A call to arrange a sexual rendezvous. Mainly black use. [Orig. U.S./Black]
bootylicious *
Adj. 1. Of a woman, sexually attractive. [Orig. U.S./Black]
2. Having a sexually desirable bottom, usually full and well rounded. [Orig. U.S./Black]
* The expression, in this form, was popularize by Beyonce Knowles in the song of the same title she wrote for, and performed with, Destiny's Child. Its first appearence in the media was in the U.S. sitcom A Different World in 1993.
Noun. Alcoholic drink. {Informal}
booze cruise
Noun. A boat trip (usually just one day) to mainland Europe, in order to purchase the considerably cheaper alcohol (and cigarettes) than is available in Britain.
Noun. 1. A public house, a bar. {Informal}
2. A person who enjoys regularly drinking alcohol. {Informal}
3. An alcoholic. {Informal}
Noun. A drinking spree.
Adj. Poor, having no money. Rhyming slang for 'skint', from boracic lint, an ointment, pronounced borrassic. Also heard as brassick. E.g."I can't come out for a drink, I'm boracic until I get paid next Friday."
bored out of one's skull
Phrs. Extremely bored.
bore off (!)
Verb./Exclam. Go away, a general dismissive exclamation.
bore rigid
Verb. To utterly bore. E.g."He bores me rigid with his tales of wealth, fame, and his sexual conquests."
bore shitless
Verb. Bore completely. E.g."I was bored shitless by her talking non-stop about her family."
bore stiff
Verb. Bore completely.
bore the pants off (someone)
Vrb phrs. To bore someone greatly. E.g."That 8 hour seminar on nuclear physics bored the pants off me." The suffixal ..the pants off is often used as an negative intensifier, e.g."He just mithered the pants off me all morning." Similar idiomatic intensifiers are '..the tits off'and '..the arse off'.
bore the tits off (someone)
Vrb phrs. Meaning the same as 'bore the pants off (someone)'.
Noun. Nonsense, rubbish.
Verb. To take orally, to imbibe. E.g."She boshed 7 pills, a handful of mushrooms and 8 vodka and tonics in the first hour, and then not surprisingly she threw up." [London use]
Adj. Excellent, good. [Orig. U.S.]
Adj. Cross-eyed or having a squint. {Informal}
Noun. A person who bosses others around, a domineering person. {Informal}
Adj. Broken. Probably from bust. [W. Midlands use]
Adj. Great, good, enjoyable. E.g."She had a bostin figure." [W. Midlands use]
botch job
Noun. 1. A makeshift construction or repair. Cf. 'bodge'.
2. A thing done badly. Cf. 'bodge'.
botch (up)
Verb. 1. To build or repair in a makeshift manner.
2. To do something badly.
Noun. 1. A makeshift construction or repair.
2. A thing done badly.
* All the meanings and uses of 'botch' are informal. Cf. 'bodge'.
Noun. Courage, confidence. E.g."Johnny's scared, he's lost his bottle."
Verb. To smash a bottle into a person's face, very often a beer bottle after a drinking spree.
bottle it
Verb. 1. To lose courage. Also bottle out. See 'bottle'.
2. Shut up! Usually imper.
bottle of chips
Phrs. An unlikely thing. Used in expressions to add emphasis, such as in 'bent as a bottle of chips', 'queer as a bottle of chips', 'mad as a bottle of chips' etc
Noun. A person who easily gives up, or loses the courage to complete a task. Derog.
bottom burp
Noun. Wind from the anus, a 'fart'. Also abbreviated to botty burp. [1980s]
bottom feeder
Noun. A despicable person.
bottomless pit
Noun. A person with an insatiable appetite for food.
Noun. The buttocks. Also abbreviated to bot. Children's expression.
boulder houlder
Noun. A brassiere. Jocular male usage. Cf. 'over the shoulder boulder holder'. [1950s]
Noun. The ability to recover quickly from a period of failure, having the ability to bounce back. First coined by Iain Dowie, manager of the Crystal Palace football team. [2004]
Noun. A person employed to eject troublemakers from clubs or events. These days they prefer the title of security.
bournville boulevard
Noun. The anus. A British equivalent of the US slang hershey highway. Often heard in phrases such as "take a stroll/trip down bournville boulevard", meaning to engage in anal intercourse. Commonly mispelt as bourneville boulevard. [1990s]
Noun. Trouble. A corruption of bother, derived from cockney pronounciation.
Noun. Sturdy heavy boots.
Adj. Disgusting, unpleasant. [Scottish use]
Noun. 1. Anus.
2. Vagina.
box clever
Verb. To act shrewdly or in a manner so as to outwit someone. {Informal}
Adj. Intoxicated by drugs. Cf. 'off one's box'.
boy dem
Noun. A police officer. Also boydem. [Mainly Black use]
Noun. Abb. of boyfriend.
boy racer
Noun. A young man who has a penchant for fast cars and reckless driving.
Noun. Affectionate term of address, usually for a younger male.
Noun. An objectionable person, an idiot.
brace and bit
Noun. An act of defecation. Rhyming slang on 'shit'.
brad pitt
Noun. 1. An act of defecation. Rhyming slang on 'shit'. [1990s]
2. When plural, as Brad Pitts, meaning a bout of diarrhoea. Rhyming slang on 'shits'. [1990s]
brahms (and liszt)
Adj. Drunk, intoxicated with alcohol. Rhyming slang on 'pissed'. See 'pissed'.
Verb. To hit on the head. E.g."If you don't tidy your room now, I'll brain you."
Adj. Extreme drug intoxication, affecting the mental faculties.
brain fart
Noun. An inability to think clearly, or a moment of forgetfulness. [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. A person or thing that is outstanding. Also brahma, brama, bramah and bramma. [Mainly West Scottish use]
bran new
Adj. Excellent, respectable. [Scottish/Glasgow use]
Exclam. Used to express satisfaction, approval or excitement.
Noun. 1. Money.
2. Prostitute. Short for brass nail, rhyming slang for tail, which is itself slang for, amongst other things, a woman and prostitute.
brassed off
Adj. Fed-up, annoyed. E.g."I'm brassed off all this bad weather."
Adj. See 'boracic'
brass monkeys
Adj. Of the weather or air temperature, very cold. E.g."Wear a hat and scarf, it's brass monkeys out there." See 'brass monkey weather'.
brass monkey weather
Noun. Very cold weather. From the phrase, 'cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey'. Cf. 'brassy' and 'brass monkeys'.
Noun. Impudence, cheek, nerve. Also brass-necked (adj). [Orig. Northern dialect]
Adj. Very cold. From the phrase, 'cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey'. Cf. 'brass monkey weather'
Verb. To burst. [Lancs/Yorks use]
Verb. To beat up, thrash. [North-east use]
Noun. Money.
Noun. 1. A style of drum patterns originating from jazz.
2. A dance music genre epitomised by speedy 'samples' of breakbeats. Originally 'rave' specific but developed into 'jungle' and 'drum and bass.'
break one's balls
Vrb phrs. To work very hard. [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. Friend, brother. From the archaic s.e. brethren. [Mainly Black use]
Noun. A heterosexual. From the fact that heterosexuals actively procreate, or breed. Derog. [Gay use/ Orig. U.S.]
Noun. Abb. of breakfast. Also the variant, brekkers.
Noun. A term of address, for a friend. From brother. [Mainly Black use]
Noun. 1. A cup of tea, or more generally a warm drink.
2. Alcoholic drink, usually beer or lager.
brewers droop
Noun. An inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection due to excessive consumption of alcohol.
Verb. To make a cup or pot of tea. {Informal}
Noun. A helpful and reliable person. {Informal}
Noun. Abb. of bricklayer.
Verb. To be very scared, terrified. Cf. 'shit bricks'.
brick shithouse
Noun. Something or someone strong and very sturdy, with impressive physique. Usually heard in the phrase 'built like a brick shithouse'.
Noun. A solicitor or barrister. {Informal}
Adj. Excellent, superb. An abbreviation of brilliant. E.g."We had a brill night, dancing for 8 hours." {Informal}
brilliant (!)
Adj./Exclam. Excellent, marvellous. {Informal}
bring off
Verb. To help achieve orgasm.
Noun. Breasts. From the rhyming slang Bristol City - titty. See 'tit'.
Noun. Beers. Rhyming slang on Britney Spears. Very popular and recent expression. [Late 1990s]
Noun. Abb. of British Popular music. The sound epitomised by guitar based tunes of bands such as Oasis, Blur and Pulp. [Mid 1990s]
Noun. Abb. of brother.
Noun. An umbrella. {Informal}
Noun. Unemployment bureau or benefits office. An abbreviated form of bureau. E.g."I was laid off work yesterday, so I'm going down the broo to sign on for social security." Cf. 'on the broo'.
Noun. An abbreviated name frequently used for the British TV soap Brookside, which ceased transmission in 2003. Cf. 'Corry' and 'Stenders'.
brothel creepers
Noun. Thick rubber soled shoes, fashionable with the Teddy Boys and rockers of the 1950s, and revived in the 1980s.
brown bread
Adj. Dead. Cockney rhyming slang.
browned off
Adj. Upset, fed up, miserable.
Noun. The anus.
brown hatter
Noun. A homosexual male. Derog.
brownie point
Noun. A hypothetical award for achievement, usually given as a backhanded compliment for sycophantic behaviour.
Verb. To overly praise or behave sycophantically, i.e. to 'arse-lick'. E.g."Tom's in the manager's office brown-nosing - hoping to get that promotion."
Noun. A sycophant.
Noun. Cigarette(s). E.g."Will you pass me a browns, I'm gasping for a smoke." [London use]
brown trout
Noun. A lump of excrement.
brown trouser moment
Noun. An extremely frightening moment.
brown wings
Noun. Of males, getting one's brown wings denotes having had anal sex with someone. A play on the RAF expression earn one's wings. Brown is a commonly used term for things anal or of that part of the anatomy. Usually heard in phrases such as earn/get one's brown wings.
Bruce Lees
Noun. Erect and prominent nipples. A play on words, from Bruce Lee (the actor famous for his Martial Arts skills/films) being a hard Nip (a tough and unyielding person from Japan, or rather oriental, being as Bruce Lee was American born and whose parents were from Hong Kong). See 'hard' and 'Nip'.
Noun. The City of Birmingham. From the word brummagem.
Noun. A native of Birmingham. {Informal}
Noun. A term of address, usually for a friend. A corruption of brother. [Mainly South-east use]
Noun. Female breasts.
Verb. To inform. From the rhyming slang bubble and squeak meaning speak. E.g."If you bubble me to the boss, I'll lose my job."
Noun. A person from Greece. From bubble and squeak, cockney rhyming slang on Greek.
bubble (bath)
Noun. A laugh. Rhyming slang. E.g."You're having a bubble James, if you think I'm going to give you twenty notes."
bubble butt
Noun. A well rounded, sexually attractive bottom. Also bubblebutt.
Adj. Found out, discovered. E.g."I can't get any more of those cheap Reebok trainers, I was bubbled hiding ten pairs in my car so lost my job."
Noun. An empty headed and stupid person. [Orig. U.S.]
bucket down
Verb. To rain heavily. The past tense is bucketing down.
bucket fanny
Noun. A large, expansive vagina. Often used in a context that implies promiscuity.
buck naked
Adj. Totally naked. Cf. 'butt naked'
Adj. Free, without charge. {Informal}
buck up
Verb. To make happy or more cheerful.
Noun. Abb. form of Buckfast wine. [Scottish use]
Noun. Marijuana, or occasionally cannabis. Specifically the part of the marijuana plant that is smoked.
budge up
Verb. To move, in order to make room for someone. E.g."Budge up and let Bob sit down."
Adj. Good looking, attractive.
Noun. A homosexual male. Also bufty. [Scottish use]
Verb. 1. To annoy, to bother.
2. To spy on via a concealed microphone.
Adj. Having large bulbous eyes.
bugger (!)
Noun. 1. An objectionable person.
2. A person. Also used in a sense of pity, see 'sod'.
3. A situation or event that is difficult or distressing. E.g."It's a real bugger Pete catching the flu on his summer holidays."
Exclam. Expressing annoyance or frustration.
Verb. To ruin, damage, break. E.g."If I find out it was you that buggered my DVD player, then you can forget borrowing money from us to go on holiday."
bugger about / around
Verb. To mess around, waste time.
Noun. Absolutely nothing at all. E.g."There's bugger-all we can do about it now, the police are here and we're trapped."
Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance or surprise.
Adj. Worn out, broken, ruined.
Noun. Sideburns, facial hair on the side of a man's face.
bugger(ed) if...
Phrs. Beginning a phrase will mean 'there's no way', such as "bugger if I'm going to volunteer when it'll mean missing the party". It is an abbreviated form of 'I'll be buggered if...'.
buggering hell!
Exclam. Expressing surprise or anger. Also occasionally shortened to bugger hell!.
bugger it!
Exclam. Exclamation of frustration.
Noun. A term of address, usually affectionate use. [Late 1800s]
bugger me!
Exclam. An exclamation of surprise.
Verb. Get lost, clear off. Usually said in annoyance and in the imper.
bugger that for a game of soldiers
Vrb phrs. A expression of resignation - i.e. there's no way that I'm doing that! Similar sentiments to the expression screw it. E.g."Bugger that for a game of soldiers, I dont care how safe you say it is, I'm not jumping out of a plane at 3,000 feet with or without a parachute." Cf. 'sod that for a game of soldiers'.
Verb. To mess up, to get wrong. E.g."It's no good, we may aswell go home, he's buggered up the evening by getting drunk."
Adj. Used as an intensifier in denials such as 'did I buggery!' or 'like buggery she did'.
bugger you
Verb. An exclamation of annoyance.
Noun. Cocaine.
builder's bum
Noun. Describing the top of the buttocks being in sight above the waistline of trousers when kneeling or bending. Stereotypical image of builders.
built like a brick shithouse
Phrs. Large, sturdy, strong. Often said of a person.
Noun. A euphemism for the male genitals usually from being apparent through clothing.
Noun. Nonsense. A modification of 'bullshit'. [1600s]
Verb. To polish, clean. [Military use]
bull dyke
Noun. A masculine lesbian. Typifies the heterosexual necessity to impart male traits in a derogatory fashion, however the term is used and accepted within the scene.
Noun. Nonsense, rubbish, egocentric boasting. Cf. 'bull'.
Verb. To lie, fib.
Noun. An egocentric boaster, a teller of untruths.
Noun. 1. The buttocks or anus.
2. A objectionable person.
3. A beggar, homeless person. Derog. [Orig. U.S.]
Verb. 1. To beg. E.g."Can I bum a cigarette off you until I buy some later?"
2. To bugger, sodomize.
Adj. Great, excellent.
bum around
Verb. To mess about, to laze about.
Noun. An idiot, an objectionable person. Also occasionally spelt bumbaclat or bumbaclut. [Orig. W.I.]
Noun. A small pouch worn around the waist or hips, held in place by a strap or belt, and used to hold valuables and money. The U.S. equivalent is a fanny pack.
bum bandit
Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. Cf 'arse bandit'.
Noun. A homosexual male. Derog.
Noun. A person with an apparently overly close friendship with another person. Although the underlying implication is of homosexuality, the expression is mainly used by children, with little true awareness of the sexual slur they may be imbuing. Derog.
bum cleavage
Noun. The area between the buttocks.
Noun. Printed documents and papers that are of little interest or importance. Abb. of 'bum fodder'. Cf. 'bumph'.
Noun. Adolescent facial hair growth.
bum fodder
Noun. 1. Printed papers and documents that are of no interest, and are viewed as only being suitable for using as toilet paper. Cf. 'bumf' and 'bumph'.
2. Toilet paper.
Noun. A short jacket, that doesn't cover one's bottom (bum), and thus leaves it vulnerable to the cold.
bum fuck Egypt
Noun. Somewhere very remote, the middle of nowhere. Less commonly, bum fucked Egypt. Often abbreviated to BFE in the written form, especially as on the Internet. [Poss. orig military]
Noun. A bad time, a bad experience, a disappointment. [Orig. U.S.]
bum nugget
Noun. 1. Small faecal remnants that have stuck to one's anal hairs.
2. An idiot, contemptible person.
Adj. Of work, a task, or event, exceedingly tiring or tedious. Also bum-numbingly.
Noun. Papers or documents, usually of little interest or importance. Short for 'bum fodder'. Cf. 'bumf'. {Informal}
bump into (someone)
Verb. To fortuitously meet with someone.
bump off
Verb. To murder.
bump start
Verb. To help motivate, assist in promoting action. E.g."I think we need to bump start the project with an ideas session."
bump tummies
Verb. To have sexual intercourse.
bump uglies
Verb. To have sexual intercourse. E.g."My mum knows we're bumping uglies but she doesn't mind as long as we are careful."
(the) bum's rush
Noun. Forced ejection or dismissal. [Orig. U.S.]
bum steer
Noun. An imparting of false information.
Noun. A faecal deposit that has adhered to the anal hairs of a person or animal.
Noun. Toilet paper.
Noun. A smoke, particularly marijuana. From burn. [Orig W.I.]
Noun. Money.
Noun. A large quantity of money.
Verb. To give or throw. E.g."Go on, bung her an extra tenner for trying."
Noun. A bribe.
Noun. An idiot. From not having much up upstairs. Derog.
bun in the oven
See 'have a bun in the oven'.
bunk off
Verb. To shirk one's duties. A common adolescent's term for avoiding school lessons.
bunk up
Noun. Sexual intercourse. E.g."I thought if I brought her drinks all night I'd at least get a bunk up."
Noun. Smoking marijuana or cannabis. [Orig. W.I.]
bunny boiler
Noun. An obsessive and psychotic woman. Taken from a scene in the film Fatal Attraction. Derog. [Orig. U.S.]
bunny hugger
Noun. An animal lover. Derog.
Noun. Bread and butter. Usually a children's expression.
Noun. See 'berk'.
burn rubber
Verb. To depart quickly. Derived from burning tyre rubber from excessive acceleration with a motor vehicle.
burp the worm
Verb. To masturbate, of males.
Adj. Desperately needing to urinate. {Informal}
Noun. See 'go for a burton'.
Noun. 1. The female genitals, but alluding to the pubic hair.
2. Marijuana.
(the) business
Noun. 1. The best. E.g."That new Mini Cooper from BMW is the business."
2. Sexual intercourse. E.g."I was doing the business with her all night."
Noun. A police raid on a person and/or property.
Verb. To raid as in a bust.
Adj. Eager. Probably a corruption of bursting. E.g."I'm bustin for a pint and a smoke."
bust one's guts
Vrb phrs. To work with great effort.
Adj. 1. Tough looking, masculine.
2. A masculine lesbian.
Noun. A look. From the Cockney rhyming slang butcher's hook. E.g."Let's have a butchers at it before you put it back."
Noun. The buttocks. S.e from 1400s until 1600s.
Adj. 1. Ugly. [Orig. W.I.]
2. Rubbish, useless, of no value. [Orig. W.I.]
butt fucker
Noun. A homosexual male. Derog.
butt munch
Noun. A contemptible or objectionable person.
butt muncher
Noun. A homosexual male. Derog.
butt naked
Adj. Naked. Cf. 'buck naked'.
butt out
Verb. An impolite request to keep one's nose out of something. E.g."Butt out John, it's none of your business." [Orig. U.S.]
butt pirate
Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. [Orig. U.S.]
butt plug
Noun. A plug, usually made of rubber, for insertion in the anus during sex.
butt ugly
Adj. Very ugly.
Noun. 1. A sandwich. The term originates in the North of England but has gained national use. Also spelt buttie. {Informal}
2. Term of address for a friend. [Welsh use]
Noun. 1. A telephone call. E.g. "I'll give you a buzz with the details in the morning."
2. A thrill. E.g. "She gets a buzz from being provocative and causing arguments."
buzz along
Verb. A cheery request to hurry off.
Noun. A short haircut using electric clippers.
Adj. Thrilled and full of energy, often as a result of partaking in illicit drugs.
buzz off (!)
Verb. To go away, to leave.
Exclam. Go away!
By gum!
Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or amazement. [Northern dialect]
By (h)eck !
Exclam. An exclamation of surprise. Dialectically the h is dropped. [Northern English use]

