2013年10月22日 星期二

21-22 Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA
Teaching vocabulary is an important link for teaching in a foreign language. The student's large or small amount of vocabulary and the level of mastery of the vocabulary will directly affect learning and improving their language skill such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating, etc.
There are several problems reflected from graduate students when they are learning English vocabulary.
1.   The amount of vocabulary is not enough.
2.   They lay particular stress on science and technology, or special subjects; yet neglect the common core of English vocabulary.
3.   Their way of understanding and thinking of the meaning of words is narrow. For instance, a common polyseme (words with various meanings): they often have only a one-sided view. The students only understand the English vocabulary which relates to their subject or to their individual culture and history. Beyond that category, they don't understand the meaning of words.
4.   Mechanical memorization causes them to be unable to draw inferences about cases from one instance.
5.   Their productive vocabulary is very poor. Besides these problems, they often make simple mistakes in using the words, spelling, collocation and similar wrong usage.

This is a list of the Sixth Level Words determined by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中國科學院) for scholars that need to go abroad for research or advanced studies in the USA. Words are listed in alphabetical sequence.

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 21
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
thrice adv. I repeated the instructions thrice. three times
throne noun The Emperor sat on his throne. chair for an exalted person
toil verb He must toil every day to earn a living. work
toll noun The toll on the bridge amounted to six dollars. fare
verb The bell will toll out the hours every day. ring
turtle noun Some turtles live for hundreds of years. type of reptile
twig noun The twig made a snap when it broke. small branch
vale noun Our home is a long narrow vale. valley
valiant adj. We need to recognize our valiant soldiers. brave
vegetation noun There is little vegetation in a sandy desert. plant material
vet noun We took the dog to see our vet. animal doctor
noun The old man was a vet from the World War II. veteran
victor noun To the victor goes the prize. winner
vile adj. It was a vile thing to do to her. wicked
villain noun She was the villain in the episode. evildoer
vomit verb She will vomit if she drinks that stuff. retch
noun The vomit stained the carpet. stomach contents
wail verb He will wail when he hears the result. howl
noun We heard her wail after she heard the news. moan
walnut noun We raise walnuts on our farm in Oregon. type of nut

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 22
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
waltz noun We danced to a waltz that evening. ballroom dance
wardrobe noun He had an extensive wardrobe. set of clothes
warrior noun He was a skilled warrior. soldier
whine verb When asked he let out a whine and ran away.
noun Soldiers often whine about their food. complain
wig noun She wore a wig because of baldness. hairpiece
willow noun A willow grew next to the river. type of tree
witch noun She looked like an old evil witch. sorceress
withhold verb Do not withhold information from the authorities. keep back
wretch noun The wretch tried to steal our car. scoundrel
yarn noun She knitted a sweater with blue yarn. cloth fiber
noun We laughed at his outrageous yarn. fable, tale
yonder adv. Her house is over yonder. at an indicated place
zip verb She zipped through her homework. to act swiftly
zoology noun He studied the zoology of Alaska. study of animal life

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