2013年10月22日 星期二

1-10 Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA
Teaching vocabulary is an important link for teaching in a foreign language. The student's large or small amount of vocabulary and the level of mastery of the vocabulary will directly affect learning and improving their language skill such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating, etc.
There are several problems reflected from graduate students when they are learning English vocabulary.
1.   The amount of vocabulary is not enough.
2.   They lay particular stress on science and technology, or special subjects; yet neglect the common core of English vocabulary.
3.   Their way of understanding and thinking of the meaning of words is narrow. For instance, a common polyseme (words with various meanings): they often have only a one-sided view. The students only understand the English vocabulary which relates to their subject or to their individual culture and history. Beyond that category, they don't understand the meaning of words.
4.   Mechanical memorization causes them to be unable to draw inferences about cases from one instance.
5.   Their productive vocabulary is very poor. Besides these problems, they often make simple mistakes in using the words, spelling, collocation and similar wrong usage.

This is a list of the Sixth Level Words determined by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中國科學院) for scholars that need to go abroad for research or advanced studies in the USA. Words are listed in alphabetical sequence.

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 1
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
abdomen noun She had a pain in her abdomen. stomach area
abide verb He will just abide his time. wait patiently
verb They will abide in Italy soon. dwell
verb We cannot abide her attitude. tolerate
abolish verb We will abolish the merit system. eliminate
abound verb Fish abound in the lake. plentiful, flourish
abridge verb You should abridge the titles. shorten
abrupt adj. They came to an abrupt stop. sudden
absurd adj. His comment was absurd. ridiculous
abuse verb Do not abuse your wife. ill-treatment
noun We won't listen to his abuse. insults
verb She abused her freedom. misused
adjourn verb He adjourned the meeting discontinued
admiral noun The officer was an admiral. naval rank
adore verb I adore my baby daughter. cherish
adorn verb I will adorn the tree with lights. decorate
affirmative adj. He gave an affirmative answer. approving
afflict verb She was afflicted with polio. tormented
agony noun He was in agony. pain
aisle noun The box blocked the aisle. passageway

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 2
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
album noun He kept his photos in an album. book with blank pages
alight verb The bird alighted on the branch. land, set down
allege verb I allege they stole it. claim
alley noun She drove down a dark alley. backstreet
ally noun France was an ally. partner
almighty noun The King's power was almighty. absolute
almond noun The farmer raised almonds. type of nut
alms noun They begged for alms. money given to poor
ambassador noun We met the German Ambassador. government representative
noun She was a goodwill ambassador. represents an organization
amend verb We must amend the contract. change
amid prep. They left amid the confusion. in the middle of
amiss adv. The meeting went amiss. incorrectly
ancestor noun The president was my ancestor. forefather
anew adv. You must anew your membership. once more, again
angel noun The angel had wings of white. immortal spiritual being
noun The little girl was an angel. innocent child
anguish noun They suffered anguish over the loss. heartache
anniversary noun It was their 30th wedding anniversary. annual occurrence of a date
Antarctic noun The Antarctic is a cold place. south pole

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 3
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
ape noun We saw an ape in Africa. wild animal
verb He aped his boss very well. to mimic
apron noun The lady wore an apron while cooking. a protective garment
arms noun He injured both his arms. body part
noun They needed arms to protect themselves. weapons
assail verb They were assailed by the enemy. attacked
athlete noun Many athletes participate in the Olympics sports people
attic noun Our attic is somewhat small. building story just below roof
audible adj. The music was just audible. sound can be heard
avenge verb We shall avenge her death. punish in response
awe noun We stood in awe at seeing the canyon. in wonder at scene
babble verb She will babble when confronted. meaningless words
noun It was hard to hear with all the babble. low murmuring sounds
ban verb If you do they will ban you from the area. prevent entry
noun The ban to vote was put on all criminals. order to prohibit
barbarous adj. Theirs was a barbarous act on the community. uncivilized
bard noun Shakespeare was a famous English bard. lyric poet
bashful noun The child was too bashful to come outside. shy
batter verb In anger he will batter his car. struck
noun The batter hit the ball for a home run. baseball player with bat

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 4
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
batter noun She stirred the batter to make a cake. semiliquid mixture
beak noun Some birds have long beaks and some small. bird mandible
beet noun They will plant beets this spring. red vegetable
behold verb Behold the wonderful scene and enjoy. look at
bellow verb He would bellow out the commands to the troops. shout
noun When she fell we heard her bellow. loud noise
belly noun She had a sharp pain in her belly. stomach
beseech verb I beseech you to be quiet now. beg, ask
besiege verb They will besiege the walled city. blockade
verb They were besieged to stop doing that. nagged, hassled
birch noun The birch was often used to make canoes. type of tree
adj. Birch bark had many uses for the Indians. type of tree
blond (blonde) noun The blond seemed not to notice us. lady with golden hair
adj. Blond hair is considered an asset. golden
bob verb Many bird's heads bob when walking. moving up and down
bonnet noun She wore a beautiful blue bonnet. head covering
noun He checked under the bonnet for trouble. hood of car (British term)
bracket noun The bracket held the shelf in place. metal in shape of an L
noun Brackets are often used in mathematics. 2 X {3+2} equals 10
verb The shells bracketed the enemy position. homed in on

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 5
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
bracelet noun She wore a gold bracelet. jewelry around wrist
buffet noun They served us a wonderful buffet. snack bar
verb The strong wind continued to buffet us. batter
cab noun We took a cab to the airport. taxi
noun He sat in the cab of the truck. driver's compartment
canon noun That was a canon of her Church. rule
casualty noun They became a casualty of war. victim
caterpillar noun Some caterpillars turn into butterflies. bug
cedar noun They sat under the cedar. type of tree
adj. She bought a cedar chest. wood from a cedar
celestial adj. We saw a celestial body. heavenly
cemetery noun They buried the body in a cemetery. graveyard
adj. They bought a cemetery plot. in a graveyard
certify verb He must certify it as accurate. attest
champagne verb We drank champagne to their health. wine spirits
chant verb The chanted their demands constantly. recited
noun We heard the chant in the distance. melody
chap noun That chap is her brother. man
verb The cold chapped her cheeks. skin became rough
chapel noun They prayed in the chapel. small worship center

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 6
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
chariot noun The ancient Romans used chariots. horse drawn 2-wheeled vehicle
chaste adj. She was a chaste young lady. virtuous
chat verb We shall chat about that tomorrow. talk
noun We had a chat with her yesterday. conversation
chime verb I heard the clock chime as I left. ring
noun The clime of the bell told me it was late. clang
chirp verb The bird let out a loud chirp. peep
chisel noun He carved the wood with a chisel tool
verb The salesman will chisel us if he can. swindle
choir noun The choir sang Christmas songs. singers
chronicle noun The chronicle listed all the events. record
verb He chronicled the details of her trip. put on record
clamor verb She clamored for justice. insistent demand
noun At once there was a loud clamor. commotion
clause noun That clause permitted us to do business. paragraph
coax verb She will coax us to help her. persuade
noun We used coax to the antenna. high frequency cable
cocoa noun We drank some hot cocoa. chocolate flavored drink
comet noun That night we observed a bright comet. celestial body
comic adj. It became a comic situation. funny

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 7
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
comic noun They had a comic for our entertainment. comedian
comma noun Place a comma after a list of items, things or names. punctuation mark (,)
competent adj. She was a competent Doctor. qualified
complexion noun She possessed a most lovely complexion. skin on face
conclusive Adj. We arrived at a conclusive decision. decisive
concord noun We are in concord with the other company. agreement
confederate noun She was his confederate in the crime. accomplice
noun He was my confederate in the deal. ally
confer verb We need to confer with her on this matter. discuss
verb They will confer the title of Doctor on her. award
conspicuous adj. He made a conspicuous error. obvious
adj. It was a conspicuous accomplishment. noteworthy
conspiracy noun There was a conspiracy to remove the leader. plot
constable noun England uses constables to keep order. peace officer
contemplate verb We need to contemplate about that matter. think
verb They will contemplate on that decision. consider
verb We will need to contemplate the situation. examine
convent noun She lived in a convent. a religious community
converse verb We need to converse that matter with them talk
adj. I had a converse opinion. opposite

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 8
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
converse adj. They listed them in converse order. reverse
convict noun A convict lives in a prison cell. prisoner
verb They shall convict her of the crime of murder. find guilty
cookie noun The girl chewed on a cookie. pastry
cop noun The cop arrested the thief. police officer
coral noun The island was surrounded by coral. marine rocklike growth
Adj. She wore a long coral dress. moderate red color
cork noun He removed the cork from the wine bottle. bottle stopper
noun The bulletin board was covered with cork. bark of the cork oak
corps noun It was built by the Engineer Corps. unit
corpse noun A corpse lay by the side of the road. cadaver
costume noun She was attired in a elaborate costume. apparel
countenance noun She had the countenance of a queen. appearance
crave verb The boy will crave candy and sweets. long for
creek noun A creek ran behind our house. stream
crest noun We finally reached the crest of the mountain. top
noun Their crest included an eagle clutching some arrows. emblem
cricket noun We heard the chirp of some crickets. insect
noun They played cricket yesterday. British game
crimson adj. The king was covered in a crimson robe. deep red color

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 9
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
crook noun The crook robbed us of our money. criminal
noun We came to a crook in the road. bend
crouch verb You must crouch to get inside the cave. stoop
crumble verb The old temple walls had begun to crumble. disintegrate
verb Her cookie crumbled when she ate it. break into pieces
crutch noun He could only walk with a crutch. support for walking
cub noun The lion had three cubs. young animal
cuckoo adj. She bought a cuckoo clock. type of clock
noun He was somewhat a cuckoo. lacking sense
cuff noun His cuff was very stained. bottom of a sleeve
verb He cuffed the man for his comment. strike with the hand
cunning adj. It was a cunning solution. crafty
noun She used cunning to achieve her success. deception
adj. It was a cunning solution to the problem. skillful
curb noun He sat on the curb waiting for us. concrete border on road
verb You need to curb your anger. restrain
daisy noun A single daisy had bloomed in the garden. flower
damn verb That plan is damned to failure. condemned
dart noun He threw the dart at the target. pointed missile
verb Do not dart into the street without looking. sudden movement

Sixth Level Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 10
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
data noun We need data to decide wisely. information
deadline noun The deadline to apply is tomorrow. time limit
dean noun She was appointed Dean of Women. school officer
noun He was the dean of the editorial staff. senior member
decease noun He will most likely decease from that accident. die
decode verb We need to decode the cryptic message. to convert into text
defensive adj. He took a defensive posture. protective
defiance noun His defiance angered everyone. opposing authority
delete verb Please delete that word in our contract. remove
adj He hit the delete key and it was gone. removal
den noun The lion cubs ran into the den. animal lair
noun We can relax in our den. family room
derive verb We derived that from her accent. reasoned from
dike noun The dike prevented the river from flooding. earth embankment
dime noun It will cost a dime a minute. 10 cents
diplomat noun She was a diplomat for her country. politician
dismal adj. It was a dismal situation we faced. gloomy
dodge verb He needed to dodge his landlord. evade
noun The pretense was a dodge, a diversion
dormitory noun She lived in the school dormitory. housing

