2013年10月22日 星期二

11-20 Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA
Teaching vocabulary is an important link for teaching in a foreign language. The student's large or small amount of vocabulary and the level of mastery of the vocabulary will directly affect learning and improving their language skill such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating, etc.
There are several problems reflected from graduate students when they are learning English vocabulary.
1.   The amount of vocabulary is not enough.
2.   They lay particular stress on science and technology, or special subjects; yet neglect the common core of English vocabulary.
3.   Their way of understanding and thinking of the meaning of words is narrow. For instance, a common polyseme (words with various meanings): they often have only a one-sided view. The students only understand the English vocabulary which relates to their subject or to their individual culture and history. Beyond that category, they don't understand the meaning of words.
4.   Mechanical memorization causes them to be unable to draw inferences about cases from one instance.
5.   Their productive vocabulary is very poor. Besides these problems, they often make simple mistakes in using the words, spelling, collocation and similar wrong usage.

This is a list of the Sixth Level Words determined by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中國科學院) for scholars that need to go abroad for research or advanced studies in the USA. Words are listed in alphabetical sequence.

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 11
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
dough noun She kneaded the dough to make bread. raw pastry
noun He needed dough to buy a car. money
dread verb I shall dread having to meet her Dad. fear
noun It is with dread I go there. apprehension
droop verb After four days the flowers began to droop. sag
drove noun In the road we saw a drove of cattle. herd
elm noun We have a large elm in front of our house. type of tree
eminent adj. She was an eminent scientist at her university. prominent
enlist verb We need to enlist her help in this matter. obtain
verb He will enlist in the army soon. join
err verb To err is a human trait. make a mistake
esteem noun They held her with esteem. respect
verb They esteem her accomplishments. admire
exalt verb We exalt the God of the universe. praise
exile verb They will exile him for his actions. banish
noun He lived in Italy as an exile. refugee
feat noun Winning the race was a great feat. accomplishment
federation noun It was a federation of small states. union
fern noun A fern grew in our back yard. plant
fiery adj. He made a fiery speech that night. passionate

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 12
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
fiery adj. The destruction of the house was a fiery event. with flames
fig noun We ate a fig with our supper. fruit
fir noun A giant fir grows next to the house. type of tree
foe noun We regard them as our foe. enemy
forbear verb You must forbear from using salt. resist
ford noun They needed a ford to cross the river. shallow place in river
verb We will ford the river here. cross
fragrance noun We loved the fragrance of the roses. pleasant smell
gale noun The gale blew down many trees in the storm. strong wind
gallant adj. The gallant officer led his men into battle. brave
gallows noun They led him up to the gallows. device to hang people
gem noun A large gem hung around her neck. precious stone
gerund noun The gerund of speak is speaking. grammar term
glisten verb The flower will glisten after the rain. gleam
gloom noun Gloom spread to all after hearing the bad news. unhappiness
gospel noun They considered the book as gospel. truth
noun Chairman Mao's words were the gospel of Communism. doctrine
granite noun They used granite for the tombstone. type of rock
grate verb Grate the cheese and put it on top. shred
verb Her words will grate most listeners. annoy

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 13
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
groom verb You should groom the horse before the show. tidy
noun The groom smiled at his bride to be. male being married
guardian noun You are the guardian of that child. custodian
gush verb The water will gush during a storm. heavy flow
noun A gush started after it rained. heavy flow
gymnastics noun They all excelled in gymnastics. physical exercise
hardy adj. It was a hardy tree that withstood the wind. strong
heed noun Pay no heed to his vile speech. notice
verb You must heed the speed limit. pay attention
helm noun He stood at the helm of the ship. steering the rudder
hem noun The hem of her dress was ragged. edge
verb She will hem in the torn dress. repair by sewing
hermit noun The old man lived as a hermit. loner
heroic adj. Hers was a heroic position to take. courageous
hive noun We took honey from the bee hive. home for bees
hog noun They sold the hog to make some money. large pig
verb You should not hog the food. take more than your share
hood noun She used a hood to cover her head from the cold. head covering
noun He opened the hood to discover the engine trouble. car engine cover
hoof noun You must trim the horse's hoof. foot of animal

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 14
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
hue noun She wanted a red hue to paint the room. shade of color
idol noun The movie star was the idol of the teenagers. favorite
imperial adj. They bowed to the imperial majesty. royal
indifferent adj. He was indifferent to her beauty. detached
infantry noun The infantry does most of the actual fighting. foot soldier
infer verb I infer you wish to go now. surmise
invaluable adj. It became invaluable information to us. precious
isle noun She lived on the Isle of Wright. island
kin noun She became kin when she married my son. family
knight noun He was the favorite knight of the King medieval warrior
languish verb The old castle will languish with neglect. decline
verb After he died she languished from loneliness. waste away
lash noun He cried of from the lash from the whip. blow
verb Lash down everything before the storm. fasten
layman noun The teacher was just a layman. amateur
liquor noun Liquor will often loosen your morals. alcohol
lit verb We lit the fire as it became dark. ignite
loom verb The failure will loom over us soon. hover
noun She used a loom to weave her garment. device to make cloth
lull verb It was a lull in the storm. calm

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 15
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
lull verb Her singing will lull the baby to sleep. soothe
lure noun The lure will be the beautiful lady. temptation
verb Money will lure him into the crime. seduce
lurk verb He will lurk nearby until they come. hide
luster noun The luster of gold will attract many people. sparkle
madam noun He asked if madam was at home. married lady
manifold verb The problems manifold when money is short. become many
adj. It is of manifold importance today. extreme
maple noun They planted a maple in the yard. type of tree
mare noun The mare became a fast racehorse. female horse
mariner noun This mariner had been at sea for many years. seaman
marshal noun He was arrested by the marshal. peace officer
verb You must marshal all of your assets. deploy, gather
maxim noun Honesty is a maxim of truthfulness. adage
meddle verb Do not meddle in others affairs. interfere
mellow verb He will mellow with age. mature
melody noun It became a favorite melody of hers. tune
moth noun A moth will be attracted by a flame. flying insect
mound noun They built the house a on a mound. knoll, small hill
murmur verb The crowd began to murmur after hearing the news. mutter

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 16
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
naught pronoun All their work was for naught. nothing
noun The score was 1 to naught. zero
nay noun Most people voted nay. no
necessitate verb Money worries will necessitate him going to work. compel
noodles noun We loved to eat noodles in China. food
nostril noun He had lots of hair in his nostrils. nose opening
nude noun They painted a portrait of the nude. naked
adj. The nude lady fled from the house fire. without clothes
numb adj. He had a numb feeling in his fingers. unfeeling
verb Cold will numb the hands and feet. deaden
numeral noun The house had the numeral 10 on the door. number
oats noun Oats can be good for your heart. type of grain
odds noun The odds of winning are not very good, probability
outfit noun I served in a military outfit. company
noun She wore a strange outfit to dinner. clothes
noun That outfit had some strange habits. group
verb We must outfit her for the journey. provide needed items
paddle noun We need a paddle for our canoe. oar
verb They will paddle as fast as they can. propel with oars
verb They paddled the boy for his mischief. spank

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 17
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
painstaking adj. She checked each item with painstaking care. thorough
pang noun When he moved his foot he felt a pang of pain. twinge
parish noun He lived a rural parish. community
parlor noun She sat in the parlor with her friends. front room
parson noun The parson came to visit us at our home. cleric
pastry noun The boy enjoyed eating pastry. cookies, cake
pavilion noun We visited a number of pavilions in China. structure or building
peacock noun The peacock strutted showing all his ornate feathers. type of bird
peg verb We must peg down the tent before the storm. fasten with stakes
noun We needed another peg for our tent. stake
picturesque adj. We observed a picturesque scene from our hotel window. charming
plank noun A plank covered the hole in the bridge floor. board
plum noun We ate a juicy plum at dinner. type of fruit
pony noun The young girl got a pony for her birthday. small horse
postscript noun He added a postscript to the letter. afterthought
pretense noun Under the pretense of helping her he stole her money. deception
pretext noun He used a pretext to gain her trust. guise
procure verb We need to procure funds to buy food. obtain
prosper verb With the new job they hope to prosper next year. do well
providence noun It is providence that we met them. fate

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 18
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
prune noun My wife loves to eat a prune now and then. type of fruit
verb We need to prune down our work force. reduce
pudding noun My son loves to eat bread pudding. a dessert
pumpkin noun We often use pumpkin to make a pie. a vegetable
rape verb Rape is a serious crime against women. sexual battery
verb The pirates would rape and plunder whole islands. pillage
recess noun The court called a recess in the proceedings. interlude
renown noun She became a renown author after those books. well-known
repose noun The body lay in repose in the casket. peace
rhyme verb Well rhymes with bell. similar sound
noun For poetry you need to be able write in rhyme. words that sound similar
robin noun A fat robin ran in the grass looking for worms. type of bird
rustic adj. They lived in a rustic area of the state. rural
sage noun He was known as a journalistic sage. wise person
noun We use sage as seasoning when we cook turkeys. type of spice
sally verb The enemy would sally forth to attack us. venture
saloon noun He often would go to a saloon to drink beer. bar
salvation noun Money can be salvation to a poor man. deliverance
sap noun I was a sap to believe her then. idiot
verb The work would sap my strength. weaken

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 19
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
satin noun She slept on a satin sheet. type of cloth
scalp noun The doctor treated her scalp with medicine. top of head
serene adj. She appeared as a gracious and serene lady. calm
sergeant noun The sergeant led his men into battle. enlisted rank
shilling noun It cost about 3 shillings. English money
shudder noun I shudder to think about that day. shake
siege noun The enemy prepared for a siege of the town. surround and conquer a town
sip verb She took a sip of the tea. slowly drink
skull noun They found a human skull on the shore. head bone
skunk noun Do not go near a skunk. smelly animal
slay verb We must slay the enemy before he attacks us. kill
snail noun Some people love to eat snails. type of terrestrial mollusk
soar verb Eagles often soar in the mountain winds. fly
sod noun We planted our lawn using sod. turf
solitary adj. On the hill stood a solitary oak tree. single
solitude noun Sometimes solitude can help you think. isolation
soothe verb She needed to soothe the frightened boy. calm
speck noun On his shirt was a speck of dirt. tiny piece
spine noun He suffered a fracture of his spine. back bones
spire noun The church had a spire with a cross. tapering top of a building

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 20
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
splendor noun Many have admired the splendor of imperial China magnificence
squeak verb The door would squeak when opened. squeal
noun The mouse let out a squeak when approached. peep
stanza noun The poem consisted of six stanzas. division of a poem
starch noun We used starch to thicken the gravy. flour
steadfast noun Remain steadfast in your convictions. firm
stork noun A stork nested on the roof of his house. type of bird
strait noun They sailed through the strait of Juan de Fuca. channel
streak noun A streak of paint told of the accident. strip
verb They will streak through the center of town. dash
stroll verb We often stroll along the ocean edge. slowly walk
noun We took a stroll after our dinner. leisurely walk
stump verb The question will stump our leader. baffle
subjunctive adj. If he would come, I would see him. grammar term expresses a doubt or wish
swan noun A swan swam by our boat in the lake. type of bird
syllable noun The word "habit" has more than one syllable. single sound
synonym noun Talk is a synonym of speak. words with similar meaning
talkative adj. She became quite talkative when excited. chatty
tariff noun The tariff on cars is excessive. tax
testimony noun She gave testimony in the murder trial. vocal evidence

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