
01. 這份測驗簡單多了
- The test is so much more easy.
- (O)The test is so much easier.
02. 你最喜歡哪種電影,喜劇,驚悚片還是動作片?
- What do you like the best, comedy, thriller, or action movies?
- (O)Which do you like the best, comedy, thriller, or action movies?
03. 她的英文比去年好了
- Her English is better than last year.
- (O)Her English is better than it was last year.
同樣是句子前後對等,應該是nobody knows和he knows的比較。
04. 曼谷天氣比台灣還潮濕
- The weather in Bangkok is even wetter than Taiwan.
- (O)The weather in Bangkok is even wetter than it is in Taiwan.
可以說:The weather in Bangkok is even wetter than in Taiwan. 省略it is,但是in不能省。
05. 妳是我認識的女孩子裡最漂亮的
- Of all the girls I know, you are prettier.
- (O)Of all the girls I know, you are the prettiest.
06. Alan比任何員工都值得信任
- Alan is more trustworthy than any staff.
- (O)Alan is more trustworthy than any other staff.
英文有時更講究邏輯,講“Any staff”任何員工,Alan也包括在內,所以應該和「任何其他的」員工比較,一定要加上other。
07. Ellen的動作比團隊中任何人都快
- Ellen is faster than anyone on the team.
- (O)Ellen is faster than anyone else on the team.
同樣的,如果指任何人,就也包括Ellen,因此要說「任何其他人」,anyone else。